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<br />THIS INDENTURE. .... thD_______ ~th._ day ol___~,-, "u_____, 19~" by and ""tween
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<br />,~ENf@:lL<h~IMQtLJ\~Q.~gl!"mL:r,~J1!Qth.J'!-~J:!{lJJs!3I!Q.J!if~->~jQinL tenants_i'/ith. J'i qht.
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<br />of survivorship and not as ten.ntsin...J;Q~__
<br />
<br />01 HAll c"....ty, Nebraslta. ti"""'_ ~_. iUl<I Home f~ Sov;nao and Loan Association or Grand bland. acorporation
<br />orptJied and txistins-utldtr- t-he laws- of fht United State! of Am-~ca with its principal offJCe and place of busineu at Grand bland, Nebraskal as
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<br />
<br />WJ1'NESSEnl: That Wd fMf1P&Ot -..S.-.___~. ((Jf ami b't rom'Werarion of the sum of_<
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<br />ONE THOUSAND SEVEN _ HUNDl!.ql~ XIY AND.!:!QL,LQQ.=-=-.==-:=,:::=::::.=:::=.Dolian(lc 1 >760.00
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<br />I.
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<br />t_receipt 'Of 'Whtcit is. hereby ~~ do ,"..__.'_<~_._"'__'___ by {~Pfew.-n.tS mortpge and walTant-umoWd~~ its su<<.esscm.aDd&s!icas.
<br />
<br />f(}f(Wf. aU thr-toUowiq described rm estate, SttU,itJN In 1M County of _"__.Jl(!IJ__,~_"____~._____m
<br />aad SlAte- o.f Ndnu.k;.~ to.wft:
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<br />T~her with ai_ ~tJq. a:tr "'-'j,J:~bt.J(1J.unt(, :~Unii:__ w-rid pJumbuQ( ~lUIS1mt'OOt and f\UU,f'M. IfldutlU1~ "..r....n!'t, l~"""nm"~, ~lOftn windowli and
<br />~ioon. aorl wimicw ~ f}f htJDtb, ;1._ (~Uf 1>> {-onfM>'\1.rofl _~th ~Ki prnl-~'I1. \" . .....lw1hf,r ~ I'M.' X!l,.flW .~ 0':.''4' kKilti.o(J no ....,ud pmpeft}. or hett!8ftt'r
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<br />TO liA V~: A.NU TO HOLl): rUE SAME, w,ptilw ..~th IJJj 3M !l.H~lar thcf t,'fk!ft~ftt.~, hC"f't"djta.nwntlt. 1Uki ~llpurhHUl:t~ t~"!Un1.o 1>>,<
<br />t('h'<<:Ul2. ()f" in fl;.ttl1WJM ..~~, k~...., I!nO. ""CfiU'l.t !ht!- Ilt~ (,I) (ht: ....~ ~.td m;jI(~.~~7t S herr.hy nWcthmt wRh ,;Jud
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<br />f&O~ !..hat
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<br />t boy
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<br />:it tht< dt?h\..f'\' tw1'f!I~, ~'hF l.l1llf!<-tui UWtwJ 'j. d ::tt~ l.,renu~ .buv\> nJt1vr-vfd i/.ll:d ~H~:ntwd.
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<br />and --a.r:-e ~ ut.. ~-)()d Uld ~~ ~l....t-" ,)t mtwrlt4tI.("" I.twrrlO. It~!'lnU ,'u-._-r IJ,t liU i.'m::'l,u".\hr.n('~..._ ~11\1 that t }wY,.. .....iU
<br />-.nw.t and d~ 1M ti~ t~ filflJtVlIT ..j(.UMlt the .;1&.,"llJ: A~ ilt'mafitf.!i ~-,t ail f~m'!l. ""~ltJ).~iloe""*'''
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<br />PRO\"lDED A,l.W A Y'S. lAd thIS U\f.t.fUlb1l'M ..!J t<:J;<<lJleU ~nd dWv~ U} 'ffi(:u"-, th~ }.1h~f~nl td tht- ~Utn wi
<br />~ THOOSA.'(lt SEVEN HUNDREll. S LXIV ANO. NOJ.lOO-------------n,,"""'.. 1. 760,00
<br />
<br />I.
<br />wiih. ~ l.MAcm< ~ w~th tuch <,:ha.f1I~ end a.j""fH.:tnI -"L.'t rn_l" i~ Qt)t' ll.f-"J ~~\'..hk- t~) ~.id nlortl(B~ u:ndt'f Uw h>rm~ und eondillOO;'l
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<br />otu.~ ~t'ti.~"ttt~lth.nd M\i{'\Lfl"'if hi"feby, ('..u'l(,utd:1 hv "\owllfirn',t"..Uf' S e;l~!.t mnn~.I((,~. p~y#hw It:-i .'Jl.I><<"t'IoM.d
<br />in... ...... Ilft&t w~....w ~ oj all tbr f.d"nt$ .no ;.~andjt~ ~~Clltatm.lL! t.h'~iYln. .t~ wrnu vi ~ld note at\' he,~hy' .nwrpoo\t..u
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<br />ltieu..........~(l<lthe~ ~i..lI'Ult t~ m<<t~ 8hAll.l~ ~:1.ln-.ny iUlUt\'l'ad'\'an\:n made Lt. ~ m(ltt..~m S
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<br />hy...~. .:nd _.111M:i taU ~ ltI addlUOt,\ \,o.~ t~ .Ulwunl UJlU\ot" Ma.t..t'ld W~!t saKi mon~n> or any '" ttw-U\. IW')' (1.'\" ill
<br />.. ~ hawn\f~. w'~ by ~, h.)vlf" 4C;,:''t.''~,iJH ot' frth<<W>>Ift. 'rhl~ mUr\.~ ",taU t'f!-tnam m fu.u fot(t" anti l4t'oct !~tWWIl
<br />t.he VaRllitto ....... UMi thtat han. pII'IlIUMl t~UU-IV~. ":>UCt.tI"\l.~ liIf)(1 a,'"i:""iJ(.l'l..... ~l~tiJ .u IlJ'.tl\ItJDU ~rnci ~.J'eunder, mduding futan.
<br />1 ...._, - 1*01... lull w.i<.b _.
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<br />"f1Mt ~ "S'~ ~ ~ w ,aid ~ .u ~~ a.nd lJ\O.'lIlW Jll.f'llUng 2.t .n~' and .11 U:meIl1 tmm saki pmpt!f"l). and
<br />..., ~ utd ~ ur itt .... ..i ~U vpt.k~, u-pun tM..~t. t'.(t t~ ("~ 'Of $.aiti fJt~)" ltnd (0"",,'[. ail n:-flt~ ~nd ifk.'t)ff'W
<br />~ 48d ....., tiw .... tc the ~ of itttw.t. pn:ft€'-ipa!. tn!llU.r~ p~.tunu.. tbtn'l. ~lOMt.&. rt1Ml'.tr'l; ur lmJlrVvt'ltl\'l.!ftl~
<br />~__",,,,,,,,,,",,,...-.....___. 0""_ __",___i<Iodlo<l>enM", ..."'*_........,-',1''''.
<br />,.. ~-.u.~..kt'torc. u.Dt# t.bou~ ~.e- oj wid J\(JUt u. fuUy paid 1M takir.g {~f Jj(~lun :ietfllUt'J.N 'lftall in 00 mantwr
<br />~.QI' rw\afd ~ ~ i.n 1._ ~ of said itUlWJ by ton!!l::J.mttn' Qf .abtffw~
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<br />""~.aft.hl,.~:tO...-t ilUU'miU nahta~.t any lime Wii not t~ rot1~ 4". waJ'\"IY'(tf its ~\ to ~ t.ftio.
<br />.... at -7'''' ~ JUld to ...... upoo aM ~* :nFl.tt ct.omphlace- wtUt .ll tbe tl!Tm:, if-nd pt't"l"l!l-J(,ml!! nf ~.td noLI.' and uf tnt-S rt~)f1.glll<<'
<br />
<br />It.. ....... S ...'~ kJ 'be-..... to- .Mid ~ tbe -tmt.U1' ~nt. dtre it. ~.ndet. .llnd undm the tiMn!! <md jlfU\lIJr...:m~
<br />-0(,.....,....... ~ ~-iu~ ~.' f;.J:Mi lAy t!1~WJIM or ~1I thel""".li m. tl,~:n:R.d\!l.OC"'. "'It.h l:~ ;:.;;:n:..." ...~ r"'i.~'l;'.:lo..1.o.e<
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<br />............If...__''S,HcMll'''''''lOl;y ...u.all"'*"....v.......<lI...a1_ aod oil"'" "",,_. 'n... t_~. ....U t... ..ml;
<br />..-..-...___.... .................. __~..MII""-.tlool '" IlK< 1- <>I.U af...,.,.j proporty..oo ....y, .. It. ''I'l''''',
<br />................_......, '11' ,~.""'""""."'''''_lIKf>iyIi''''aod''''y''''loo_n..yk_''....U,...,,'''<I:''''''
<br />___..... ......_... ~ .....' ......-- .ai.ado
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<br />ve~ ...., their baod S ,"" ~t ,'ul y_ (in' .tn.-n
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<br />~'lJ1,1 i J j .,J
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<br />UHn T; .StlliJn~
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