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<br />83-003786 <br /> <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />(W!th Pn~e!" e! 8a!~) <br /> <br />"-tF'lnan*$ 145,56.27 <br />f'riIlcipod .AmaImt.o€ <br />Total"..P.,..,... <br />AAmaaI p--,.Rate .',1;96 <br />/!hamller..llfMontldy.m.l_ _'_'_ <br /> <br /> <br />Agreed Rate llfInterest "n Pri~p.!l Amoun.t of Loan ~ <br />Arnountllf First Instalment $~.OO <br />A"",..ntof()t1,.". InotalmenUi $ 305.00 <br />Fi....ln.otalll1tmt Due Dale August 22 III 83 <br />Finalb'.....I"""'. Duellale July. 22 1991 <br /> <br />TBlSORnOF'l'1UJST,made thiJr _--1L dayof_ July ___~____._____~~ , 19~ <br />~..~ L. ~ gdJ~..! Fi~dh:r(Husl:lar1.d~d Wife) . . , <br />~_liDlJadd_",~~t. ~hlmlq. Nebr, 68801 <br />... ~~:t'_rU;Le Q~.ty:,J;~________,__~_,_____,__ <br />vn..-.mailit>g ...wr- is ....__J:..Q~_Jt~_~9,,_Jl.~~--"-~H!L'Z:'ZQQ1_______________ , <br />... ~, aJ>d. ",-Fina-.l N~ 1m, wbooemai.~i..?m N. .~,!tqp___ Rd <br />P.O. BOa:.13'13 GraDd Ie1a.n.~J.!l:lr~,__..:t____..,________,____ _ ,8$ Beneliciwy, <br />~ Tn-... ~ ,""""""bly, gnmt, lmTglUn, "'"'I. oM <OO'\'<'y to TTUIlUO! In tMlilt. with !>O"",,rof ...Ie. the following de-- <br />~ ~y in___.____'_'_..'_...__~!!l,'_"..,"'_____...,"__.____,_________ County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot One. (,) and Fractional Lot 'l'wo (2) ill Fractional Block Thirty-six (}6). in <br />Jdm w. :LaJIblart'5 Add.itiOD to the City of Grand Island, Hall COWlty,lfebraeka. <br /> <br />T~ber- 'fl!iI1tn ~r... h~i~tJ!.. and awurttmanc~ th"'"f",unto t~lOf'.j(w_~ nr m ~m)'W'M t'tpt)MTluning and the nmbl. 1iQJUe8 and <br />~ ......." <br /> <br />Tbia ~tilC:!e j$ i~ for W .pt.u~ f~f ~urUi' t~w pa~nt it) ~.rtcia.rr (..t' TN5t.on' pt'Of!'llMOry ootI.t oj' pwt\ date in the <br />~. -~ .bow> .,. "f'nft(lpa.l AWCMJffl Qf -L.'J4n.'. -~ ~ ft\t& of Int16f"Ni PH _MU!n pt'(l\<\ded rut In Mid Jwte i~ tn.-Agreed Rate <br />I;j{-l~ WJ f"T'tn.npa} A.~ f!i.'l..-.n ~lI!'d ~d:.!O~, ~-"l>mput4."d on tm~ h4la.~ 'fif f~rtft('lpai Amouhl vf u.\dn S:iUd toan is ~yable <br />i(t, tl:1Unh_ fif moJIthlv t~~t.5 Ma~ >\~t' -TIu- U:lVl11.tlt of thii:" H\Malmimt P"ymttm. dU09 un :!itiJ4 \Qan ,.8 1'(tBted above. The tlrat <br />.00 firm!: i.Mtabntmt. 4-. U'" om !W.<<l l'C>'lin iUt' s-t.AI'td l\h(.;'tN,i- l"i)'llltrnt ran)' hi:- rn~ m M'\'IUlC't' in ~ny .fUlwunt at any h~. llet"auit <br />IU rnak~ .\tit,. prt~l ~, ;lit ~!u< iWm-{<<;-'.$ I~t(* M\d 'lllflt~JUt t1-i:;.(.U.'1," nr d~tld rende-r th'f ~.t'\Ul:'f" unpaId balance of NAad h:Jftn <br />at ~_...... ....pIO~ l.- ""Y ........_......... <>l ,1>.0"""" 'm_; <br /> <br />Tn ~ Ow- ~y -4 tn" i~ of T1'1.i:~L T'rum:t.w WY'v.MJ.\Ul ~nd at.#~ <br /> <br />i Tv..., the: pmpH'ty Hl p'Jd '-"'-~~ ~M f~.Ul_ t(. ~tT1Ut 'flU \io'~ tlwNlltl.L t\~ tnm~~ .;'t;n.\' huHdnu:., Iit1tK1:unt or ltnpn)veme:nt <br />~ ~ ~ -ubmlt ~ be: btuk t~~: to; t1"!St~ pr~~ a.t\)' bY-'Iw'Ul-if, rtru'ttUnt lM' tmi'W"'It-~nt: t~~n whidl ~;Y he d..~ Of' <br />~ uct w ~ -n.b .u ~ f~~~ ffl<<t1tl\tlMl'/l:.. i;tt1,t"",nMjtA, <:li:aubtk.;fQ And t'fl'l!rtrit"Uut'il: ailect1hil the pt'Opert)!', <br /> <br />j 'r~ J'HtY Wo.r.-''''1~ .it lil),-w1ul tA..... 4J~ ~b! uprm ~ Pf''OfW'Mr. t-<;o k~ thtl ~f'ty f~ w c-ltm, of .!ill other char..., <br />t~<<~~J~.~~ityqJtbtj: l~f!.t'rn_ <br /> <br />"3- 'f"? a"p .n btuW;tft#o hQ1I' w'- ~ ~ i.'>t~ t-.t,.. prol*rt), \~n~ h~rNfl t-<.U\th)\'t' u~u-rrd: ag~uh~ h~ b,Y ftN! o.t ut:Mr <br />-~ ;.n &1i. ~~ uat k,~ t}..i'~ ttw t':,<iai ~ _'If..,d hl' iI,.... ~~ .~ T~'~i ,\H P">><<':;tm. .tw.H ~ h.-'w by L-hD il$wfu.:iar-y~ 4ttd he <br />..-MIdt ~ k tblf- ~t.n tn(t_1J IJ.~"''''_ !!Iud h.1t"... iuM piltab.klo nhd. W thtt Hen.1ktary aa iU ll'\ten!M tna.Y apt)rJlU' and then <br />__u.,/rft.-_ 1\i;-....... ~ ~ Hac) m~ J'i>>:~' m..)' bIi!' "Wit'" uptm .n,' j~..... -n.n"oy ~ -in:tuih Ut"de:r a_ <br />the ~iy .dWl ~ StKh ~J(at1f.loR. hv H.>t< l....neik-_to\ry .hftH Mi >;4nM'- -dl:!iculttn~ qf MY ~ft~ to f(tr<<kMte thiM <br />lliM!d ~. T-nwt or- i:~ ~ .....w ..U)' ~h w fi!1tW!l' td' ~ at' itH'ut.tC!' a-ny M"1 dtw~ ~t to ~h not1C;e, In Uw l\Vlf'nt l:.f fot'et':~. <br />.u :r)~Jtht- T~ m' ~ L.~ tft !'~ ~l ~ toO tb. pttffhw.!ll>>" ~t th~ ~~k.i41U"" M~ <br /> <br />.. Th oMal~ thtr 1Itnt1.fx1 c-cmwa{ 94' ~k.tary ~ *b_~, t~W~tn.a (i't n\.nu-w~ lr~f1'1''l# the pt'Operty V!' an)' l4lrt tfu:!-nof And <br />.ny ~ ..le.- i.'Uf:\~ or ~ "ll~~ d\. iJ..t;~''''':Ii$.f'r'!fI Wt"i"(.u,u NU't/IlIl'nl $haH ronllUU.itA1 it det,u.dt undm- tM ~rrnlj Jw~ot <br /> <br />5. T~l:~ :tftY -a-wa ~ ~'flC r~,.,tfttt h1: .fk.ct thr< ~-ut'U~ "~nut- ~ ~ 'i.ilth,'" (if ~}QW." ~;.f P-.fiW-lktaI)- ur T~ <br /> <br />ii, ~ ~ f.u ro. fHIJi wb.n dUll!' an" t,a-Q:tl-_. 4.~"'. tfWUflUl(."e l,,"l1'U~, h~M< ..ncqn,bt'A~ (lor (<ther rharlfW _PUhU thl> <br />~ ~ ~~ f~"k'u.~ tWI!; pcl,t l~ d.t\'MI, M\4 tb. kfOOCnl... ~,td, Wilh }nt.ttnet at t.N- ntte ll\IfIt forth In t~ note <br />_... ........,..oitaU \:to...-..s to ...,.j _.. part of tlw <MJ< -.wod In t1....1~ of T....... ... poo",,,t... by law <br /> <br />IT IS Mll'l'UA.u'\' AIllI.El!D TlfAT. <br /> <br />1. In t.!w e_ .....' .....- <>I' ,.... ~y .. fa..... '" da........,u In on ~_t do_n ~1"lI. t.... ...tire omoun. "r tlw ...ani <br />....... ,..m. thorwo( ... ...., be -.y .... Mly ......, ..... ~ _unld ht>n>by. .llall be I"'t<i to a-eft<1a., to ;,., ..pp1ied to <br />...woloha_ <br /> <br />~ By ~ jMY~ of &.)' ami ~qcj ~ AilM u. d_ dak. Beneficiary ~ nut waJw ,1,3 rIght w ~U.INf prompt paYflMtnt <br />.........<>1' an..u- _... -...t....... <lodto...~. fur I....i..... ... .. "",. <br /> <br />:1 '!'be ""- ohalI _..... ail ..- afty """ ul ,Ile --,y <_ b.f tim Deed oN' T",.. to ..... _ ",,"u..! th........ on wn._ <br />~-of'ibit ~ aati lhe ...,~< (t.!" ~ ~uatActiml of the- obIiptKm ~ aM *t'tttfffi ~ for rooon\-~)'a~ ~ hr <br />u...~....tbo _~ theteta. <br /> <br />....._lf€1 <br /> <br />l-J <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br /> <br />L <br />