<br />I
<br />
<br />83- 003783
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS OORTGAGE IS SUBJECT TO the unpaid balance of a Mortgage'to Le<>E.
<br />MOdelski and Barbara Mortensen Modelski dated July 30, 1982 in the amount
<br />of Eighteen ~ousand ($18,000.00) and nollOO dollars AND a Mortgage. to
<br />Jefftes Investlllen1:s, Ltd. dated July 30, 19f12 in the amount of Seventeen
<br />Thousand, Five Hundred Ten ($17,510.00) and no/IOO dollars.
<br />
<br />RObert A. Meyer and Vivian G. Meyer, husband and wife as joint
<br />tenants with rIghts of suvivorship, herein called the .Mortgagors, in
<br />consideration of Two Thousand Sixty and noilOO 1$2060.00) Dollars do
<br />Mreby mortgage to Bessie 1. Dubois, herein called the Mortagee, the
<br />fOllowing-describad real estate in Hall County, and State of Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Lot Seven P} of County Subdivision of part of the South
<br />Half of the Southeast Quarter (S~SF.%) of Section Sixteen
<br />(16), Township Eleven (Ill, Range Nine (9) West of the
<br />6th P. M., situated in Grand Island, Hall County Nebraska.
<br />
<br />This Mortgage is given to secure the payment of the principal sum of
<br />TWo Thousand Sixty and No/IOO (S2060.QOI and interest thereon, according
<br />to the terms of a certain promissory Note of even date, executed by the
<br />Mortgagors to the MQrtqaqee, with TWo Thousand Sixty and NOIIOO ($2060.00}
<br />Obllarsbeing due on the 20th day of each month beginning May 20, 1983
<br />and continuing throught August 20, 1987, at which time entire indebtedness
<br />shall be satisfied, the terms and conditions of which note are incorporated
<br />here.in and made part hereof by this referE-nce.
<br />
<br />
<br />The Mortaagors agree to pay all taxes dnd assessments upon said premises
<br />and all other taxes. levies ilnd ,Ulsessments levied upon this Mortgage and
<br />NOte which this Mortgage is given to secure before the same become delinquent,
<br />the Mortllgee may pay such taxes or other liens and shall have II lien secured
<br />hereby for the amount so advanced w1th interest thereon at the rate of
<br />fifteen ~r cent (15%1 r~r annuM.
<br />
<br />In tM event the Mortgagors default in the payment of said indebtedness
<br />Of any installment thereof, in accordance with the terms thereof, or otherwise
<br />fails to ~rfotlll liny "f th.. other ,Hlreelll<tnts herein, the Mortgagee at her
<br />elt!C1:ion MY declar" to., "ntire d..t>t secured by thIs Mortgage to be due and
<br />colll!;!Ctible ,,1: \~nc..: and "",y fDreclo".. this Mortqaqe for the satisfaction thereof.
<br />
<br />Signed this ,JJ!.~,__da'i
<br />
<br />d_-L~'-~~T;' 19~:."
<br />'~/' rJ;/- L I' '..
<br />,,~A ~~. ,-(.
<br />ROBER'!' A, MEYER
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<br />S'1'A'l'l'l OF NeBRASIU\
<br />
<br />
<br />COUlft'Y OF ..HALL
<br />
<br />Btlfore ~, a Not,uy Public qualifi.,d for "aid County, personally came
<br />~tA. Meyer and Vivi,," G. Meyer, Husband and Wife as joint tenants with
<br />tiiJbt;& of.liprvivorship', to me known t.o be the identical ~r50n5 who signed
<br />tA~foreqoinq instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their
<br />v01,~t;u'y~t and~.
<br />
<br />
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<br />WitMin my hiUld and Notarial Seal on
<br />