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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83- lJ03781 <br />See L 23.904 & L 23.905 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 24,115 <br /> <br />KNOWAllMHNBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Lonru.e D, Johnson and Karrie Johnson, each in his and her <br /> <br />own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagof,whether one or moRl, in oonsiderationoftbuumof <br />_ EJ_Jl Thnl"""niJ and IlOIlO!} DOLLARS <br />loou>od to _ D1Of1Cll8Or by The Equitable BIlildinIl and Loan A_i:ion of G",nd hl.nd, N.b....., MOO_. upon 110 sham of stock of <br />Mid ASSOCIATION. CeniflGlk No. l. 24,115 . do heRlby grant, OOPvey and mortga&e unto the Mid ASSOCIATION the followil1ll <br />deocribecl """ _, >iIuaSed in 1Ia11 County, Nebrub: <br /> <br />Lot Three (3), Block Wne (1), in Jacl< Voss <br /> <br />Second Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />topdtet wtth ~ l,he ~cne.nlent.t, hc-n'dttltmrtnu. ,jnd i1WUHt!n.trKe~ IhetCllHIO hcton,.J~. a!cluding attached 0001 t.:uvennp. aU window 1CU'CDS.. <br />windtlW sb.ade:t. b-Irmb.. ttmm WTOOt.Jtf", ~Wftl~, he.lit~t au i;{mdlhl.)ntnJ:. and phnnb1ftJt ...lid .....itl<< e.f.tu.tpme:JU ;too I~ thereto. PUmpl~ jtova, <br />refrl4flnalon. ilnd othc.f h.'wn "nd e-q-u.rpmcnt. nu""- 01 fle1e~it.t"l ;ljn..d~d hi <\1 u.-d tfll..~\mf1C(.~hun Wllh uld lr---aJ estate. <br />And whn~ the wid lUQrtglcof hit); ~-r:at "t~ dne, tw-rcb." ~~Jr:e tha.t l!-<< m~tfl~)f iliall ami wdl pay aU r.xe:s and UIilCSII'neDtJ levied or <br />~ Upml iiNi P'~mtif";! and Upo:lfI dm ll1tOJt~ and ~h<- 00rid. ~cUH:4,~b) ~Iuft t1'W sa:mt ",aU become ~nt: to furnish approved <br />itmsrancc upun the b~ na saul plamilt!l ,UfWltCtl ~n d~ lurU nl $: 11.. 000.. 00 ,;a~lb~ 10 ~1d ASSOCIAll0N and tu debwf to aid <br />,~ATtON IM- pt_"!C'!. itl't.1 msu~: l1td- om hJ cummH nt t~Hmt .my wUl-r. n-n vr ll--houC Si',u pcCfntlCS; <br />ill t.:Ue: ut ikbuit m tM ~t'()f~ \~t 4fl\' oj Iti(' H:'n'lti.tod ~'limdJl){nji ut [hIi rnotlPJt' "'-f the bond -eecurw t~rcby, the- mortPCOC sbai1~ <br />tm ~1entaml, be entitled w lt~tt pnJ:I(!:$tt(m Hf tilt: n"~t~d pt~mfflC') 'tOO the rfiol'tJ.__H htteb-:w- aqnt~ uansfert and .wt1 ttYef to the <br />n1Uf1Pll"' aU (~ ftmU, ttl1lWl'VN J..Ild i~~ !., ~ Je-u~ hum UN: n-':)ff~ -pretnbe-.\ ;Jut~ "-kit hmc III tho mortpF- tndcbtednas matt re-naal. <br />~~ and tt'ir. mot1~;ha1l hi. the: P(>Wet tu :l.vpom-t an)' ~u ,~ ~n{l rt may {l<<ir~ h,s.r ttw putpoK 'Of 1'qDU1-' saki premaes. and rent"", <br />the __ lied L"o.~eu.. the nm.b., t-nnturl.~td mwmc.arW lllTUt\' pay mH ;If ~M.1 inn.m:w dl n.p:.hSCI of rCpaUtn& said p,e-mitelllnd neccauy <br />O;~ .00 ~:l.~~ ~'H.;Vfffii III J~iitm, ;1rw l~. .he umr -lUlU ~Ji tuiict:h.f" H"nl=n i~fdi-um. f~ h~ j, i1' .my, lU be <br />applled toward tbe- ~-iw.___ \.d iVd I'UQHP@! ,tmkbtednc:ts: thnt ftghl! uf lfit mUH~ may br (')(C',cLWt--d It any timt dutint the exm.cnee of auch <br /> nt allY temp>u:Jv .-UWl o.f UlC ~ <br />t~ ."~h. ht-nw:-ve-f, J:n! upon 1he t.\'U4Jlltl-fL HtlH It tJw- t;.aiQ Mnfi~.t -.It&t! f~pa,. ;.aid fU--ilH on .If bctVlt:' the maturity of saud shale) by <br />ptymtnt; fillY n)l,'Joftthly h.. wN A.~'UX 'IA nON ~Jt H!(' \-\).ID i4pt'..~!rJ;t-Jj lJ'l the B..rnu K'I.:UIOO hereby ..u .nd. iXUlC1paJ un uKll-oan,vn or before <br />1M ~(jCthJay l.!{ l;"u.h :ut\i~"' H)outh,unui:$atd k~t1 ct fully jl4td, ptf) .11 tn,n li:1ld;;a.ucutf)C!uu k\'1f:'tiapum wd premases and on l,h.isMOftpte <br />and thr' .Bond _Y\.'1lf<<i ~bcffby, NMU1C: debnq-ucfl~Y, hJun,h, .-ppuwed m,SW'l--mc upon ~hlt' blukl-mg.s thl!:'eon fn the ..urn ot-- $11,000.. 00 payable: <br />to saad ASSOCIATION: it'pay h; Ji4fd ^-SS<X~tArH)s u-pon Jm.Ad all fflllOC-y hy It pu.1 fut .-udl u:xe:t.. ll~l. and mlUf"al:\CC Wlth interest at <br />the mM.-it'ml1:ft ~ rllt l~_m lft~H'i dAtt' i.J.. p.t)'n'ten~ a.U ill wJudi M"-"ft~)f !Vfd!y ~f'el to ~y. permn J'K) .ute {In aut pte~kup and oomply <br />....h alIlhr _.. ornl <<>mI,'IOm uf 'hr ll<md 1m $ 11 000.00 H... ,by S""n b~ ,he ..><I MortPIP' tu $It<! ASSOCIATION. .od romply <br />with .U the ,,'''.....'...0.. of ,hr (:.'_'hll"'" ."oJ lIy.I....... ,,(..ld AS,S(JUAIION, then t_ p,_n.. .naIIlx>cumo null .nd ",t<!, "thertmo .hey <br />siWi llt-mliUt '--"- hill f().toe t.nd nay bf- ',tt lhl" dptttm ui the -"SS.O('IA'nUN aftt1 huJUtlt tor throe tn\.Jntta tu make Iny uf !lAid <br />pl)'mc.fU~ m be-- lNW: mvntfu in M~l!'.arl- Ul Ut1d.W:g soa..d. fi)Uflttdy JUl1t'l:llenh. 'in to keep ami ~iJmpi)' with the ","IDeUl$ and t..vodltions of saKi 8ond~ <br />~ Mot'~ ~ hJ Jvw 11-- le,,'TJft:t ilppalPlH torttnw'H.h U1 wdt ftlre..'iosu,( Vu..~..' <br />If ,bon> .. aay dlInII< 1ft '_I~ 01 the .<al....I~ """~ ......... by .. Of O'lIef_. ,hen tho: .ntue fOl1lllillil1llI~ heJeby <br />~ .IItaII. .1 thr ._ of n... f.quolablo lIwI<ImI ornl l<._ AiOooIa,,"" "i G"",,j llland, 1'1.,.,...., become l1M>C<1Ialely due and payoblo without <br />funa- .....i<1c, and ,he. __ le_ dut ...- $lid bund, and ilny L~"" _ I", any _iucal 0<I_1IllllIc tIlcmmdet. Wll. [rom the <br />dale 0; "-_ .., wd ._, bow ..._ ", tho: n_ . ""', ornl !Ius """~ may then he f"",doIed to ..tirly ,he amoomt duo on Mid <br />\toQd, and any otbo< \toQd for ~ 0<1_, ,...he. wtlll 011 ....... paid by wd The E'luilobie IkIildiac and I..ou AIIocIatJoII of GI1IJId h....d, <br />NolnoIta for ___, ..-and _", and .bsUactD1llui_ ~ w,llI ",'are>> tbo<_. from d.t. of payment .t the .nuimwn <br />Iopl...... <br />At pr..... in u.. Iloor.l """,mlllo1~, w!tik: tl... """'- t<n_ III en"". the monl!lll!"l' may he'Wlt:r ad_ a<IditiotW ....... to the <br />~,>i _e.-d.I_ ......'" ~..\ a'll.'""" ...lno:h.......1Ilali b" ...,tbm the ,""wily 0; ltiis ""'tlPI" lhe...... ..Ihe CundJOlocU>allY <br />........,.J. t~, thr .<flJtl ..........,. 01 ~ <lchr ""t to ...-1 a. ..,y 'ImO Ihr ...-'I!JMlamooot 01 ltiis mon_. <br />15th/) ~f July A. n, l~ 83 <br />/' <br /> <br /> <br />it <br /> <br />$t"11l0f'~.1 <br />. (~{If IWLj .. <br /> <br />O"'hio <br /> <br />L5th <br /> <br />doyol. <br /> <br />,1 u ly <br /> <br />!~.l <br /> <br />. bot"" -. <br /> <br />Ill<> .......~,. ~y MIi< "' UJ<l C", _ CUURty, '*"'" <br />1.olrWil D. JollNIoll and. Kania JOnnaOll, "**liIl nia and oor G1\.IIR-nQht M as s~i.U <br />~., ~ are to <br />_lol>tlM~"'_li ........-8 .t1'WK!t"l....abow~..""""-S ornl t~y -.Ily <br />...._1ilJrilil<t__"'. tba.l.r ~y1lt:lUJ<ld-'. <br />wt~.tnt lmIol"""-~lMIoI m.~.j",....;.t <br /> <br />...... <br /> <br />"'-U-:$..~ <br /> <br /> <br />/"..e.(, , <br />F <br />;~, . -1> ;r.::..~~{.:/~t.L <br />~-"''''''~P.-'-'.. <br />