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<br />
<br />.'1 j 52"A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(Wlth Tax ClaUN) Rev. 78 Huffman and Fellon & Wolf, Walton, He. 68461 I it '
<br />~rr~--------."""'~-~--._'_u~,,--->._--~~,",~---~-,C" ,--,--"....._-"..-,._,"_.,.,_.__.,--~-~.._~_.- ! 11
<br />
<br />:: lKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thai William L. Boersen and Laura R. Boersen, Husband i,'
<br />" ! and Wife, each individually in his and her own right, and as spouse of the other, II
<br />i! lof Hall County, and State of Nebraska ' in consideration of the ~umof i U
<br />I srx THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND 63/100----------------------------------------..DOLLARS i.,
<br />, i li
<br />" pll hand paid. do hen>by SELL and CONVEY unto The First National Bank of Grand Island, i Ii
<br />.. t I li
<br />;! i of Hall County, State of Nebraska the following described premi&essituated ! 'i
<br />" ! in llaU County, and State of Nebraska . lo'wit: I
<br />
<br />;1 ! Undivided one-half interest in; The South One-Half (S~) of the Northwest Quarter (~); r
<br />90! and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (!/WI,; SWll;); and the Southwest Quarter i i\
<br />1::; (SWlo,;) of the Northeast Quarter (NE") and the East one acre of the Northwest Quarter (NWlt;)1 I,
<br />.tJto.... 1.... of the Northeast Quarter (NEl,;) of Sect:ion Thirty-Five (35), Township Eleven (11) North, i. Ii
<br />\lOt Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. Excepting therefrom a ! Ii
<br />!!=f Tract of ground conveyed to Loretta D. Bockmann and recorded in the Of.fice of tbe I Ii
<br />',. i Register of Deeds. Hall County, Nebraska, in Book 180, Page 220 of Deed Records. And ;"
<br />!'.'.. 'i... excepting a Tract of land more particularly described in Warranty Deeds recorded as
<br />Document No. 's 77-003146; 790000117, and 79-001522 in the Register of Deeds Office in
<br />'-, f
<br />I Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />intention being -to eQtlvP-Y hot'f'-ehy fin Abf.9iutf' tjtlt~ in r~ l'1.imple. including aU the rights uf homestead and dower.
<br />TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the p'~ml"'" above de",,,,I><..;, With all Ih. I1ppurronanr:eo thereunto belonging. unto the said
<br />mortgagH(s) and to hif', hf'iT oE' thp.ir bel" and a!iS,j~n.il [off>vt'r. provided alway., and t..he:tle presents are upon the e-xpresa
<br />eondii;mn that If thtt' ~kl tn(tfiit~)f(5" hifi, lwt f)f then hdn. ~'U"'t.."l.l<<)fi\, i.KlmlillSUlitunt \1f' a&Ugns :mall pay O-f ea\iiI1e to be-
<br />paid to the said mortg.~b~> h~, her (.Ir theH hettll. f'xe<:ulo"" administrators or uaigns.. the principal A.Unl of $ 6500.63
<br />! payaIM ... follow., 10 WIt:
<br />
<br />Principal amount of 50,500.63, as evidenced by a promissory note made this date. This
<br />mortgage is also given as asked to mortgagee for all indebtedness that may in the future
<br />be incurred by mortgagor to mortgagee, and such future indebtedness shall bear interest
<br />from date of accrual at: the rate as prnvided In the note executed on that date and
<br />secured by this mortg"j1,e, ..nd shall be payable to mortgal;ee at the !>ame place designated
<br />in the not:e. All such futun' indebtedness sh,~ll be dt'emed " part of the indebtedness
<br />secured by this mortgage. ilnd sh,,11 be reenv..rable as such.
<br />
<br />il
<br />:1
<br />,[
<br />Ii
<br />
<br />j I,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />STA1'EO.'..",.." ,~br~ska......
<br />
<br />, County of
<br />
<br />-:i' ') ., Laura R. Boersen
<br />;.7\<4k'\4i\..F. ,BHL~q
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />
<br />wdb int""J'ftt ;it~rdinc te t1w tem>>' and t-tlE'4.:1- (if the IlKH'tgagortl wr-1Urn prumiMory flOW ~rina evttn date with theae preeeng
<br />and BhaN ~ aU LU.$ and ~... h."VIf.'d uptm :wud ft'al r>$taU!. and aU othe-r taX-ft. l~i" and ~ta levied upon this
<br />mort.... or th.. n=ot~ 'whi-dl th.. mort~,~ l' ci~'~n h} ~-ur1". t~foflt thtt s.am~ l~~ detinqu.-nt. iUld keep the buildi.naa on
<br />NUd ~ inMH'f'If.i tot the ",um ".f .$ b 500 ~ 6 3 i~. d any. pay.ab1.e to the Rid roo......". Uwm theM pr.en.t.6
<br />to ~ v~~ oth~",,'i "" to he- anci r~nuun H\ fuil f'm;'~
<br />IT rs .....URTHf~H AUU't:l-;U (I I Thilt If thi- ~~i mnt't~.g<;Jr lii;".aU fail to pay l'ut::h tues .or proeUf1:! iJUch in17rance, the
<br />Mid m6~ may pa)" -!i-\K'h ~1",..fi 11M i'TOt.-Ut'~ ~1.ld1 ltaUttuK'*" ~ the ","urn. $tj advanced, With interat at 1 % I:)IK
<br /><ftlt. ,hall he ,,'paid by ...1<1 ""',lit....." ,,00 th.. ""'rt<<... ,hall ,umd ... ""'-"Utlly' rot lhe aame. (2) Thlll a failunt to pay aay
<br />ol said .rnon.y, E!ither Jlfimit-iAi 01 ltlwtt!JJt. when (ltf. !\~ h<<:~ dUll, Of .a fadurt" to t.'Omply with any of the forecoiDc
<br />.~t.a. lIhall cauae l~ whot~ -~ of n\unt<.)i Mrem Mt..--urfld to ~:'OJ~ clue and roUectibte at once at thct option 01 the
<br />-~.
<br />Sipod tbM 12th .lay',r July 19 83
<br />
<br />In I'"'.'..".... 0(
<br />
<br />){I~:;t:4~wIfriam t:: . Boersen'",
<br />
<br />Tbe~ ~t w~acknowledgedJJefo", me
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<br />.... ..1:>11'. .t~................ >>, .19.8~..
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