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<br />No. 3S7 R. E. MORTGAGE (~COUtn'Y "'CMtM) <br /> <br />P.I"'UO U"G ~D" Ii"'~l 8y O"'AI-I'" Pl'lfNTIN. CO"~"N'" <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />8'") ;'03....n8 <br />-J-V .( t) <br /> <br />tlbis .Jnbenture. Made....d Exeeuied .hiL.....~th 01.... July H.A. D...'.9.8.3 <br />by and bei...een.,......JI~.~QlQ...~.'m~A.lflJ~~.LA.~P .Ji\N.Ic.E.. .E.,....~A.~IE.~~E-! an d ..~i.f ~.t...,...........,.....,_.._ <br /> <br />...d...., <br /> <br />.n'_._......_'"..___....._ <br />u.~Q~I.~.? II)E.~A~!I:". P!n.a.~a., ..I>Ie.~ r.a..!;Ja. <br /> <br />..u ., of .he fira. par.. <br /> <br />"""'_."'''u'''_'''' n'.....'...u... . .. ,. ......, u'..uu. ,.party of .he second jl&J'" <br /> <br />.~::.:::~I~~i.;.~!~;;~~~~~~~~?Jj"Q~?~~~:.:~i;~C~~~;~~.~.~=.~~~.~~~~Z::~.~~~~:~~~~:~~~::.::':~~ <br /> <br />_d part, the receipt ...h...." is hereby .cknowledged. hAll granted. barg.ined, sold and conveyed. and by th... pre_te. d_ grant. bar- <br />pin. sell..,d conv.y. ,moo Mid party of the ,"",ond p.rt. the foll""",g d..cribed re.l property si.uate in the County of Ha'l <br />...d St.". of Nebrulr.a, to-wit: <br />._._../:!QrJ.I1u.fJy.!LL?Lf~~1;9L~()LFourL42.and J1J.. .of..lo1;.. TW()J2}, ..~lgcLTw_o..g.LL......_ <br />.._......._,_.~9.~.l~GE ADDITION'.G.r:~n,~]~~and. .Ha.ll Cou~ty, Nebraska, <br /> <br />~the,. with 1\11 tn(t t.enerntlDte1 h~reditamenta a.od r.ppurtenancee to the. belonging, and aU the ~t..te, tit111r do\ll'1!r- right or homes&ead. <br />.1aim8: &ad dMlN1<ls whatsoever <>f tho Mid party of th. first part of, in or to ..idJremiBM or !Idly part, th.reof; &ad Pld party of th. flnl <br />put doH hereby ""'"""""t, tha. oaid pat'ty of iho first put i.o 1."{"lIy "" <>f '"" pM!tniHo, th.t Mid premi... """ free from Ulcumb_ <br /> <br />"~..,,'_.o._" u" . .,....d thet ."id par.y of tho firet part ...ill <br /> <br />1IJ'&I"rAIit. Md rimend the t.itlf1 to Mid premiMa.....mat tilt 1.W'ful d...j.mll a.ud df'ID!l.Dda 0( AU pentOU whomsoev.-,f... ... .. .._....'._.~...._ <br /> <br />PROYIUK!l ALl\' A YS, Md ..h.... p~to "'" upon th_ c<mditioJUl: <br />WHEREAS. pArt.)' of th~ tint. !1Art hu neeuMd and d~li\"et"Pd to tbe uiJ p&rtv (>i the 'teeoud pAn__"h__ _ _ ~. ,~_._...._ <br />p~.ynot._.oLevendateher~jth. in the original flrincipal sumof $6~OOO.OO"with...u. <br />interest at the rate specified in said note. said principal due in 180 days and interest <br />payablemonthiy. includin9all extensions and renewals thereof, until funYpaid,and" <br />'the indebtedness hereby secured shall become at once due and payable at the option of <br />th.e secgnd Qarty jfA! p]llce in the owner:;hip of the real estate.,here.i.n. <br />conveyed. <br />Uid..b.m.':tb;pa;:i:;:~tJ;tlnt;;"'" hU'~ l~k.;;;p'\li. bWldinp, ,f ""y, upon ;"';dprmniMo,iMu,..,; '" oom. ~~mpauy;;j.e~j... <br />.t.pprov-e.,l by :lAid, plto-rty uf t~e MCood part, iat' lnfHH.UlllliJt 1N'k4 thllll _ _. .. ....,.. _b ,",DOLLARS, <br />and d~Hvt.'f to Mid ptl.T\Y "d tone ~->--ond part- t}H! f,.M,Hl{;Y il'T poht_u.... (~nntll-IJtt.l.____ I!Io d4tuW With (-h~ 10," Jt~yl\bl-e t-o .Iirr.i.J J:*-fty of t-h.e- MOMd paril <br />or i\Ut{tUii, and bu &i~ t() pay 'flU t.:CH twti 'lIIMlitIlUn,rtlt.s :\f:Mn!d ~~H(i.tH~UlUHTA h-t'JI"Jre the, by lb.w, h~~~ dilUinqt.<<mt. And btu! !\a.reeu <br />that if Rid pAriy 01 the Htlit f'N"t dlX" not pt'Oy~dt\ tI'lJ;;.~h Hu:~u-m:u:e, (If (j"U-:11Q pay ~U tu~ M af(ireD~i.. thun 8JU<i party of t.UI6 8000nd p&tt, Uf <br />bold@! he-tl'o.f. tuay pa.y l'H.1t.:'_h hl.~.ra.nce.a.nd tUeII. ,,' Nthtl:f of tb~tTl, l,\nd A-H ti;mt.'illiU ~ by "1-\.1; patty ci the l$;'.!COI1d pArt .ball bear in- <br />wr...t litt the. f'$tt" ofnin~t.Wtt oont- f.>t!t" l\.UltUW Irt_)flt thf'-uatt' (>fpaymt"tl\. ~d th~ fn'Jrtc,,<<t' '!'on-all lft~ui M aoourity theI'fllOl'I, and laid 'iUlU may <br />be &dd8d to the &UlOWlt of th~ mQ:rtg~ debt.. ~d th.4i:l ~..n:w_ r~~ovemd w. a put thf'jn~_J. Now, 1f thf' fl4l4 party of too !ire~ part &hAll well <br />aDd truly 1>>')' f.\t eause 1-() he 'In. ":l4 IIW:n ~l! monr-y i[l $"1..:1 oot~_ n~ti~1fleti. ~.lth lnt~r"-l'it tlwl'tW)n llct,,>rdiug to the t.eUQr and effeot. <br />of Mid note. .... Md "h.U k_ Mid buildin.,. ",.",:o,d .. olonoaid. "",j .h..!hep.!l t"".. ""oj ..............t. [,aid, and .hall duly hop. ...d <br />petform Ml th~ ot.htlt: rovenauu.. Mid ..-rf:oNllutW ju~,n-u~ (,-Oll\&lneU.' then tb~ p~t" '1..0 tl-'H null And VOlt!. Hot if ~d I.\UDl ul money ar any <br />part tbweol~ -or Ail)' Ul.t.~t th~1 tt not paid whtlft the &me ..' due. \;f U laid buildln,p ahAil not be ke-pt in~NWl u 1\fo~, or tf the <br />tu_ Md ~ta- ...uun. naitI ~_ eno Ilf,t.t i\t Of Wi',o~ lohe tUn'!! tbe t.&Q:)e ~(la:o by law d.linqwwt., or ir said PArty 01 the <br />IImp&rt Il>alJ 00 &"""...d \",rf"",, aoy ."v_to h...... .""tAined, ,b" hold... h..""I. .hall It... ,h. option too d..l...... the whale of laid <br />~ due and ,,-,Able at aay dme- Nur weh f..wure Of del.wt. Mtl tn.v maillt.Altl -tUl .~t.ioo at ),.. or equity to f1:lC(tver the I..e, <br />..... t.... __I iII....11 .d...... .hall"" the only n"u.., of th. curt'''''' o! OPllon required. <br />AND IT IS FURTHER PllOVlD&D ~ D AGREED. That th. Mid Mortcallor .hall aod "ill pay aU _I.vied _ &hi.o mo.i. <br />......Olthedeb\~ Uutrebv, ~with...yo.he"......or_...",..hJchm.y beloviednndtrihe La... of Nebl'aOk". apUm .h. <br />MId 11101."- or the I_I h0l4.. <I the Mid prin.ipal no"'.. on ""_I of thi.o indebtedu_. <br /> <br />In &~mon!, Wberm. <br />IN I'&B8ENCJl OF <br /> <br />we <br /> <br />.h<t........" ~l,l:lUJ:'."hj'-.J.'j;. th<dA""b<>><_ ..riU..... <br /> <br />~'P L~ni!~~l~liL'kwrfu,~~I((~.,....., <br />'i'.~~ 'E.;.J~J~ <br />;Z JanIce E. Sawtelle <br /> <br />STAft OF NZIlllASIi:A'l. <br />0-., of__J.!Qygli!.i..... <br /> <br />0.. uu.._... l5thd&Y o/. .....July,.. ..A, 11.12~.~ <br /> <br />bel.......... . NoiatyPublio U. &ad for Ih<t ll1iid Connty ~, ....... the &bon .......eol.,...__ <br />.J:la..r2lJLR....S.ilit.te.lle.iind,)"qnJ.(:~ ..L.. ~1jW.t~J.~ L... <br />~4ng3n4n.Wtfe.... .. <br /> <br />.. ,who ilTe, poo_Ally k""W1t '0 m. <br />lJ; ~be tho ldeoUoal ~,- ".... ~.._.. . .~r:e. .aillnd to the .00... iDa\........ <br />. . ... 1 U I.-=-. .=-.,. .~~~ ....L,_l1J:lg... ..lmowlNaed &aid inot""""",l.o !",thei ryol....'.r, <br /> <br />_ ............ ~ W11'NBllll "" hlIIIld _ l'l_iJ-llleo.l "'-h'" lAOt .ror"9id. ., <br />..x1t:."-. U~?r,2(../ ~.A.:;J.~t.[.~c-.' <br />"'1_ . -' <. ~ \ fit-at' f Pubh~ <br />My _..............- "'" u",. j C!..cL",. ._.., d.y ,,1.. ..{t;l tf,./, ./:"). t< (. ~ \ ..' .. 'I j'( <br />