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<br />B & Q O6:\lEL.om:NT, IN(
<br />
<br />of the County of HALL
<br />
<br />and State of
<br />
<br />
<br />hereinafter called the party of the first part, in
<br />
<br />C!01IlIideratlon of "THY THf1I1"tlNf1 tlNll Nn/lf1n________un_________________~__n_______ -DOLLARS,
<br />m haDd ~ dobcreby graut, barpiJJ. aelI and C01IM7 wdo the Home Federal Savings & Loan Auoclation ofGrandlBland,
<br />
<br />Grud IlIIaDd; NeIIrub, and Ita ___ and 1lB8lps, the following real eatate, situated in
<br />
<br />HALL
<br />
<br />Coun1;y. state '"
<br />
<br />
<br />towit:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />I
<br />
<br />'"
<br />
<br />Together with all the .ppurtenan.... thereunto belonging, and all "oveDants in all the title deeda running with said real estate,
<br />and all. thel1!llsa. 1tI\Ie anti proflta arIJing therefrom after default in perf01'DlllJ>Ce of allY covenant or condition. herein co.
<br />tained: and waauts the title then!to perfect and clear except for thls mortgage,
<br />During tbe time thls mortg.... i. in foree the mOl'tgaJorlI agree:
<br />Fint To pay all tax... IUld JllN!cial -.uents levied against said prelnlses, including all taxes .nd ~ levied
<br />upon thls mortgage. or the debt secured by thls mortgage.
<br />Seeood. To keep all buildlnga thereon l.nsured against loss by fire. lightnUlg .nd tornado in some company. to be lip.
<br />
<br />proved by the said Home P'.~ Savings'" Loan AaocIalion of Grand Island in the sum of $ i m'H ,r",hl" \/Al"" . fM
<br />the benefit of the said Aaoeiation. and its s""cessors or assigns: and to d"pooil811id policies with said Association. and shall not
<br />commit or suffer allY waste on Ilaid premises. and shall put and keep said real estate buildings and Improvements in good
<br />order.
<br />Thitd. To payor CirtQIl to be paid to the Home Federal SaViI1llS '" Loan AsIociatlon of Grand Island, Its succellIOrI W
<br />
<br />autc:ns. the SWD of $ ,iIX1V THOUSAND A~4D ",0(100------------------------------------- DOLLARS.
<br />
<br />payable a;o follo_:
<br />
<br />$6D,OOO.OC :~!l:" ;\1~'~ ~St ~.~8.:,
<br />
<br />_...... of
<br />
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />
<br />wltIl inten!IIt tllert!nn payable. according tb the tenor and efteet of the one certain first mOl'tl&/l'l n'1-~a. of said mortll&llOIS,
<br />beuina evell. date with theBe pt'MeDts. After maturity said bond draw. interest at the rate b~~<'.p\It cent per aWl_
<br />If sakltaxeo and ~ are not paid when due, or if the buildi_ on said premi_ are not Insured as abo..., pro-
<br />vided. or If any of said In. tereat i. not paid When. due, then .ai<\.. !N~\l>,,<1e.J.>t shai! llecome due immediately, at the option of the
<br />said Aaaoc.Iatioa. and aIIall ~ draw interut .t the rate' llf' _JiRPl* cent per __
<br />Tbe mortca&or~'? hereby ~, to said mortgagee all rem and I_e arising at any and all times from aaid
<br />.~ and hereby authorizllllllid mortgagee or its agent. at its option. upon default, 10 take charlie of said property and
<br />eoIlect all reata and 1_ thereImn anti apply the aame to the payment of Interellt, prilleipal, in.sv.ranee premiums. taxes,
<br />_ta. repairs 01' I~ n_I'}' to keel' said property in tenantable condition. or 10 other ehMges or pa"
<br />meats provided f1lr herein or In the note hereby HCUred. Thls reut .~ shall cxmiInue in f"""lllDtil the unpaid ba}.
<br />_ of saki D<Jte Is fully paid. Tbe taking of }l(lOISe8Iion hereu.nder .haIl in no manner prevent or retard said mortgagee in
<br />the ~ of said _ by rorecl05W'8 or otherwi.se.
<br />~ .said debt bero_ due by lapse of time. or by muon of the failure of the party of the first part to wmply
<br />with Illy eondiUoo herein. the said Home Federal Savings & LoaD Association vI Grand Island, the ._on and asaians,
<br />sllall have the ritIht te begin the loredosure of this mortgage at ollee on the whole debt hereby secured. and to include
<br />~. all t.u:ell,. ---.sa. inauraaee prem1lllW1 and costs, paid by It or them; or said Asaoclation, ita sueeesson or
<br />....... ma, ~. only all to !be iUJD put due, without injury to thia mOl'tlage. or the displacement or Impairment
<br />of u.lli/ll t.\lenGf..
<br />AIl!l.tIleaaicl flnt J)Uty and the malum of said nole, espeeially agree and declare that tbe separate estate of each and
<br />..., _. of. ~ ine.blding both tbat no.w owned and that he<eafter acquired. is pledged and bound for the payment of
<br />u... dalIt .1IeMJ..--<<'
<br />.~ the ____PIt of any SIIIt Ul foreel_ the plainttff thti'eiD shall be entiUed to the imlDediate ~OII of
<br />.... ~ _ the ll.\1IlOIntlrltlllt of a receiver thm:efor, notwithstanding !bey ID&)' be the homestead of the (lCOOpaJil and
<br />~1i4io.,~~ lIabho f!ll" thedllht may be solveDt. and !be flnt party hereby consents to tbe AJlP(Jintment of a
<br />......... ..the ~ t4 thIa. inMature, witIlout olber evideDce.
<br />_ .~.. COIlIIltleu aM. ~ all and Billlllllar, being fully perlOl'DWd, thia coaWYlI.lllle shall be void. other.
<br />"*.. bit._ ~lJl.f:t&Il ~ and Nt.
<br />
<br />__ tlIl&-.-------... 14.t;h -----da1 "'--_~_~___}};ilL__._..__A, D., 19 t3L
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