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<br />r <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83- 003754 <br /> <br />pr <br /> <br />ThiSmortgajlelllllde andCritefedimo t:lris 13th day of July <br />19Sa.bYandbetw~ DavidA. RUle, Jr. and Elaine M. Raile. husband and' wife <br /> <br />(hereinafter ~fcrredto asmonpgOl') and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company <br /> <br /> <br />mqngqt:e}, who lllaintairts an office and pla.:c of business at <br />Hall CbuntY, ~braska. <br /> <br />424 West 3rd <br /> <br />(hereinafte. referr!ld to as <br />street in Grand Island, <br /> <br />Wfl'N1lSSE1ll. lha! for the ci)llSid<<ation hereinafter slated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />does lm-cbym~ scll,. grant, assign, and convey unto tbe.mortgagee. its successors and assigns, aU of the fol- <br />l(}Willfdesaibedpropefty sitll8ted and being in the County of Hall <br />Stale of NebrllSlca. <br /> <br />Lqt Six (6) in Jack Voss SuMivision. being a part of the West Half of <br />the Quarter (W"fSii\) of $ecHon Two (2). Township Eleven (11) <br />NOrtb. Range Ten nO), West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County. Nebraska, <br />also known as 4314 Claussen Road. Grand Island. Nebraska, <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />East Half (E~) of LOt Seven (7) and All of LOt Eight (8). Block Sixty- <br />Two (62). Original Town. No,", Cit.y of Grand 151,,\Od, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />also known as 502 West 2nd, Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> <br />logether ",ilh alltlu.t t<'nlmllmls and a!'P<1rtertl1nccs thereto bclOnll111g. ;!.U lhe fcms. "'ue. l\tld pmI'll> lhereof. and all <br />-, riJ:ilU;. royal(it$. mineral. (ill <lnd gas ngltu and !>r<>r.I~. waler, waltor (!!lItIS. and Walef 'tod, and including <br />all !waling. plumbift.lJ. ItfngefatWn. hghllnll. "'IUIf)m('nt and "Ii fmure' "f ,'V"fV ,jesniplIon ht-Iolllling In Ihe <br />mort_Of now 01 htteaJt('f atUtt:he-d thereto Of uWd m l.'muJc,"1rnn w1:lh tll<- rrenH..~~ herern described and in additjon <br />tilcR10 the folkw.'lll! de.nihed pfOf'(!nl't'\ whld! Me "oJ ,hall tA< J<..../I~ ". be fl.'IUl'" and a ran of .he ftalry. and <br />arc a portion of llu.t !;(\<.'Uflty for llu.t uldffllt'dnes, hcrrin 'liUro. llf none, "ill" "non"", <br /> <br />To Iulve aad 10 hold tlu.t lJIme unto tho:- Mt>rtllllll<<. 3' Iler<':ln prmided: <br /> <br />The .ItlO!1Pa01' IJi lllWfull)' ,<m<<! and llO'ele.sed of and has the riKht 10 sril llnd ~<mve,' -;aid property; that Ihe <br />!OlIml:' h free from aU e~"Ull'll>rII_ e:t.:epl lIS hereinaoo_" rmt,ed; and that Mortgagor cOVenants 10 warrant and <br />dct'ald tlu.t litlt afOl'~ lhet'rto and "very pan thereof allaulst tlu.t claims of all pcrwns <br /> <br />~ il1llft'tmlcftt i~ gi_ to secure lMpayment {If a promISsory nOle dated ~:,u~1.,~~!.....!~~~~ '_._..._~,.,_ <br />!n theprinripal sum (,f s2!!..~.OO _._____.__..". ,tgned by~.v..1.:~.~,:.,~!:!':.~..:J.:::-'-,,=~~-E..~_~,~~ie <br /> <br />in !MlIlItf of t~. 1'1' J , 1 yefl_".__~___~_""_._,,.___.._,_'''_.__._._.___.__._.,'_.__.'______"__""_""".''''.'''.'-' ."._. <br /> <br />lliIo. . ~ lll:lQcot nota.!l"llI1 from time to time b-e modified. f~ or extended in wfitin~. <br /> <br />III tbtf'lta'lttM title 10. $llid fl:ll! estlI.le is lrtlJJsfermt. Of tOnuacted to be IrlllUferrt'd, from the undersigoo;! for any <br />~Of~_.1IICUIod w~, the rntire priDcipal sum and ll<'1:ru<<l illler~t shall at once become due and <br />~at~~oflbehQlder lI<<eof. Failure loe1ten;~ thiS <>pIlon beca~ of tt:lusicr <If tide as above Slaled <br />.u. ~-i~~_ i,~I\lW: I< W'lIi~ of !be riKht to clllUdse llu.t lIilmr in the _ of any subsequent trllmter. <br /> <br /> <br />I. l1leBlOlIpfOl ~$ alld ~ l\3 (cMl_; <br /> <br />.,'.,T.~pu t_I~~ by said.proni_tory !lote at tM tilM'S and/lIthe manr~r <br />tI\IRm.,.itW. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br /> <br />~T~ .~.ll.ft_, ~~, \\''llJICr.. l'\tl~.1l1ld otber~Q\'ern~tal ,>f munklpal .:har,cs: fine:>. <'f <br />.~~ for'~~ rnu notbecn ~ l1:enrinhclmc, and will rromptly deliver the offklal n...",ipt, <br />~~IQl~J!llilt~. <br /> <br />c, .1'~ __...~..~ lIft(if~ti lUlly be Incttr:red !it tile ptOlel.cuon and malmCtl11IKe or ,...d prnjX'j'1', <br />1~,.J..f_.M_ltI~~tiy ltllt ~~ fur 1/l'!:,;,>lIect,Qn nf an~' ," all "I the H\dehl~dItN <br />~__-,~ft4!< ~ fM,~~.ktt-r- h); toon-,astt-~,jj liil!t._ 'nf t'oon -pnx:.:eroin,r,~. or lit ~Hn,~ hH~arh.."'n Pt' ph)n~t,.~iltj:~ <br />.'f~~ ."'OO..~f. <br /> <br />,,? <br />