<br />UHlI'OIlM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />t. P.,._ of ........... ... let_. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />Indchtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future AdvancelO secured by thi, Deed of Tnl>~.
<br />2. ..... fer ,......:r-. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sball pay
<br />t(l Lender (In the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. unlil the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds>>) equal to one-twelfth of lhe yearly taxes and assessments which may allain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust. and grOWld rents on the Property. it any. plus one,lwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus <me-twelfth of yearly premium inltallments for mortsa8C insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />t~ to tilneby Lender 011 the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimales thereof.
<br />The Funds shall he held in an i_itution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranleed by a Federal or
<br />state ageney (inetuding Lender if Lender is such an institulion). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not ..-barge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said accounl
<br />or verifying and compiling said _Is aod bilk, unless Lender pays Borrower intere<t on the Funds and applicable law
<br />pennits l.ender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lcnder may ag= in writing at the time of ex<cution of this
<br />Deed of TtusI that interest on Ihe F,mds sbat: be paid to Borrower, and unle.<s su..-h agreemenl is made or applicable law
<br />requiT6 such interest to he paid, t.ender shall""t he required h) pay Borrower any onterest or earnings on lhe Funds. t.ender
<br />snail give to Borrower. without chartl", an.nnu.1 accounting of lhe Funds shOWing credit. and debils to the Funds and Ihe
<br />purpote for which each debit tn lhe Funds was m.de. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the .ums ""cured
<br />by thi. Deed ..f TrU5L
<br />If IIle amount of lhe Funds held by Lender, logether with the {ulure monthly installments of Funds payable prior 10
<br />the due dates of taxes. ~nt!\. insurance premium~ and ground rents. "hall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />uussments. insurance prt"miums and ground rents as. lhey taU due. ~uch exce.s.... ~haU t'tc. at Borrower's option. either
<br />prOOlptty repaid to Borrower Of credited 10 Borrower on monthly Installment"> of Funds, If the amount t"lf the Funds
<br />held by Lcndef' ,han not he sufficient ro pay taxes. :lssess.ment.!... insurance premiuRU and ground rents a~ they fall ducT
<br />Borrowtl' man pay to- Lender any amount n~,tu.ry to male up the detkienc-v within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader 10 Borrower requesting paymenl lhereof.
<br />Upon p.a}'rMnt in fun of aU sums se~ured hy thiS Deed of Trust. Lender ~haH promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender~ If Uf~ paragf11ph 18 ht-reof rt--,e Property r~ 'Hid (Of roc flrDrlerty !3 otherw~e acqulred by Lender. Lender
<br />shalI_ apply. _no bter tban immedlatdy poor ;0 the ~a(t of the Prt'lperry or HS acqH1~lttOn hy Lender. any Funds hdcl by
<br />Lend<< at the time- of apptication as a credit against the sum... "'OC(:ured hy tnIS Dt!ed of Trust.
<br />J. AppIie:a'doa of ~ Unless. apphcabl.e lav..- prnvHk, (lthcrWtSC, ail paymen(~ n:tttved by Lendtr under the
<br />Note and para:gra.ptu: t and 2 hereoi shaH be .apphed br Lender firg m payment of amounts payable to l.ender h)' Borrower
<br />\Jftder p8falraph 2 nel-eof. lben to Jnter~t p.arable on (he No-te. then to the pnm:ipal of the Note. and then to Interest and
<br />principal <m a.n)' Future: .-\dvances,
<br />4. ~ LIeaI. 8o;roWf't maU pay all ta'c'\i. i-l,,\~'j$nlCnh and .)Iht~r l,..harge~. fine'- and ,mf>'.'lSltJOnS illtnhutable h)
<br />tbe Property whic,h may attain a priont.)' over !hi" Oee~ of Trust. and tea.se-hold payments ft( ground rents. if any. ~n the
<br />rnaa.uer provided under paratrap;. 2 hetroi {Jr, it nt'll p;ud Ul s.uch manner. by 80-t"r(lWCr maJung. pay":"enl. when due. directly
<br />10 the payee- lbereof 8orrow-C't ~haU promptly furnish to I cndcr ail nohc;::-_c-\ of afllQunls due under thIS para~n.ph. and in the
<br />event 8oft[)\tftf $hall mue payment duectly, IklrrowN 'J.hall promptly fnrmWt tu l.ender recclpu evidenCing such payments.
<br />~r 3balt promptly dik'barge any hen Vt-hKh h;u, pnorn)' fiver tlw. Deed of '} ru,",l; pflH,'lded. that n{~rr-o-wer ...h;ili nut hl:"
<br />required to disdlarge any such Hen "0 long a\ iJ.urrower \hail ;J;fl:rtt 111 wtlting It) the paymc-m ~)t the IJbhgatHm ""e~ured ~'1
<br />\ouch lien in a, ntanncr l\i.:"C-C'ptabfe to Lender. vr ~haH IH {l:\A"1O Lulh COnfeJt t,\J~h lien hy. PT ddend cntorct"mcnl of sHch "~n H~,
<br />~.I PfOFeed1nts which DpC-fate 1ft pte\tCfl{ the ctlhm:t'menl ~,l the hen HI" torfr:-Hure uI the Property or any part thereof.
<br />s. au:.nI~.. Borrower' \h.a.U kC!e9 the JmprO\'emenh now e\I'l1ll1lt (lr h~rel1fter erected on lhe Propen'", Insured
<br />aaa.u:'lt loa by fire. hau.rdl included w.th'tn the term "("tended (ovt::ra#c'. J-nJ 'Ui.'h (Hher hazanh a,,\ Lt.~nc.kr may reqUIre
<br />and ia such amounts and fOl' such pert(ldI ~\ I.ender may reqUIre; pnwj~4.L that Lender sh;tll of'!l requm." that the amounl 01
<br />lUC'h COYef'l.Je en,'l:ed that amount nt c-o\"(!:raCc reqmrcd h"- pa'" ihe ~tim~ ~(Ufed hr thIS Deed of Trust.
<br />Tl\c: jMU~ t\Il'tTteC ptOyJ-diftB the jn\-ur.o4-c ...luU be d'li(,...cn hv Bi'\tr~'ef \uhj<<'( to .a-ppnwal hy Lcntkr: pro\'ldeJ.
<br />dial suc:b approvallllllll 00( he ..nreaoonably WIthheld ^U l'l'C"..um. on ",.Ulance pohc,e. .hall he paId III the manner
<br />prolI4dold UDder ......,..pb 2 hereot ur, ,1 'IOt pam ,n "",h manner. !w Bol'TU'll'er making payment. when due, dll'''''tly to the
<br />iuuruu carriw.
<br />Aft iMUrance poite.les .nd ~wal~ then::<..H "h.IlB ~ 1ft It'fm Olo.:('ptablc !\} 1 cotler and ..halt ll'H:iudc ... stand.ard rn()rtga~c
<br />daliJe tn. favor of. and tn loon <JC'\.-~DtNe to Lende-r Lendtr \i'\a.U ha...e fM f!Jht (0 hokt tM poJI~te!;. and tcne-wah thereof.
<br />and BotI"O"'U' ~baU prumpdy (urnan- ti~ Lender <lit n:.!)C'*iill n,)(K-C-'" ...nd all fC\.~lpts .of p.ud prefmum~. In the event of h.l'i\.
<br />Bort'OWtt ,1haft live Pft!Cl'I:pt nobc._'<' to- the -lMU"'~C (.lUtef ..ad I coder l..erhJcr maY I1lUC proof of tos'S If not made prumptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unkn L~ aad Borrowef l.ltDerwUC aIr<< m \Il.ntJng. UlSur.ilfK(: pH\oI,:ee<h; ~h;jlH he apphcd ro fC\to-ratwn or repan of
<br />the Propertr ~~ pnwlded $ucll fes,ioraHt,lft \.\f, rcp,iif I" (...'O~)nu,~)y k~~ubk ,md the S4.?\:tlfll)' or thl' Dec~ ,df Tr~$1 ,1_"
<br />not t~ lntpatrtd, If ~tKh reitOf.uoo \.,r repair & nm tt:':ononuca:U,. fteA-Slble \.)T it tM \e'~unty of thK Deed of J rH~( ",,-oUfd
<br />be rmpe.tred. the ,..............., pro..'Ceds >ba!I be appItCltllo ,he ."n.. =ured by Ih.. Deed or Trust. wI,h the exee". ,f .ny. pa.d
<br />to 9ormwer. It fbe Property t\- abandoned by Born..~f. or .( &ffO'lllrC"( fa,b t(l respond 10 Leu-der l.\.'lthlf1 30 (ta~'\ from the
<br />dMe noIK:c- is QHiJed by lcttdcf to 8orrowet that the HUUf~e ~afftef l.Jder, h,' uuie '" d.1ifm for msurance ben~fih-. Lcmkr
<br />,s autllonltod to ccl1cc1 ami apply the '.......a""" proceed> al l.ende". ol'llon euher 10 '<sluralron or 'epa" I'f the Property
<br />or to the a\lt1lS _..fed by tlus Deed of Trmt.
<br />U.... Lender urd &or- orhe....... .._ In WtltlllJ. .ny >""h .ppllC.hon ,,1 pro<:eed> 10 prinCIpal sball not e..end
<br />Of pt'ISlJlOM the due dale ol the monthly iosl..lIment. r.lened 10 III par"ltrap/ls l .nd 1 hereof or change ,he amount 01
<br />llM:h i~.. If uader .........apb 1 Ii herout the P.....perly I) a<:'luued by Lender, "II fIaht. ,ille and Intere.t of Borrn",..r
<br />III aftd to "")' inaunnce polici8 ahd in and tll the pr....-...h lheleof fCMJllmg from do....... 10 the Prope,ty puor to the s.Ie
<br />"" acqtNttion ""'II ""'" to l..etKlef to the e.lent ot tile 'UIN "",ured by Ih" Deed oj Tr"'l ,mmedlidely prior 10 .uch safe or
<br />-.-lk>!l.
<br />6. ~........ thllfl. r~ . of "-tY; I..,MeIwlda; (........frlvMl; .......... V... On~ Il<>rrower
<br />!'ohJill kee, the Pmpen)' .n &O(Ki fe'P*lf Jud \h~1 oO-t \.omm~t '-"';I.-"H: tl.f' pefOllt Impttlftl1cn( or dctcrloratio-n of the Propc:rt)
<br />.1Id aballl.'OftlJ!ly with the pl\w_ of ony lea;e if Ih.. Deed ,'f TruM .. on .. ie_hokL II tblS Deed of Trust.. on a unll ID ..
<br />~nium or a planned unil de>clopment. Borrower >hali pedorm all of Borrower', obhphon. "nder the dee/.rauon
<br />Of ~ era.in, Or JOVCfnitlJ_ the ccmdomtmum m planned unit de~ek)pment, ~he hy-l.aw-, and rt'8ulation-\ uf the
<br />~ or plIumcd unil ~elopment, and COlUllluenl dowment': If. cood<lmmium or planned "...1 de>.k'pm.nl
<br />rider is Cll~ by BOff_er aDd _<led 10000her "'lIh Ih.. Deed of rrust. the covenanl.and agreements of ,,,,,h "de,
<br />u.ll he I_~ i"", aOl1 sltaIJ .mend and ...pplemem the m>coanb and a,..eemen.. of thn> Deed 01 1'''''t as If the fIdcr
<br />......... a JlI'fI iMmK>t,
<br />1.. ......... 01 _~. s.tIrity. It 8onVWC'f fads to perform the (.~Q\'eflant; anu agr<<menls ';0nlAweJ. to thi:'\
<br />o..t of ~ e... il an)' ocholl or proceedi... .. commenced which mat.nally .ffecls l.ender', m,.re" "' ,he Property.
<br />i~ but .,. limded b)~ emment domain, in$QIwncy; t..-..ode cntO!'_cemcfU. or arnnpmenh or pro.:cet.hnp IOvoivlO& .-t
<br />btaVupl or~, lhen Lender al Lendel', opl_, upon nOllce to Borrower. may make .uch .Pl"'.rance>. d"b",,,, "",h
<br />.sumt'.aDd takA2 sucb Idioa as tit AOC:eIlary to protect Lender"~ mfercs(. Hl('Judfnl~ but not flmllN t4.", dis.buhemcnt {'\
<br />r-we atfOl'llll)'" f_ Uld couy upon lhe Property 10 make tepa'" It l.,ender required ,",1ugage "',"w'c< ., "
<br />~ ot ~ 1M: loan ~ by thtI Deed of Trulit. Borrower "'all par the .....m'umo teIlurrw tl' "'>lDlOm ""on
<br />;-.- 1.. eIhcl 1Wi11'Udl litre .. tile requifement for suo:h ""uran<:< ,ermmal.. In .""orda"". "',Ih 801""".'" and
<br />1..eIIIIiet. ....'.nuu. .-v~.n. .((101'. a able.. la.W. Ilorr_er ""'II pay the ornoun. I 01 all mort,..., in.ur......... l".emtUrm In lhe
<br />_~..... 2~.
<br />=- ~. . by Leftder plIrOWWt to tlm patll&fapb 7, ""th ''''erest I""""'n. .hall be;:ome .dd,hon.l
<br />~ ...ot IIIonowrot *1lRd by tllia Deed of Trual. Unleo> Borrower and Lender ........ to other l<rll" of payment. ,wn
<br />~.w Ilri .!*)'1II:rle upon rlOli<>> from tender k> Borr_e, ,",!_ing paymenl 1""""'1. and shall bear ,nte",,1 from the
<br />..ot4lMil . . ~!rllttM"'PIlY"'ffamrilM tu lill\C OIlI>UUlandin'l".nelpal under lhe Nore unleu pa)'men.o! in.."".
<br />Ill.... ...-'Id "" -81')' to appIicablot law, l~ whid, event meh _'"1\ ,ball hear ,"lereS! ., the h..beot 'at..
<br />Plrl'll'l~,* .~ ~ lal". NodIInt COQlll,ned .n Ib.. pacalfaph 1 .haff fC'l;Jlre Lendcr to .""ur any capen... or talt.
<br />JIll' ~._...."
<br />L ............. r~ -.,1Utk. OH...... In" ",... ~ "1>1""" upon and 'mpcoctioos of Ih. I"n>perty. ph',"kd
<br />... ~.ih!M~ Jlono-<<...... pnct. Wa..y such '''''1*'''0'' .poalyu,. rell>ODlble cause lher..lor ,e,ated '" lender',
<br />._ .. tlltP_..W,
<br />
<br />83- 003750
<br />