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<br /> <br />Thlsmonpllemadtl'and.enteredinto this 15th day of June <br />19&J.,bYamllJetweerI Ra.. .y1ttO....nd E. Stahla and Dianne Stanla, <br />Wire.. <br />(herei!lllfter referred toasmortg3gnrj and Commercial NatiOllal aank andl'iustcontpooy <br /> <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83-003787 <br /> <br />mortpgee)~ woo maintains anoffic.: andpll'ice of bUsines.ur J 24 W. Third <br />Hall COunty. Nebraska. <br /> <br />w~. that for tbecomideration hereinafter state4, ret:eipt of which is hereby acknowledged, themortgago/ <br />does hereby mortgage, sell, grant. llS$ign, and convey untO the mortgagee. its successors and assigns, all of thefoj- <br />lowinlldesCribed propetlY siruate4and being in the County of Hall <br />State of Nebrasb; <br /> <br />Lot Two (2) in Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number One (11, <br />a subdivision of the Southeast Quarter of the NOItheast <br />Quarter (SE~NE.) and the North Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (N~NE~SE~) of Section <br />Thirteen (13) Township Eleven (11) North Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th p, M., in Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />together willt all the tent'menu and ;tpflunenaIK"'I therch> !>eltlnglltg, ilH rhe fcnt', ",ue; and profit, lhereol. ,IUd all <br />_ts. rigilts, royallles, minrral, <)i! and sa, tights and pnt!il., waler, "aier righls. and water Slol.'K, and including <br />an hearing. plumbtnJ, refrigenlllon, lightlnl!:, eQuipm<'Hl and all (IXlure, ol <verv de\niption helonging l() the <br />morrgagar /lOW ,)r betrefter all3\.'he<llherelo or useOm (onn<>:uon "nh the Ilfem"e\ herein descrihed and in addition <br />tlw:retQ ihe followil18 described I'f<lpefl"" Whl<:h afe lHld \hall lx- <teemed ro he flxlure> anu a pilrl of Ihe realty, emu <br />are a rortiOll of tile _"\1m)' fot llle indebtedness herrin \Hued. (It none. "ale "none") None <br /> <br />To have and to hold tile >am<' Ilnto the MortplIee, as her",,, pf<",dct!: <br /> <br />The IllOttgagOf j" lawfully selled and p<~><.'d of and ha> rhe right 10 sell and (onvey ,aiu properl)'; thai the <br />same is ffll(' from IlII en..'Umbrafl<:~ ex~'<'Pi as hen:inabove redtct!; and lhat Mortgagor covenants 10 watr'dlll and <br />defend.lbe Iilk at'o~ thereto and ever)' part lhereof again;! rhe cUlIm" of all persons whomsoever. <br /> <br />Tbk ilWtul.tltl1tisgiven to secure lhe Jl\IlYmetlt of a pwmiowry noto: dated _ilJ!illLI1L,lJJI},.___,.__ <br /> <br />=~~~::~~ v~; ,,~~__.:_~,~~===~~==~::,=~:~===:_:gtle<1,_b~:~~~~~~!~JJ~~:~~_..... <br /> <br />aito. as t\lCh. _ or llOte$ mall ffOllltimc to time be mudifie4. rmewed or eXlended in writinlJ, <br /> <br />lIHbe ~ tlle .titIe to~ real estate i.s transferred, or cOtlUat.ied to be transferred, from Ihe undersigned for any <br />~ Ol'brl\!lYl1'ICthod whaisocver, lhe entire principal SW!l and 31.'Crued interest shall al once bel:ome due and <br />~at ~ election oflbe bokkt bcreor. Fllilure to eM~rci>e this option b<<ause of transfer of mle us above >tatoo <br />iQOIlO~.w no( <:Oil$Wute a waiver of the riallt tQ exercilSC the>llJlle in the ....ent of any >ub~uelll transfer. <br /> <br />L T~ lI'tQf~~u llndlllr<<sas Co/lows; <br /> <br />a.To~ly JlIIY.tbe ~~~ ~idtnt~ by' said. J)romj;;_y note at the lime> and in the manner <br />~~ <br /> <br />b,.:TOJlQ.J1 ~ __is, wute( ral~. and other go'.emmenlld rl[ mUlueiplll tharg!/>, tine,_ '" <br />~. fj)j!.wltkl!:pt<<wiltiOl\' has rl(>l been ma4e /llM'clnbcfore, and Will promptly deliver Ihe olfkt;1/ ":""'Ipr' <br />r_.r~lO d. ~ld mort~, <br /> <br />....1'1) tlltl'~lteJi~.l>l!4.. f.. ,a lllllY' he incurred in Ill<' f'fO!~'tl,," and n1l1inlenlllll'C "I "ud f'HlIX'n" <br />.mlt___'f'_lm--qt'Uy-,-.U.(.)H~1UfliOJtQ:by tilt murt~ fbr the-('(>iln:tion of' an)' nt aU of th{' 'ndebirunn~ <br />_~'~~f~ -Of ,f6f~~~l\t by--nk.1f1~"~ ~K-~ Ot {'()utt. r>>'~x~,~". en tB ~H\~ othef hu~,llinn l.f r'\h~r\x'\hH~ <br />II.f!<<I1ain>>_ JlfQjltfl~. <br />