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<br />THIS INDENTURE, ..... t.bUt'_~c>111;!L__~__>__~ d4y of _-LUJ.L___,___.
<br />,.....SIMOIL A. PEJERS .p.~!U(~g~_~._E~RS~ .!:I!lsban~._ and Wi fe
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<br />of _~_ C_y,_1I,...m~ _L-aD<lHomel'cdetalSavi"...1ld LoIm-"_ofOwld!$lJllld,'.~
<br />O<pDizecllOftd ~ _ tho law> cf tll< United St.t.. or """"'"" witt. its principal orf,.. pd. place or busi..... at Grand IsIaad, NeImosia...
<br />--
<br />
<br />WITNIlSg,"TH: TbaU.idmon_ _i,____. for andin_tlono(U",,,,,moL FOUR THOUSAND TENOOLLARS.ANJj
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<br />no 11 ()Q-------":=-=--:=.":.=_":=====-==--~_=..=~----_=___-..DdIIliio:~4..0r~~llOi ).
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<br />tlwtC<<ipt or,._ is n.m,yllcl<~. do..____.____,.______by ,.... !'f'-C' "'ort~~~~~_~~~an<ia.ssiIDS,
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<br />(~et.. rdl-tbc f'~daaibed 'tal nt.au:< Mtuated on (foot Counry of ,'~'. .' ___Jial1_
<br />and State of Nebrub... to-wit:
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<br />T~n.r ""~lh aU ~1W<<_ ai-! ("undJtKRUflJ(, j~tuuc, :tnd p-iumtHn,( Mj~lpmt::'ll\. i:t.l\d t"tUf~. ;n('iulhn~ "Oi'lt'Il1'i. 11"'omg~L ~turtn >6;tn4a1i"s IHld
<br />tt(lun-, li.nd-.lntlow AA~-W bhnds. -a"Mid{)O at" U\ (j)nr;n.'tKm ""l1.f; ~l!nJ pr<"tfllltl'1\', w~'ln('f' the !'I-1lIt1W fiN" rH'" i'i('""!~J f'l1 "~ld pmp..rty ftf tWf'mth'r
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<br />'1'0 HAVf: ANn TO HOI~lJ -rUt: SA!.U:. t.d~ll'\N _\(1\ l\ll .00 'IIOl(UW thv t.Nit!tnM'H~. tn~t~l-4tr'W'Nt" and appu.rtt'ntuK'tffi lMrvunt-H In'
<br />\On;.t.~. ,.Jl .m .~""ioM ~mc, ton-'\<t#. >.\nd '",.trtUH tht! ~.Ut'\ \., tr;.. ~l1Y-' "'lltd It'~;o)l;1lj,{,lt 'So f!f-lf'l'h\i u,\:t"l111fi{ ""uh '"i<"d
<br />mot'tC~ 1-bat. t 1--.. yare .l1t 1."'*' 1j.t'h'<'l:"-r\' fl-l!'~j ,~iawt-...ti ilWrW,.-5 qf Ow p",ml~ ..tlo!'>u" .:o.tni'yt"l1 and .h.....'nh.,..L
<br />IUk1 are ~ of. ttrotld abd ~~ ",Uilt~ ,,{ ,tl,N:l'lt-ant't' llWN~fL IrN .,n-d t'~~r at .,,11 ~nt{Jfnhn.~. tmd th-at t rwY ....liI
<br />-..rt1IAt lutd ~ tht1 t~tk \~ k~~ .Jl.~ l~ -\ ~...~ ~nd .~.ffuUWh. (., $IJ I.~'!W.~ wht-onl-!:II".Ie"'f--;f
<br />PkOVIDtUAl.WA);'S, .tWUn~W~\ j.1tN.t'10.t!twJ .ntiddJ.....M"'.od t...-i~'Utt'th~.p.)'ffll'ntdtta.~umtlt FOUR THOUSAND
<br />TULJXl1.1.ARS AND. NQIlOO~----___n-__n___-_n__---__----,)"'la,,, 'I 4,010.00
<br />'WidI ~~. t~ with ~ut:hc~il.m.! u,l';-IUH'tt,,,!!.a3 in__:" b'i"dlW,.ftJ ~'iS~ahN:- U. ::;;t.W n}(,n~I'(~~ umJn th(' \f'nn!l .~nd 'Ilndlttom.
<br />Q{ tbe_~ ~');.e "f fl_ date ~ti:1t .>>d ~uf~i ~f-..f},; t'-'~"UUi\.-) by "it.t.j m{-..n~ttfS {o ...tuli murt.~ilol(t1ot'. flil)'ollhlt. <<;~ ":\f.Jrt"'t--..'(j
<br />in....., DQte. ~ too ~ that ~ 0-1 aU tbe tnm-.!II li-M ("Onfi~uoJu. nml~.n-.i tt:.t:"1'V11:l !~ t-to"rTn.'1 of !'ouu noH' .1"(' h!-:wflY tIlt"urfMlJ"utt<d
<br />'-'" by tltlo ........
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<br />h... U. ~ _ad ~ of the pwt'iH ~ tha-t ~ ttiO'rtp..- ~n.1t.tt.o ~-.KUIY an): fUlur~ ad\'a.nt.:"'~ "lade loo l'I-lud mortRnitOf'S
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<br />by .-.d~.llod-lUl)' IlttdaU~ w..addillOfl (.'I1\h".n~~unt at.o~il! ~l....fAod ,,"iud. qtd mtwlX.t!u,'1\c, Hr IH\)'...-l t!lt"ttl. nJ.BY ('W~ \,'
<br />...~" ho.....-et "~. whelbw be:'", nou., hUl;U\; tKUllJUl Of Hthfl.16~ -rh~ u\tirtJt....... ~iYH tVmaUI on full ~ot1..'v llod t'ffW-l 'K."l"".t'\'fl
<br />d. ~ ~ -.nd t.hMr hfiR. ~ r....p"'""tau\.,~~. ..u(~~MJf"!; ..U<i ."~~n.!L U-f\td AU a.mQf.ltlt~ :><<.ured tw't'under. .\Odudm~ h!lUh'
<br />~,.....puilnM1.1C.b~
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<br />The ~,..~ ~y ~ to. ~ nwrt~ aU rvnts lllld .""~ lInt'\U}I; fitt any iJ-OO aU tun~ from MHd pI'tJrjtM't~ lwd
<br />....,. ~ ... ~ << tU ~~ at ft!i; nptl(ltl. I.4pofl de4'""-L !l; hlk~ dt~ of Jj!UO pt-operty and -col1<<1 aU ".'flls <Inri Hllwm_'
<br />t~ W ...., J_ ....... to Uw p:oymeM {d' ~nt~. p-rin4~w.t -.r..-$U;~ pttt61l.!UD'A, t:a.Xmi. a-S.WMmeUUl, n>.ptlU'~ (H \mpWH"ffi4"ttf.:"
<br />.....,.to......~.........~. fJfioolNlr(,~tK.P*')'1JleI!tts-pnwMJed lor.iMnmOf m t-he-oou ~v 'S<<\,tt'd 'rhli'!
<br />,...............""-U~iaforu\t.QUJ\he~~1)1~..u 1lOt("t:!t full}' pa\d. <I'heta..~ f,lf pu~lUtl ~fl(i\:'t ~tWtit 10 {l,' rf\a.nrW!
<br />~ << ~ Mid ~ ~ (be oolkc:ttlJf!J ('!-{-;M;d SUmtl -by f0f<<lI>>u.rt< HI" l)th~'Vf..1It
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<br />'T'bt- aUUnu..J lbfHn(~ tu aseert. ail)' of iUl. r.ghtlJ hor:>nvndet' at ani: tittM- ~ T\(1( be i:0l114.t'\W>i' ah .. W.l"""" o! tts r~ht l-n a~".rt t h..
<br />.... K aft)'.... ~... to ~ U-pOft Uld ..n.tm'~ ~t-;-:d (:~ wH.h ..U thf< l~f'ln:!' iilod pmV1?!tot1~ 1:J '$nMi nn(.l> ,tlW uf ltH-1> nl(l~~..'
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<br />11....~ S .... ~to t. pili'" W ~ n)r~@If lM enttfl!' ~nl ~ a ~undl!f. iinQ urWt1:f (}w !,.t'nM dud pnw~..n'ls
<br />t'>t .w........, ~ ~ ~ M\f.~. find .OJ ('~~~ (~ ~M tht.~",~ U'I ltcl:ul'l.huJ('\' \>l-lth the h~rm_~ ~i l#O\'lSk)f)!;
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<br />........~..................._...............:ttaJ.lbelltfttit.ii!d tot.,bIt ~~of .Ui.lt'.Jd ~y, dlnd may..t il~\~tOll
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