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<br />Delbert D. Theasmeyer and Lois A. Thea.meyer, Husband and Wife.
<br />
<br />1'.
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<br />, herein called the grantor whether one ormo:re,
<br />
<br />in "ollllidMatiou of Fifty-Five Thousand and NO/lOO---------n( $S5,OOO.OO)---Dollars
<br />
<br />received from granmes, does grant. bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br />
<br />Seott Lamb and Susan K. Lamb
<br />
<br />as joint umanta with right. of survivorship, and not a.. tenants in common. the following described real property in
<br />Hllll Gounty,
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot Fourteen (14) Western Haights 4th Subdivision,
<br />Grand Is land. Nebraska.
<br />
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<br />f"x\t.\)
<br />l'SS ".,.,
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<br />JUl 1 4 1983
<br />$ t,().sry BY.
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<br />To lUlve and Ie huld ! h. al",,," d~s"ribed premi.~" together with ail tenements, hereditlUllents and appur'
<br />telUWees thereto h..lollil'iulf nnUl th.. grantee" aud to :lle,r """'KIIS, "r to the helM! aud a.ssill'ns of tbe survivor of
<br />them (o........er,
<br />And gnwt.of tioen heN"by C'-O\'Nulnt with thtl !lr:tHf(lt'.s E1fJd. with tht~lr a.s~i~lUi and 'wit.h the heirs and assigns
<br />of the J$.\1rVl\"u:r nf th~m that .\ltrant-or is i-awfuH,\' !\"'t~t'd of '>aul pn"mll\it~~ that tht"y I:lrt~ fret-a from ~ueulnbrauc~
<br />
<br />except tho.e of r.cord
<br />
<br />that. grantor has ~o.od riR'ht and lawfUl s\uthorit.:o: to i'un,'.')' tht" ~aItH': ntHl that g-rn.nwr warrants aud will defe-ud
<br />the title to 00<1 pr~ft1is".8 tlg'aiuM th~ Iawiu'! \'''illims l,.>f ld1 p;:'rstHUl WhOm8(~\-'t"r.
<br />it is tht" intt"utitlf) nf aJI pal'till')\' ht'r('i't(l Lh:H Hi tht. {<\'l"ut of thr >tNlth of t-.tnH-~r of tilt" ~rllUtt"eg. tbe entire
<br />ref" 81:mlJl~ tltl.t- to the ~41 t-.stat("" !oIhaU v.~t Hi tht'! survt'"l!lJt j,Cr-ts.ut.,et'
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<br />If' Jakl <V....ly, P'rJ""..JJy .'"... De Ibert D. Thea._yer and 1.015 A.
<br />1'hea....yer, Hu.band and \life,
<br />
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<br />~ f#, ""'~ >>U" kM'Q.'ft 10 M tIK ~'detJHn.l! per sun In pCt's(rftS it.'host' Mam~ !.~-
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