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<br />F INANel NG STATEMENT i. _tedto a filinq off;"", for filing p"......nt to the Uniform Com...e.cia' Code. <br />I'. Debtorl.l {last namefi~1 and address!esl 12, s..cuN>d Parwliesl.nd 3"dr""'(""I---~ Filing Officer 10ate. Time. Number and <br /> <br />I n,'V~WI O~~-f'(.~ I a71~c4.V('<-"-~Lj_.!i-~{ I FilingOff;cel 83-003710 <br />I tlU-.JL'~, &~.A../--/ ;/ i'J ,3a-t: d d '--' .'7, <br />It: /!kr'J.,(,.j d, ~ #./ 7 JE I f~01/ I <br />~ ,...tku,.' ex "-' <:d~' <<' -.l <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF COLLATERAL <br />?narv t'-{~ /( -# )~_).r/,f &; <br /> <br />(~~ "-.L)q~(-~Eu:.rL (/ 7) <br /> <br /> <br />"kJ 0J:-. ttJ<!-r:L-:t€d a.-f <br /> <br />13 CtxoLt;.../ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1lJ <br /> <br />(If collateral is goodswhieh are or are to become fixtures,) The aOO"" described goods are affixed 0' to be affixed to: (Describe real estatel <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />(If prG<:eed. are claimed,) The proceeds of the collateral are al.o covered, but unl.... .pecifically granted in tha security agr....ment. the debtor has no <br />authority to ...11 any po.tion of the collat......, <br />o Of products are claimed.ll'he products of the coUateral are also eo""red. <br /> <br />DEBTOR AGREES TO TERMS INCLUDED IN SECURITY AGREEMENT OF .EYEN DATE. <br />E'~"'''h;'--/.J- do, of 'fit. ~~ . 1 "- 8''5'. / ~/-::--~' <br />C"/),nl i~ dl.l..JVl) (/i (..d-J, _ '~ ;:~;~~:;.;;&_) <br />(l.t ( /\./, '-Lv/,p:i'4.{}( " .. r:l f 0 "-,, C lOLl \!2 \,) <br />/i / ~;r;, Signature 01 $:e<:ured PiPJrtv "" '\ Signature ot Debtor <br />NBC 1013 R~v *"70 1FINANCING STATEMENT .J <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />.~ <br />i <br /> <br />~ <br />