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<br />STATE OF NEBRAsKA. ............................JI~;P..............
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<br />It could be that the loan secured by the Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum
<br />!oan charg~ and that law is interpreted so that the interest or ather loan charges collected ar to be collected
<br />m connection with the loan would exceed permitted limits. If this is the case, th~: . (~) . any such loan
<br />charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to.reduce the charge to thepernntted limrt; and (B) any
<br />sums already collected from Borrower' which' exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borr?wer.
<br />~dermaych~e to make this refund by.reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br />dIrect payment to Borrower.
<br />
<br />. I~ Lend!lr deter~n~that all ~r any p~rt of the sums secured by this Security Instrum~nt ~l'e s1.!bj~t
<br />toa hen which has'pnorlty aver.thIs Secul"lty Instrument, Lender may send Barrower a notlCe Identlfyi,ng
<br />that lien. BOITower shall promptly act with regard to that lien as provided in paragraph ~. of ~heSecu~ty
<br />Instrument ar shall promptly secure an agreement in a form satisfactory t.o Lender subordinatmg that lien
<br />to this Security Instrument. Failure to provide evidence that Lender has first lien shall constitute a default
<br />under the terms of this Note.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />If there is a transfer of the Property, subject to paragraph 17 of the Security Instrument, Lender
<br />I?ar require (1) an increase in the current Note interest rate, or (2) an increase in (or removal of). the
<br />l:umt on the amount of anyone interest rate change (if there is a limit), or (3) a change. in tl;te Base
<br />Index ngure, 0:1:' all or these, as a condition of Lender's waiving the option to accelerate proVIded m para-
<br />graph 17.
<br />
<br />By signinjJ: this, Borrower agrees to all of the above.
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<br />Deborah K. Ahrens -~~
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<br />".................,.... County 88:
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<br />On this ...............n~................ day (If 19.?},.., before me. the underb'igncd.
<br />a NotarY P\ilb!lic duly ~oned and qualified for said l'Ounty, personally came ........"'.............................
<br />D.~borih IC" Aht'lens, a slnQ1.e nerson. ... .....' ..,..........,..........
<br />..................................,......................9.......s.............. .... ............ .. ....... .....' ....,.. .......', ..".... ........... .... '. d'
<br />to me knowlD. to bEl the identieal pemon(s) wbose name(s) are subscribed w the foregoing instrument an
<br />aclmowledctld the .~tion tbeteof to be ....... ~~.x:.......................".....,....... voluntary act and deed.
<br />WITNl~SS ~, hand and notarial seal at ...J~E.~.J.?~~~.t...~~e~......",..............., in said county,
<br />the date afoft_d.
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