<br />r-
<br />
<br />
<br />UNiFORM COVENf,NTS, Borrower and Lender covenaf!! ;l!ld agree as follows: 83- (j 0 3 6 W
<br />1. Paynlent of Principal and Interest. Borrower ,hail promptly pay when due the principal of and inlerest on the
<br />indebtedness evid~nced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the p,incipal of and interest
<br />on anv Futun: Advances secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />2. Fuftdsfor Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable I;::;, or to a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day momhly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in fulL
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one,twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over th,s
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus {me-twelfth of yeady premium installmen!~ for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated iniwdly and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounls of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution), L.:nder shat! apply the Funds to pay said !axes, assessments,
<br />Hlsurance premiums and ground rents, Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compilmg said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the tim,~ of execulion of thIS
<br />Deed of Trust that interest Ofl the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay BOHower any mlerest or ,~arnings on the Funds,Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an, annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and dchits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Deedoj[ Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by bmder, together with the future monthly installmellls of Funds payabk prior III
<br />the due dates 01' taxes, assessments, insurance premiums Imd gmund rents, shall ex"eed the amount required 10 pay said r.3xes,
<br />assessments, imluram:e premiums and ground renlS as the..: fall due., '\Jcll eXc,~ss sball bl:, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repilid to Horrower or aedited to Borrower on monlllly installmenls of Funds, If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be sllfficli~m to pay taxes. asses,menls, insurance premium, and ground rents as they 1';111 due,
<br />Borrower shaUl pay to Lender lIny amount. necessary to make up the ddici,~ney within 10 days fwm thc dale notice is rnalled
<br />by Lender to B,l)rrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all slims secmed by thiS Deed of T rust Lender shall promptlv rdund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lendc:r, If under paragraph I X hereo/the Prop,'rt\' " ,"Id ,)r the Propeny IS othelWlse acqUlred hy Lender, l,ender
<br />,hall apply, no laler than immediately prwr 10 the sale 01 lhe l'rnpcrty '.>f ib ",:qlli"tlon lw lender, ;In\' F,,,,ds held hy
<br />Lender at the !line of application as a credit againsl the Sllms secured hy thiS Deed of rrllst
<br />3, Appliil:llClon of Payments. L'nh~ss appll('able !:Iv. prOVides 01hN\\IS<~, all.. pavmenl', received tw lt'nder under thl~
<br />Note and panlgraphs I and! hereof shall he apphed hv Ic'll(1.:r lirS! m pa~'men! ill amollnts payable h\ I ,:nd~r In Borrower
<br />under paragr.,plh ! l1ereof. 1l1en to interesl pavaolc t,;Jtl the Nj)I'~, lhen to tile fHmCIP;;1 ,,{ rhl' Not,', "nd Ihen II' Illl"rest ;lI1d
<br />principal on allr Future Advances,
<br />4. Cbll"~s: '.lens. Borrower shall ray all 1;1\"'.. ,hse,snwnh ;md (.Iher dlarge" tille:. ;lIld ;ll1p;""tillns allnhtIlahk I','
<br />the Property which may attain ;1 pnon!v oYcr IhlS Dc,~d of TlIIsr. and Ir'asehold payments or grollnd rents, it anv, in the
<br />manner provided nnder paragraph 2 hereol nr, It l10t pilld II) Sl/cih mauner, bv Born'\\('r makmg paVlllenL wh(~n duc, dlre!'ll)'
<br />to tlhe payee thc'reof. Borrower ,hall promptly iWlmh II' r"IRk'r al! lIotlt,;'" 01 ilI1WIIIlf' due under lb... paragraph, :lIlt! in the
<br />"vent &rmwl~r shall make payment dmxllv, Borrower sh;lll promp!IY lliftmh In I cmkr rCt,;'e,plS (~Vlll\'Il\:lI1g 'Iwh payment"
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge an\' Ikll ....h'dl h", IHIOfll\ '''\'1 Illi' I><:ed 1'1 IlllSl, pr ,\V ,,!<'d , tipI BOIt"""r '.;<;,,! n'H h'
<br />requm:d to di!>charge any such lien ',<.' I('III! ;h H,HI"""I ,h;lI! "gle(' H\ '''filing I" Il'w p"yment 01 Ih<: uhl,gatl\'fl mnl tl\
<br />\ll(h !ten '" " manner accep!able f<.' Lender, "I shall \n good LlIlh (I)flle" ,ud! hcn b\ Ildend enll"<.'~!llent .11 ',,,,1\ h<:n In
<br />h:gal proceedinlts whu;h ()perale W prc\lenl Ih,~ enhllrenlCl1l ,'i lht' 'Itfl p, "'l!'~Ill!!C the Pr"fWltV ,I' '"l'. P:lll there,,!
<br />S, H_nlllm;UI~t. aorrower ,hall keer Ihe fl11pf"'Cllle!\h Ih'" <.'''sllllg ,,' ht": dlel t'l,'\'!"d ''''1 'ilt' 1''''I'eliV 111,"""j
<br />"!lIIIOSt. 101S~ by I~re. ha13nh m.:luded ,..10m lhtl llfm''''lemkd , "nd "lei! ,'li":1 h,I'''td' ,,_ ("tHlt" "';n "'qulI"
<br />and lfi SUch ;illlll)Unls aod (or slldl perw(h (I', I nhkllll", '''UUllC, ihat i ",,,d\'1 ,11;111 nd leqtjne Ih;ol ih.. :!Il\(llllll pI
<br />",u\:"h \"()yer4gt~ c'\;:-ecd H'lat afUvuru t,)t ii:{,)VeJ,t~t: H'~uul;.:d 't.) p,j\ Ih,. \1)111\ '\i:...uf\!d h, I)~~t;d t'll r 111'\1
<br />I''hr: H'\Mlr3fh,"C (,iUner pn.lvnhnK tht~ tl1:'\UtiHh,,'t' ,hat! t~~ ~,J~(\"t'H B~.Ht\'\\t;~ \uhjt.',,( h1 ,ipl)f\n .1i 11\ t ~7ndl"! pJ\!\'H.k~L
<br />thilll such apprOI\l,'!l shall 1'1('1 11<: unreaMlIll.blv '''Ihhd.! :\11 premIUm, ,HI ""11"""'" !hj''''C'' "h"n h.' paId Ifl Il'll' 1Il:!"ner
<br />pnl"'ldcd unOl:r 1"1l11lerllpb Z hercol ur. ,I II..>! P<l1l\.i l/l '1l<:0 :1I,lIlIll'1. b, Hurn.wel :\laKlIll! f'~VlllenL """II Jue, dll\',:liy t" Ih,:
<br />insnraocc callie:!,
<br />i\H UUUf'IU11'(:'C J'~oh(,~.(:" ;uld n,!'ne\\,~.i.. therCt,,'\l \!l.1H ;1\" ill inj It) .t\.'k,;ptah~(' i i".t~d\.'f' "Fh.i ""h.iH Jud\.!l.h' .t \l.ua1.'l d Ulnn":.1}:~:'
<br />.:hluse III (av,)! oland In !.lrm ","'p.;tNe 1<' I "lI,kr I ''lhJc, ,ll,,,1 h,nc l!lC ",t:h1 /0 h<lld the polKk". ,dlO ,,~lH''',ll", 1l\('lc',"
<br />..JncJ 8(lufjj;~'Cr ,hall pn,)mJ)I~)' ttHflhh h~ t ~!h,kf .dl n,~ln,7y.~I:J: il'll!t\-\:''' ,PhJ .!B ft''I.'e;pi... ot f~>iHj fUt'fIHtjn~" 111 lhl;," t"\"t:'nt "q ip,'~
<br />Bort()\\~l ,baH ~~I"C ph.>nlpt n:Ol!~c h~ th;: :!'i""ULHh.,l"." ,,_ ~Hf 11;.'1 ,d,nd 1 t^!H,k~ 1 cwj(;'j ru~n 1I1.Ul.1: plt~il hi" It lid! !Hdlh' pfPnlptl\.
<br />I'll! {klflowel
<br />> Unle'~ Le!i~dc. and 80rrl.)\i\;,ef (lth\;f~h\:' agf\'~l" Hl "n'dl:~" dl"Hi.Hh.'\' ~h.Ai! l)(~ .ippHf~^ti ~,\ !C-lul.ltJ\JH \~f it.~.p1_4U d~
<br />,he ,Pn'.pe.rty d.an~ag~d" Ph..'tv.r..kd ~u~h n:'lot~dh-tn dl P:p~~d: n ~'I..~l~H.lnlli. h.',l"ihk' .j\i;d ~ht.' ~",HH,\, \11 Ihl'" l)t~t.-~d \1:1 I f\llt{ f\
<br />not tbefeb~j U'l\praifN. It 'Su...:h rcSl(\f".dI\.~n ~H n:pr.iH h'l.lt \'''~\_~lh.inh"aH! !1,'d'lb1..: ill 11 dH,' ',(,;~'unt\ thl" IJt"....i!ld ~q 1 r .'HHd:d
<br />he: ,mp,ure:~L 1m: Ul~UlI'dnt.'C: ph'll\.:ccds ,haU he di)ji\lu:d hJ r~1~+ ...UtH..;, 'It,'" u't:d h\ ttU"'l [')~t~d 'rtJ"'t, \'\. :1:11,,' \,~\;",t:'\.' If ,:un p.Jh_~
<br />to Rorrow(:~ If the PrQJ')C(ly 1\ Jban4.h.lnc..i hv Ih.l(f(l\\(,.'l 0,'1 d H(lfhf\oioC:' f.uh h\ Jc-"p1,.,nd I~~ l {.,~pd1;f i.,.\\lt'Hfl _l1) d..iiY-' 11\H11 tth:
<br />dale. Otltl1..'C, b nla.I-cd b\' tcndc. to BOffO\lloCJ' ~h4if th(.~ ~n:stHdrh..'~' ...'O,ti'lH.:l' ~'.rlcr... ~\t. ",cHh.: .~ ;..-;,jjfl1 t~~f lrl\.Ul'...fh"l" ~x~uc-hh, I ~"tH.i~f
<br />i~ llllthonu.! '1\' ,,,lle.:i "nd apply the in~Uf,"'~c pH",;cc",h ,tI I ender, "PII<'" either W 1<-'101..1'00 ..H iC.'''>I 01 ihe l'ropel1\
<br /><'I' It' lhe ~um" 1...'l,;ured hv thl~ Deed of rrm:,
<br />Unless. Lef1ldcr and Borrower Other"'lse ~lgH:-C ":-.{UJS-. JU) Mkh J.Pplt~~itH_'n p; phli..'l~Cti~ {.n prHh:jr~l~ ...ht!ti n()t \..~\{enu
<br />or P<lS!P<'I1C the due .date or the !Uon:hiy in~!"llll1cH.\ 'cJerred hI d' I',Hagr"plh I JIll, "erc"t "r "h,lll!,:..: Ihc~mllu"l '"
<br />sudl inSlallmc::nb, If under paragraph Ix hefC\lI Ihe l'wpcrly" '''''l'HICd tI\ I .:"Jel, ..Ji :Ight. lllle ,HId nlelcsl "t Borro"cl
<br />in IInd to allY inlsu!ance p<~lic,,:s and m and Il> lhe prc""icc(h the,e,'l rc>ultlllg lwm dam;,ge III lh..: I'r"I1CII\ pnor 1<' lhe ,..Ie
<br />,'r aC"U1s.illt~n "hall p;.ss w Lender to Ihe ""lent ill the sum, :>elilltL-d r.\ Ihl> [ked 01. Iru'l InHHcJwICil:)! "" Il' 'u....h ,,,1..: ,"
<br />aCt;lllisllion,
<br />is. Praen'ation ud Malalenance of ProperlJ; lA'lISt'bolds; Condominiums; l'lltllncd 1)";1 Ot:\'elopmcnls. )3"rtll'''er
<br />,hall keep th~ f.rupcf't~ Hl g,};;"J rcpau" ..uvJ '\h~ln n.~r ,,"';.HnnU1 V';J\h: uT p,,'ffUlt \n~p~Hlnlt,:ni \klcfh.1:J.HH)n or lh~ Pt\)rh.,,'n~
<br />and shall comply ",ilh the prOVISionS otam lea,e I( th,s Deed of Inl" ",>:l a kil,ehokL II Ib" Deed of Trust" on;, lll111 III :.
<br />condominium or a planned uni! devcl"l'menl, BNr,,,,,",', ,hall petft,;lIm "I! of Borrowe!',; obligal"\!l' umJer 111" deli!:.r"t","
<br />or covenants crealin!~ or governing the \:oru.iomUHtHH ph.inncd 'OfB! dcvdop1l1Cnc the by-Ia\it\-~ anJ tcgul~t:ion\ l'q' tnt,.'
<br />condominium or planned llnll development, and li(HlSUuenr. documenb, .. If a c<1ndominium or planned unll de\cl,'pmelll
<br />rider is cxecu!ted by Borrower and recorded t\'gether with Ih:s Deed of 1 rust, the ~OVt:n;l!lls and agrt:cmenb ,.f ,ulih rider
<br />shall be incorporated inlo and shall amend and ,upplement the \:uven;,nb ;,nd Jgrecments 01 thiS Deed ot Tn"t a, I{ the nJel
<br />were a part b,eneoL
<br />7. Protedion of Lender's ,Security. If Borrower fmb ID perform the covenanls and agreements ,:ontamcd H1 (hi"
<br />Deed of Trust, or if any action or procceding is cNmnenced ".hich m:lleriaJly ;lfTcCls Lender', interest in lhe
<br />io<:loolul;. bul 1101 lrmited to, emin.ent domain. ln$oivctlq, code enforcement. or arrang.cmenb or }hDcceJinp a
<br />bankrupt 01' dec:edent, then Lender at Lemler's oplion. notice Bclffower, may make such Ji,hur,e sucb
<br />sums; and take such action as is ne-cessary [(, interesl, hut not tn,. ,,!
<br />reasonable lIUolrne}"s fees and entry upon lhe 10 make repairs If Tt:quired inSUClnce "s a
<br />condition ,)f m!~king the loan secuxeJ hy this Deed Borrnw", sh:.H p"'~miums to maintaHl ,,!Ch
<br />iU$UfaflCe in 1:ffect until :\iuch time ,\5 tbe requirement for such '!lSUf"IKe in with B,)rmwn's ;me
<br />applicahle law, BOfIQWCr .hall pay lhe afrwunt of al1 mortgage premium, in lb<'
<br />2 he.reoL
<br />
<br />
<br /><lddltf(H)~lt
<br />pl,yment, 'I,,;h
<br />iruet';:.~s! f!"OTn lhc
<br />,)[ inf<'r<"';
<br />h,ighC$t nH:~
<br />e:X~'l4;tl~!$'t~ (\1:" ta.kt
<br />
<br />r~$!I:~(lfi_&htft cJl'tti~~,,;
<br />s,pe:d fytttl re,\::r~.~(..,rtabh~
<br />
<br />