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<br />-RELEASE IOF MORTGAGE- <br /> <br />n""'~ <br />(:$.:)- 003650 <br /> <br /> <br />INCONSIDERATlONofthe payment of the debt named therein, <br /> <br />stuart Schepers and Kenneth Schepers hereby release themol'tgage made to <br /> <br />Stuart Schepers and Ienneth Schepers by Robert P. Sorensen. am G.eraldine G. Sorensen <br />or surrlyor <br /> <br />on. the following. described real eatate, f.o..wit: <br /> <br />'lbe SouthvestQuarter ofSect1on 6, in Townhs1p 9, North, Range 12, We.t ot the 6th P.M. , <br />Hall County, Nebraska, a:CiiiPT a parcel of groum of 1ll aereB, more or 1.., 1n the <br />Sonth...t corner of said ..boye quarter aection, more particularly described a.: Beginning <br />at a point 25 Unks North of the quart.r section stake betveen Section 6 am 7, running <br />thence North 10 chains, thence North 8So 18 m1nutea West 12t chains, thence South 10 chains. <br />thence South 8810 18 m1nutes East 12t chains to the place of beginning; am EXCEPT <br />another parcel or ground of aboat Jt aCres, more or less, described as: COlllllencing at the <br />Northwest corner of the So~thve.t Quartor, running thence South along the section Une 1 <br />rod; thence Bast 140 rods parallel to the South Une of' said quarter; thence South 20 rods <br />parallel to the West Une of said quarter; thence East 20 rods parallel to the South Une <br />of .sa1d quarter; thence NOrth 21 rods parallel to the West Une of said quarter; thence <br />Welt 160 rods to the place ot beginning. <br /> <br />of Sec:tion 6 . in Townahip9 North. Ran,e12West of the 6th P. M., Hall <br />Count;y. State (If Nebraska which is nK.'Orded in Book 1)) of Real Estate Mortgages, page 406 <br />of the recorda oj~ County. <br /> <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, <br /> <br />theae pNlefttl1:o be eucuted this 9th <br />day of HI.rob . 198) <br /> <br />WitMu: <br /> <br />Stuart Schepers and Kenneth Schepers haY. caused <br /> <br />_..........._.:1w.~'......t::...)\".~'-..;...L:~~:';;;~~~~.'....,~~..::~~'-;...n....u".. ...........h.......... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />..._........_.... ..........."..............,........... ............... .... .Attut <br /> <br />STATE OP.......~:~.~.~......,.............,.......................'}a On ."'..1_ qth da March 83 <br />M wue.....:............ y 01...,..:.............. ..................., 19... ..... <br />, ontgomery . <br />......._......._.....................,;.........................,COunty before me, the underalgned, a Notary Public in and for <br /> <br />~ County....penlODIl1y e&mI......lttM.t.b..~~IR.f.;r.'-........................................................ .......,...... <br /> <br />identical peraon whoae name is affixed to the above release and <br />be hi. voluntary aet and deed. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Entered on numerical index and filed for record <br />in the Register of Deeds Office of &aid County tbe <br /> <br /> <br />