<br />,-
<br />
<br />
<br />83-003602
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />. ---'~._ (herein "Mortgager") and
<br />.d,NI{ OFGR.~ ISL.~.!-..~~d Isl~d, Ne~:raska (herein "Mortgagee"),
<br />
<br />to Mortgagee in the princlp;ll sum nf $ 7.1...183 ;_28 __, evidenced by Mortgagor's riote
<br />
<br />f the Note, with intI' rest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with'interest,
<br />.. the ::;{>curitj, of this.Mortgage, and tb., performance of the covenants and agrel'rnents of
<br />Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and L'Onvey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />
<br />County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot Nine .(9), Block Four (4). College Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />'l'olletht'r Wllih all b\ltldin~s, imprnVl'ml'nls. ftxtUfl!S, Strl'I'l:;. alil')'s, pa.ssll~eways. "aSI,ml'IUs. nghts. pTlvileges and
<br />aPl)urtemlflcel, tocalNI th.~rl"()n or In lInYWIS1' pt.rtllmmlllhl'fl'to. ,!Ill! lilt' 1I',Il'> ."u..., ,1lI1l profits, fl'Vl'lSions and remainders
<br />th~'n~f: includmg. bUlt not hmll.t'd to. h<'lltlllg and cooling l'qulpm'.'1I1 and SUdl p"rsonal prOp"rty l.hllt is attllchl'd to the
<br />improvements so liS to ('onsl.lUtl' II fixture; ail .:of whwl1. indudllll: rqlla"I'llwnts and add'lllJnS tlH'relo. IS IWrl!by declared
<br />In be It part <<J,f the "",a 1 ~tlItI, s.'Cured by till' IWIt of tillS Mort~a"l' and all of till' fUfl'g'>J!lg l1l'ing rl.ft.m>d to h,'rein as the
<br />"P1roperty"
<br />
<br />MOr\igll&or huthl'r .,onVli'nllnl.., and agrl'l". "".th Morlgllg..... a' ,ollm"
<br />
<br />L hylrnenL, To pay ttw Illd,'bt,.'dne~' and th,' ml<'r..,t.h"fl"JO II' prolld,'d ,n thIS Mortgag.. and 1.1H' Now.
<br />
<br />2, l'itll1', !ilurtgll.gOf IS Ill.. ownN of I.hl' Prop"rly. 1111,' lh., nghl and a\Hhunl, to mortgllgl' llll' Property, and
<br />wa,ffllnl$ thal the !it'll; \?o,'al.ed '....".by is a f.rst and prior ,"'11 on 1111' Prup.'rn. <'1I,.,.'pt a, ma\ otlwrwiM' hi' wI forth hl'fl,in.
<br />
<br />'I'll\' l'roj><!rty 'S ,ubll"':l. 10 a Morl.gal:t' Whelt'Hi
<br />
<br />is the MorlgaM.I'1i" rt.'Cord.>d lit Book , Pagl' HI i Ill' MOll ~ag., Hl'('or.h of
<br />Nebmska. which Mmtgage i~ a hen pnor to llw ''''II n.'itkd Ill'H'h\
<br />
<br />CounLy,
<br />
<br />Ol~h,~r pri(>r lil!n.~ or fm:umbraIH'e:c"
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />:.t TILXIlS, Assessmentli. To pa) wlwn dUf all taXf;, 'penal a.,ws~ment, and all oth~'r chllrg/!s against 011' Propl'rty
<br />and, upon written demand by :\1ortgag{'e, to add to tI'll' payml'nt, n.qu.rl'd uncl,'r tilt' Not<. ,{>('url'd ht'feoy. such amount a.~
<br />may be sufficient to enable the Mortgagt'(' to pay >Udl tax,'s, a,se,,~ml'nts or other charge'" a.s they b".'Ome dlli',
<br />
<br />4, InSllrancl!, To keep th" impwn,ments now or lwceaftt'f locat('d 011 the real eSLaLe described herein insured
<br />against dan1age by I1rt~ and su<.:n other hazards &. Mortgagl'l! may requin" in amounts and with I:ompani('s aec\'pLable to the
<br />Mortgagee, and wilh loss pay'able to tlw In case of 10;', undl'r stich polldt's the MortgagE't' ,h authunzed to
<br />adjust, C()\l~el~ and ~'ompton1!$e, in jt~ all claims thl'n'undN at its $01(' ()phon, au! horiZI'd 10 dtlwr apply the
<br />p~el!!ds to the rest.ol4ltiQn .of t.he Prot*tiy or upon the indl'btf'dncss seeur..d hereby. but paymlmts hl.'TCUndl'f shall con,
<br />titlil:e .!tntll the SUllls liecurt'd paid in fulL
<br />
<br />