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<br />.jI,l':.~:: c ~ ~ ,;~!:~~~~:.. {~~~..:..:.: -4-~~~
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<br />.;. ~..:~~;:~~.:~ .:..:-:~..:, ~~~ ~~...,l\:u.
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<br />~'~~~:")
<br />
<br />
<br />83- uO:l599
<br />
<br />
<br />. 19 _133., by and between
<br />
<br />
<br />TiUS IND~RE, made
<br />
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />flEE1~.Q._l - mTl-;LER ',-1ty)JQ.~BOSfl!r811L_.:E_.~,-lmLLER~_.b1Jsba[lcL_Bnri ill; f 6
<br />
<br />....-------_.-:.-----.~-~,~_.~--------,----~-
<br />
<br />of _~ County, Nebraska, "" mortgagor -5-___.._., and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Cmma ls~and, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under th" laws of lhe United Stales of America with its principal office and place of business al Grand Island, Nebra.~ka. as
<br />mmtlllillJl!C:
<br />
<br />WlTNrs.'lETH: That said mortgagor _.~._____., for and ill cOllSideratiol1 of the sum of TliJEL 'J~_T_~'1USAflJD F rUE HUNQ!3J:::O
<br />
<br />lhe receipt of whkll is hereby admowledged.
<br />
<br />mortgage and warrant unto said mongagee, Its successors and assigns,.
<br />
<br />forever, alllhe following described relll <:sIBle, siwated in 1he County of
<br />and,SlateofNebra>ka, to-wit;
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRf.\5l<.A
<br />
<br />TOg>lthel' WIth llll h,~..tmll, a,l( wnditlOnmg. lJghtlnj(. and plumbmg l:Cjulpm,'n( and flxtur,,~. ;neluding ser<"!ns. awnings. sturm wlOdows and
<br />doors. and wmd()\i4<' ~~h8dti Of' blinds. used on or in connt"Ctlon with ~n.id p,:,{,!".w:.rl,Y. whether the Sal1\t~ are n(H'" loeatt.':Id. on said property Of here.aft~~r
<br />placed t.hel"OOn.
<br />
<br />TO BA VE AND 1'0 HOLD THI, SAME. tog..th"r WIth !i!] "nti singular I he ,,,,,,,own,s. I'''r<'ll.tanwnts and uppurtenances thNeuoto he.
<br />
<br />longm,g. Of in 1I!l.uY1!1i1'irse appertainirlg, f<:tnwet, and ;;.;arrtlut the ut.h~ t,o d1(~ s~Urre_ Sald n'lorgugor hereby ('ovt~na.nt with said
<br />
<br />rnort.gagt:*, that t ht~ % 03: re lH tht" detlv-ery hereof. the lawfUl [lWnt~:r ;":') uf th~. prenuses ;ah(Jv(~ (on\lt,~Yt~i ~nd descnbt<d,
<br />
<br />.no are !';e:lUJrd of -Q good and indreieuibie e:statr:~ td loht1.nt.anct! theft~in, frP.t~ and ck~ar qf ail (~n(:umi_t"anc(~s, ilud thaL.t !w ';i wm
<br />wan.nt, and df~tend the titlt;r thereto ktrever ag~un.st trv"~ dainl:>i and demand"", of nU pt:.fs(ms whomsot?vt;~r
<br />
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALl""' A YS. and thi... ,nstrument IS ..x..'''ted amllleh"eT<i(l ((I '"j("". ,he pay""''', of th.., sum of
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />--. -.. -- -... -- -.. -- - - ...- -- - -.. - -.... -.. "Ilollars ,S l.
<br />
<br />with inWnnit. th'~l'OO<n, t()getl~r with 5u\;~h c:ha..rge.~ and advttnces as rnu)' he due ,:HHi payahk' ll) Bald mortgaget;' under tho;.: tA:~nn& Hud cHnd,itHmB
<br />
<br />Of tb.tLp,r'OlnissoQ' i1IC>(.Ai:! of eV'!,"'Jn date herewith and 5e(.'un.d 'tlert4},y, f'xecuu':'d by said nwrtgagor 5L to :said mortj.{agel'. paY'k~hh: a:-:i {~xpressNl
<br />in said note. and to sellC'UN dilC pedormana: o'f all th~ t.er:rn;5 and corH1itions -contamoo therein, The' {,er:rns of ~aid note are hereby ine,orpornt-i.>d
<br />herein by this n,fel'1>1lCe.
<br />
<br />
<br />It is the intention and &4~m.ent of th~ J>artlea heret..i} that: this tnortgage sballahiO $CCU11~ any futul"t:l advance::; made to said mortgagor.
<br />
<br />by said mortgag.'$J~ and any and all indebtOOnt".$S in .addit~on tu t.hc unwunt abt'J'li'f-! ~it,a~d .-...'hidt ~u.id rn()rtgagors. or any of th~m. rWly owe to
<br />said mortgagee,. oov.'ever ,c'\didenced:, whether b,)' note, book 8-t(;ount ,or od)(~rwisc. Thl~,) mt.u'l:.gagt: shaH r+~m8io in full force and 4,!ffoct heLWt~n
<br />the. parties hereto and t.he:ir he.us. ~rson4il rep~g;enta:t.i\!cs, succe$:itors and a;ssig-us, until an amuuot.~ $-(~cu:red hereun.der. mcludulg futurt'
<br />advlUlCOlS, are J>$ld in full w.ith in<<tl"st.
<br />
<br />The h~nm)' assign to $~id !".1ortgag"" all rent.... and '0':<)111" ansing .at any and ail times from said pwperty and
<br />said mor4:~ or its agent, at tt" optIOn, default, t.o take ch"r!>~ of said property "nd.coll""t all rents and ,,,nm\('
<br />,a~d app~,y: the, ssmc l4) the: ,payment of 1,t1ter4~t. insurance prenuu,ms, taX,€'S., aSSe$SllWf>;ts, n~pai:r~ or
<br />l,Q~'said propll"rtyintl!lWl.tliibleronditron. charges", prov.ided for here;n.o, in
<br />$.l:;aU continl~ inJoree until thi.; balal1.Ce 'of said note is rl<&jd~ The taking of P{)ssBssion hereunder
<br />Solid n""rt1~~rn tho:, said Of othecwtse.
<br />
<br />
<br />of its rigbt to assert. tbe
<br />nO!A~, and of this. ~Mrtgag-e.
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />th,/;.!: tenn$ O'ina ,J1rD'\"i~j;.()ns:
<br />th~ tenn,.~';i ,anctpg;{)vi.s,ions
<br />
<br />the
<br />
<br />