<br />
<br />83- (jOa~5:Qf
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Grantorsf in considera'tion of Ten Dollars and other valuable con-
<br />sidera.tion, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to
<br />CHEVRON CH.E~lICAI) COMPA.NY, Grantee, the fol1owinq described real
<br />estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat, % 76---20l)'1n Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />
<br />.A tract of land compris a part of the Southeast Quarter
<br />of the Northwest Quarter (SE~;NWt) of Sect.ion Twenty One (21),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br />P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described
<br />as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE~NWk), as
<br />laid out by county surveyor Baldwin in 1890 and since used
<br />as such; thence easterlv alonq the south line of said North-
<br />w~~st C~uarter (NW~) a di~tance' of Two Hundred 'fwenty Five
<br />and S€~venteen Hundredths (225.17) feet to the intersection
<br />with the northerly line f the Burlington N~rtherly Belt
<br />Line Railroad; thence northeasterly along said Northerly
<br />Railroad Line, a distance of Four Hundred Eighty Eight and
<br />Forty Seven Hundredths (488.47) feet; thence southeasterly
<br />foular to the last described course, a distance of
<br />T\ll€mty Fiv(~ (25.0) feet; thence northeasterly along said
<br />NortherlY Railroad Line, distance f One Hundred Ninetv
<br />Five and"For Five Hundredths (195.45) eet; thence oe-'
<br />fl<:~c L ft 8 Qt "lnd ~~unninq rH.1rthcrlv', d dist,ancc f
<br />'fhree, liundred Fif Four ,me: Seventeen Hundredths 354.17)
<br />f,,'c,t. to a int 1'11.:((:(, Hundn'd (300.0) f<.'ct south f the
<br />sc~uthc~r! jl J n(' )f l'~nn:l Strpet, j n tl1P Ci t,y ()f Grand Island J
<br />NEi!bt'aska; tfH'nC(' thv.'C'stc'r y uarel] ] to said south line
<br />f l\nna Str t t ,"1 : lst(lnCf~ .:' Four f~un!::iced F'i t'l Spvf~n ,:lnd
<br />"rhil.,t.,~~:t~n i{un(!re('~ths {4S'"}.; fC?4:,.t: th{:~r1(~t,':) {j<;I:lc:ctin{J 1 ft
<br />':i O' ,lti,5 runninq tlH'i.lst.('r)', istallc,} f Tw(mty Fiv(.~
<br />(2 . ) fc,(;,~~t; tr"i(;;\nc!:~j PJ !('{-~tln~-1 r'lt 90{')OO' ,.jod r'unnint.J
<br />t!ilWlestt~::~ y, ,dl~_;:tancr{:" i: ~rnr f:undrc~d Sixte()n and
<br />Sixty F'o:J lhmdt,'dtl:s 1!f,.(4) :Ct't t thc' ,.;est Lllw
<br />S.i~lid S(_~ut.l1~;:(:ist {~~U'JJ"'t.~<"r j'}f t.h(~ N()rt:b\vt.~s,t ()u(Jrter
<br />th<:!'oc..: th'"'fly 1 n,; t ',,,,,,.'st lint' 11 :';d.id S(")\ltheast
<br />QUdtt(;>:." tl;;.~' NOt-tt~\I~le~t ()u<trtf'r SE:~~;Nv;!;;) t ti (! st.;]n<~"t. <_~f
<br />~r"",,) Hun(lr-t::~d dntl Ninett::c.n 1'!un(,Jr~:~dths {;~27;oo} 9)
<br />f(~(Jt to t!-K' !"'q,nnint;, Llut (';.;c:l.udin~l tlH\t pe>rt:ion
<br />()f tht, U'dCt: t3' the l'i ty rand Island by deed
<br />rE~C()t_rd<:,~d .JS OS417 I dt'JCi subJ(~ct tC) (':aSt~n1ents f
<br />rec0rd ;Ind pu Lie r(jdOS.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Gr'dntor S ':OVE>jl.ant
<br />tJlat Grantors:
<br />
<br />intly and several
<br />
<br />with the Grantee
<br />
<br />
<br />11) are lawfully seised
<br />free from encumbrances
<br />assessments for sidewalks and
<br />1.2) have legal power and l 1 authority to convey the same;
<br />(3;) warrant and will defend the title to the real estatf3
<br />against the lawful claims of all persons.
<br />
<br />f such real estate and. that it is
<br />such as appear of record, unpaid
<br />
<br />
<br />, J' ". , 08 ..,
<br />Executea: u.J..Y b , .L J ...J.
<br />