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<br />83- 003589
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<br />
<br />'i'hat we, MICHAEL S, KNEALE and PATRICIA KNEALE, of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, for and in consideration of the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND
<br />($50,000.00) DOLLARS in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby
<br />acknowledged, do hereby bargain, sell and convey to RAJ K. CHOPRA
<br />of. Johnson County, Kansas, the real estate hereinaf,ter described
<br />and situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Fifteen (15), Block One (1) Brentwood
<br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
<br />thereto belonging, and all the rights of the mortgagor, or eit.her
<br />of them therein or thereto, and we do hereby covenant with the
<br />mortgagee, his heirs, successors and assigns, that we are lar"lfully
<br />seized of the premisesJ that they are free and clear of any and all
<br />encumbrance except a ~lortgage due and o..ling to Commercial Federal
<br />Savings and 1,oan A.ssociation dated i\pri l, 1979, and we do hereby
<br />covenant to warrant. and defend the premises against the lawful
<br />claims of all persons \,rhomsoever.
<br />
<br />Provided alw<1.Ys and, these resents .:lre upon the following con-
<br />ditions: that, whereas the rnortqagor has executed and delivered to
<br />the mortq.agee a certain ;,ote bearing the same date hereof,
<br />for the payment of Fi Thousand Dollars (S50,OOO,OO) with interest
<br />tht~r(.~on at Tc'n P('t'cent dO ) per "mnum Imt}l });:uo, paYilble as follows:
<br />
<br />':'11(" Ur!; of $6&0. 0 un ,July .14, 19a3, and the
<br />the s urn f ~,6ti 0,00 on the3<J6It f each
<br />succ(~(:-d fi1tH1th unti.l t.he c?ntirc ;:Hnount., f
<br />F'rlnClpal ,Hid i.nt(?n~$t has b(:cn ;",lid on r
<br />b"" fore' ,June} ."J~, 9 9 3, WL th he as t i'dymen t
<br />Ol.h:' and owinq .JmwJb, 9(~ 3.
<br />
<br />A'tr.t
<br />t:> )/
<br />
<br />;>iow. : f h~:' m(H't<;,ilqo~" ShitU 11 itnd n; :)ay or' CdUSC' to b€:
<br />:.-'3 l d t hf' ~,:; ll!t't 1 ~~:c)n(,:,:y r~ t,tlt~: ;'J() Lt"," :'1(~t) 1 ()n<t.,,:ij 1 1d 1 t-h 1 n. te" r<~~s t the l"(;()n ,
<br />ilccord 1::0 the t"mor ,!,nd :' f(~ct of lilt;: :'iott", J shall ne.lt:her comm! t
<br />n(H' p<;;, t \>'<.1,ste on the n;;'nn5(;~.S; snail rocure and kee!) nsuranCEl
<br />on th~~ stnlCt.u:rl;" on ht? rem.LSes dul' nlJ the lIen 0 this mortgage
<br />in the sum !' 110t \{,155 than Fi fty ~;'housand Dollars (S50, 000. 00) J
<br />shall cause to be nserted n the icy f nsurance, loss, if any,
<br />first:. 1(, to Commercial Federal Savings dnd lioan l\.ssociation
<br />as mortga.gee :md Ra] r,. ra as second mort;qaqee, as K. Chopra I s
<br />interest milY a.pp",~ar; shall pay all taxes and local assessments
<br />levied upon the real estate and also <111 taxes which may be levied
<br />upon or assessed nst the debt hereby secured, or the holder
<br />tht'~reof on account of the indebtedness, together wi th any other
<br />taxes. or assessments \..hich ::nay b(~ levied under the laws of Nebraska
<br />against the mortgagee or the 1 holder of the principal note
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />LJ
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