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<br />83-003585 <br /> <br />MOR.TGAGJE <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOA."iNO, HI-767 (FHA) <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Albert Mierau and Delores Mierau, each in hi.s and her own <br /> <br />risht. s:pouse of each other, Mortgagor, whether one or more, in eoo.siderntion of the sam of <br />N:me. ..Thotlsnnd F~--Ri.v.e._an~_Q.:__::.":::::=:::===:::=.:::.==_========:::====:=:=-=..c-----::::====OOLLARS <br />~dtosaid ~r bY The Equitable Building;rod Loan AssociatiOn oH;mnd Island, Ncbfl!Slca ,Mortgagee, upon 90 shares of stOCk of <br />sa!lli.ASSOCIA1iON, CertiflCliite No. L ,do hereby glllnt, conwy and Jllortg~ unto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />desocribed relll estate, sitUllted in fbn (:mmty, Neoc4ska: <br /> <br />A tract of land <"'Ciilprising a part of the East ()ne Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter (E~S~) of Section Fourt,een (14) Township 'l'welve (12) North, <br />Range ':1:en (1Q)W<Cst of the 6t.h P.H., traIl Cou:rrt'YI Nebraska and more <br />particularly descriJ:::.ed as follows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the DOr:theast corner of said ; thence running southerly <br />alona the east line of a distance of Two Hundred Ninety and .E'our <br />'l'enths (290.4} feet; tJ1ence running westerly, parallel to the nort'1 <br />line of said E~SE~ a distance of One Hunored (l50.0) feet:; thence <br />runniu9 northerly f parallel to the east line of :said E!$SE~ a distance of <br />'l'wo Hundred Ninety and Four Tenths (290.4lfeet to a point on the north <br />U.."1e of sa:Ld ~SE%; thence ru..' easterly along t..i-J.e north line of <br />Ek.iSEk a distance of One Hundred (150.0) feet u') the point of <br />beginning and containing 1.0 acre UlClre or less. <br /> <br />together with all tbe !cnICllllt:JlU, heredllJummts and apllun,mana:s dlcceUlllo bdongmg. mdmting altached 1100t coverings, all window saeellll, <br />window s:h.acles, blinds, $Iorm wmdow:t, awnifil!ll. b.~ali"ol!.;1ll L~)fidl11011lng,and plumbmg and walertXluipmCllland accessories thcreto,pumps,noves, <br />relngerlltms, and nIne, fixhllCS alld eCflupmem now 0' hereafter .allellc!! 1.0 or used IfI ~"HllleCll"fl with said real estate. <br /> <br />And whereas the said mOrl:g:tgOT 113..\ agreed a.....J d,)e$ ,hall and will pay ail taxes and assessmenu levied or <br />aSlle:l..'lled Uptl>lllioaKl.premtsl's and upollthis m,}ftgag:c and Ihe lhe ~me shall become delinquent; to furnish approved <br />In:;UI"n~':e upoon the bwldmgs on ~. pI!em'!ll:s $ll.uated mlhe '!Urn 0\ 1; 9,045. {';"vable 'v said ASSOCIATION ami to deliver to sajd <br />ASSOCIAl10N lhe poh.:ies tm '-'IUtl insu,::moe; 3nd nOllO ",,",rmt 01 IX:llflll any wasle on 0' ab<ml ~lld prelfttse~; <br /> <br />III <~. 01 defaull In the pnlmmlmce 01 ll1iY of the tem" and cOlKhllmls 0' !IllS mOrll',age or Ihe bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />oil demand, be "nhtled h' llllllll~dlat" 1">Sliessnm "j Ill., Inotlgllgl,d pteml:!Cs and the morll\3!l'>! herehy ll~S. lran:>iers IInd :sets over to the <br />lllO(~ aJll tile lenb. levefll~1 llnd inooll>l: to he Ikrived Imlll the mot ~ llfeIlUS<:1\ duriflJ/. such time :liS the moflgllge indebtedness shall mlDllin <br />oop;lKl; 3rKlthe ItlOllglll!~ s.halll\Jt\<'t< the IX""'''! 10 appoint a"l' ~nl Olll!\f:lll$ It may cleme jtll lhe purpose of repairing s.aid premi$e$ alld renting <br />d\e ilame Jlnd coliet.'tiflll:. the tenlS" ,,,,venues ,&lid 1fl000lle, and 'I may pay uut 01 s;ud mcome all expeniC1l of repalling said premises 1l1ld necel!S;U'y <br />commllllllOJIS IIml eXI:lellll<:$ UlcuueU III ,,,mmg IUtd r:l~1Jg lhe $i1ime and "olkctillll n:nlals therdrom; lhe balance remaining, if any, to be <br /><qlplltd to,""lIId the dtscl1lJ1lge of iIa..J munglllle lIloeblednes".. ,lIes.: ,.g.l)h of lh~ Illo'l!l3t,ee may be exel<;;SIt.'<! at any lime during lhe existence of sucll <br />default, in~\ll'(;lIve of ally lcmp",,,ry WlIlIer I)f Ihe sallW. <br /> <br />fhe,., Ptes.:-ut,. 1\1,1\''''''''''. ar" UI>V11 Ihe Con<hlion. rhal rf lhe """J M"'lg'~l!iol iIl,all said loan ,)fl 01 before the tUlltullty of said share~ by <br />paYUlelll. pay mOillhly (0 '111\1 A&';OCl!\ rHiN of the ~llm ill lhe HonG ",:cmt:d as JIlleles.t and pflllerpal 011 said loan, 011 ()( before <br />11l'C IWlIlltielh dot)' of clKh ;~mle""IY momh, mull $lllll loan" p',*KI; P'ijl "II la KC~ am! ~""llienl5 lcVled against said premises and on .thh Mortgage <br /> <br />JUtd tile Baud ""':;""Nll.hcreby, helme I.kllllquen..:y. (urm.m the.. the3:wn m the $I.UlI of$ 9,045.12 payable <br />10 $00 A.SS(lClAT10N; '''pal' :;;:Ild ASSOClAHON II palll lor !axe5, ll.C"""OSIliellts and insllfance with inlereSlal <br />tile ma.ll.illmm l<:gal rale Ilh.:R'on l;w!U llale 01 P~YIll':1lI 10 pay; pelmit no waSil: (>II said preml>\es; keep and oomply <br /> <br />wllb llll the .1gm:mCllls lln<J or'"u'llIOIIS ll! the Bond 101 $ ':),045> the "'lid Mortllll8or lo said ASSOCI.Al10N, and comply <br />WIth aU tbe 11t"lmrem"f1l'; ollne Clmsllt'ltlOn and 8y-Laws ,)f llaKl preso:mls sh,..Il become null and void. otherwise they <br />shaU ren:wnn in full low:: and !ll:ilY be fmed.,sed at Ihe 0\ tbe $iud ASSOCIATION after l~illlre for three months tollMlke any of said <br />paynlCHlJi or be ttl'~"" mUllths ill lHICMll ill ma\;.mg s.iiid ur !o alld cOluply with Ii", agreernenlli and oonditJon5 of said Bond; <br />and M<Xtl:liol&lll agrees h) h"~",, 'e:;,;c,,'e, appoinled f,,,thwi!.h Itl <br /> <br />If there IS all)' Chall~ ill of lhe ,Cli e'St:ll!: <br />_cd s:hall, lit the "i!l.ion of Buil~ ltu.cJ <br />further lwtio:, JUld tire .UOOOOI due ..m.ref $<!.KI <br />dacte .of exercise Qf sa.KI bear lIr the <br />bond, and ;!If'Y ,)tMr <br />Nt.>b~ fQ;, imuran\CC, t:axe; <br />legal rate. <br /> <br />As <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />entire ",..mammg indebtedness hereby <br />immediately due and payable without <br />ad\llln;,;c;i> TIlade wi!, from the <br />to s.atisfy the aroowtl. due on said <br />Wll:Il Assotiatiull of Grand bland. <br />dattc of paymenl al Ihe maximum <br /> <br /> <br />,ern;u:r~, in cHoc! tire III.lrcaH"" <br />14,..11 ll<' WIthin the mQrt~ <br />10I:X<;L.."d all any lime the "'lglJJalltlrJuWlI of thjs 1I1U,~~. <br /> <br />addioonw sums. to !.he <br />same as the funds originally <br /> <br />A.D"J'I83 <br /> <br />O;:'lhi!lc 2':'!t.h <br /> <br /><f..;a.y,'f)f <br /> <br />QJ LlI1e <br /> <br />i "03 . 1><>.lor<1: me, <br /> <br />th1t- ulW:e_r:t~~~l,1 31 Nf'M:q- _Pu,bb~ in m.d i0-r-~<tCotlnt".cJ ~t_~}$Uy~ <br />.fi;)at;rl iJ) h.ts &1d h(~l~ G:w!l <br /> <br /> <br />tll:~ <br /> <br />'l.tre <br /> <br />~Ull\.til t" 14;:- Jl!><.1Vt <br /> <br />l'C''<mIliy <br /> <br />ll.,..i <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />~i>e.f;Ht <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,~:;~..j~~ .-.v <br /> <br /> <br />j <br />Ii <br />t; <br />I; <br />I' <br />