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<br /> <br />Itnotu an '-tn lap t!tbtse t)r:tSents,. T1r4t. Wkere.u. In an ad"", in the DUiric! Corm of the <br />Elev~E:_~_~_._,___j<Edicuu DUtric! of the Siaie of NeJmulta, wilkin andfor the County of ___'_._yall___.________.__.._...._. wkrtin <br />--2omm~E,~~~~_.X~~.~!"~1..___~"'=~g~_.,E.t;!,~t,~.2_~_~~~,2.~<i!..~iQ.~->.__"_'\.J~Q!:PQ!:gJ:;.:h.qn.__.._____.__.plainiiff_., and <br />Me:l!:?_~___!:.:.,_~~~.~.~.~~.!<:!_'f?_~m~9EA~~~Q.__;r~E!.~;?._~~ggi~,.___,._____,.__,.__.,...,_,_.,_._"_...'...'_h__'-.--____.,..___".cUfendantfL <br />althe~~_<:!.~}!~;!"J:_IS!:.rE_~_..,__,._.,_ Term., A_ lJ, 19_.~;?, of said court.. ~:?,~~E~~"'=~...!.:~c:i_e:!".Cl1:.,.~_<!:.~~_g:?_~.t!...~:?_~._~,~.?C, <br />did obtain.iJ: di.cree finding tMl there is due fro"L~~J__1::.~:m_J:._'_mtL9TI,io_~,>._ltgr;j"~L.S,,._J1.Qn.::L.~1,___s!j:)JL..J.?m.~~_.t1QJ;l,i~,',... <br />.,._.__..:L~?~~};~_~.Cl!!:_.J!:"::~,~!~;!;,J?<:!Y!:gg~L_~<t.1g.?:!1:._A~.l?2!:.ie_tigJ:L...,..._,__..,_."___,__.._....._'...m.__.........m..., the sum <br />qf2!?EEX_~E~,~,.,_'J:~9.~~Cl!:1:,~..X:?_~E."I!~.(t:r:~~..,~Jgh!=.L.~e.y.~g...Cl9:~.,.131DQQ,_\.~,4~.>A,~.z,~,?_ll.... ...,...dolldrs. <br /> <br />_~~__~_._~~.~....._._._.~__...__.__._._~_________n.n....___.____......._._.......___.__u_.____....n__.....,....__.._.. ..... __.'".. _hUh_....._..____ ....." _.... "_.00' ..0. ___"... <br /> ___ _n".'~,.__, _U." .b.,___ .."__._. ."_. 0.'. '0'" ..~.. <br /> <br />...__.>>~ -->>~... ~_._.. ~-~~~-~~-~ -~ 0__ _ _. _ ~_ .., _ _ "_.. _... ___~_~~ ___~. ~O "~. ~ h~u O~_"_._' _ "_d"~+ u_~.... ... ~. _ n.._~ __.. _" .__ _ . _, _ ._. On _ ~o ~'o M~' ~. <br /> .. _ _ ~ _ _ __. _"~. _._ _ _" ._. . ... . "H _. u. .H~_"_ ~__ .~._ __~_. .u.~._ .~".. _+~. ~.. .__._ "~.+~ <br /> <br />and CQ8fs oj suit taxed at..'''.u''..''m..__m....u.......'m._........ ., '..,.,u..,....".....'...u.'...__..............,m,m ........".dollars; and. whereas. it wa.. then and there <br />Jurtkr. Qrdered in the said iu:tion tMlin default of the payment of Ore sum 00 found due!;y the said..._~~1~.Q.J:1...1:,uJ1Q:t;r!:,~_L.....u.".,.nn., <br />.~,~E~~..,~,:'u.~().~.~,~,L.,'?:~.~._.!~~~,~_,,!1Qg:f..~,..,.,.,M_"',......",.,./haL",.,~he.IJ~~...XL.,f9ciJ:"];>.~TIk>;....,"...,..,..,......''''.,.,........,._......., <br />Sheriff of said County of_.,......'"'..,..H.gJJ......n"...m.'. ,.,.........."."....."",.. should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described lobe <br />advertised and sold aecording to law to pay the same, and. whereas. default having been made therein, the'...".".,u.........,,,u_..'.m.. <br />Charles F. Fairbanks <br />.'.".mum......"...,.","u"m""'''_..'m.,,,..u,,.,,...'....m...,. m'.'.'........... .', Sheriff of said county, under and by virtue of the said decree and <br />the order of sale 10 him duly dirated, did on/hL.,..mmm.,. .....u,,_.}.~.t:,~......!~,E'O,..u..,., D. 19u8.;3., <br />at then.}.():.v.e.!..Jg.t>t>Y..OJJ~the County Court lJou.<e in Grand Island <br />in said County oj..,......,.mm" "".'''..m.Ii~;!;~...u....u..m'... .....,..............' "" havingfrrsl given due and legal noiiu oj Ihe limeandpkru of,.aid S(Jle <br />I' '. . . .. I Grand Island Dailv Independent. . <br />by puollcaiwn once m eaeh week/or Jour sncceSSl1't weeh.. m Lle....,.,...,....._..,.......__........m.........,..__..m., a newspaper prmted and In general <br />circulaiion in .~aid County sell said premises at public auclion t(L..g9.~~~.l:".~,c:.a.::1..... <br />X~.<:!.E':!=:'?:J......?.a.:Y.~~.8,~....a.r1.~....1_t2~..,/JFj~,9.c;.~,a.Ji.:9.g.._..."....'..'..n.... for the sum of. ..EQfJ:.Y....TJ:u:g~..J~h.Qg~.a..~tg.J9.;!,g.~.......,.,.,' <br />JI!m.g.r.g~.)i;i,xr,y....L~4J,..9.,6Q..j10)m....m..h.......,.,......,dollars, which sale was aflerward at the..,m,J.anA...,ls.t...Term of said couri, <br />A. D., 19.Jt;l., examined .md confirmed and the said...,............GJ1.i1.!:J.'?!3mJ.,~J<:~~,r.Q.ClPJzs...,......'. .., sud, Sheriff,ordered <br />to conrey the said premises in fee simple to lhe said.m,.,..~;.Q.mmg:r.;t.~,i!-.l.X!?sj.~.r.i?,l.. qgYing~L.M!:LL9.gD..Ai?i?..Q,~,:b9J;J.QIL,...,._ <br />j}OW 1kberdott, I. Ihe Sheriff oj /he County of <br /> <br />aforesaid, in consideration of ihe premi.'e8 and by virlue of Ihe powers t'ested in me by laU! and the <br />dt!cree oj said (,{JurI. do hereby Give, Grant and Convey 10 the .~aid.....~?l1Il1Il'O.l:'i.~.Cl.~.F.:.~,:.ri3..~,.,~Cl:\l~.I1.?:s...<'lI1~...~o.ilIl.... <br />Association <br />h....~.... ........... _" """""~ .">O~~hn_. ~_". _. <br /> <br />l.ot <br /> <br /> <br />Block Ten <br /> <br />,~ and assigns, the premises so as aforesaid sold. 10 wit: <br />in John Voitle' s Addition to the <br /> <br />. .. ... ..m.. .C:.Hy. of c;.I:iOm4 I!?J <'lwt.....t!<lJJ..J'::QttHt:. Y.,..J-IgQ .r:8,i?};s <br /> <br /> <br />_n..h...._............. ...,..........,......', "'m.. ....',....,.,......................,._.... ....,wilh.ihe appurfenan~e8. <br /> <br />~O. "abe.. anb to J)olb tbe ~ame unto the<:2<1.1,.E.e.9.\?:!:".Cl;L,9.<"...<3J'!,cL <br />Loan Association <br /> <br />__.......__'.__...............m.'..,....'mm._..___u... ..m.m_____...._u......m..'__.'.........__...___.~s and as.ign.., and to them aJ'u1. their use aru1. behoof forever. <br />In q:t~timonp lPberent. I hlJ..l,e, as such .':,'heriff, hereunto $01 my hand <br />83 <br />D.,1[L.c.,. <br /> <br />and del i-cered in flU! l'resenee oj <br />Williams <br /> <br />Nebraska. <br /> <br />NEBRASKA, <br /> <br />}n. <br /> <br /><In, ihis....,.".....,.,..._.??!:=.l:L; <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br /> <br />19_B3... beJoreme. the tmde,..ig,lCfi_...._..J!o~E.g!!'::L..I:-;"..E.i:_gtCil11,s,.. <br /> <br />in andJ()J' .aid wuni:;-., per${mal,;y appew-ed. the said...,........ <br />.....M."........ .. .......~!~.~.:.~l..:~..E~...~~~!.~.~!1.~~.._....,........... .._ ..............ShiJriff CoW1ty, <br />w me pu.orwf,ly koown 10 bt rr.e idmJiJxli pt:)'SfJ/l woo lIigr<ea tbe JOl'e!Joiflf) iMlrutnmJ a8l1rQ.!ilor, and <br />he acfrnmlJlerl(Jt!d tk .ame tll bt hi. llOllll'l1./ir)' (l,Ct and deed, as luch ,fheriff, fO!" ~ lues and pWJl<l"1: <br />Uwtl1l. set/orf};. / <br />.{tnt" my lumd and day and <br /> <br />--............'tJ <br />fII:lJDCD L. WIWAM$ <br />.,...........3.1:1115 . <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />j <br />