<br />
<br />83- u03565
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE WANNOL 24 ,106.
<br />KNOWALLME~~BYTHESEPRESENTS;.Thllt Larry D. Hd-lillen and Agnes D. HcMillen
<br />
<br />Mortgagor, wbether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />.--,~j::RiU?ix-'J2QQY!?_@A__El.!.;:LmD_QQ=====_=====:=,==:,:==_::,::-:--=-=:=-=:=-=:===----=--==-==_ OOLLARS
<br />loaned to saidmortgagm by The l:~lnitab!e Building and Loan AS,SCJciatiofl of Gnm!! Island, Nebraska., Mortgagee, upon 360 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 24,106 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate., situated in Hall County. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot lw~~ty Five (25) in Bison Meadows Addition
<br />
<br />
<br />to t.he Village of D<>niphan, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />togeth.er willi all die lel'letllem~, hen:dlhunellts:mdapf'lUlella!ICl:S I,hereunto hek>Il~:mg. mdudlllll attached floor c(),\leriugs, all window screens,
<br />WIndow ;,hades, blm~~, slo'm wmdows, .Wlll~$. h'''dlmll, 'HI wlldllivllt'lll.1I11l1 plumbing and wlItel' equipmenl and accessories thereto. pum,ps, $lO'lles,
<br />refrigcHllUrs, and olbel fixlu,e, "..d equll>>ll<:nl flOW HI helttaJte. Ml:tcile<lln UIU:;eU in C'lIlne<:lIOlI WIth said real eSlllte.
<br />
<br />And whefellli 111<' sud rlK1HglIgOf hilS agree,] and ,joos ,..ueby "glee thai Ihe 'flOl'tgugm "hall alld will f'lIlf all taxe$ and allllessmenls levied or
<br />.<SSesse..i 'lpOIl SlI,.j 1'1'<:1111."";; and upr,JIJ (Ius """llgage "",<1 Ihe b..nd ,eculCd rheld.,>, bdore Ih,: s.:nne ,hall become delinquent; to fUrnish approved
<br />illSulllnCC' UpOn IiI< ImlldulgS ,m ;;;l,d PUntl'>':' slll.mled mille sum '" $.36,000.00 payable (" Slid ASSOCIATION lind W deliwr to said
<br />!\..'is(X'!AnON Ihe I,..belt's I'm ,;aId 1l1SUH"u;e, ;Hld "ol 1(1 conllui, or 1'C111lI1 'lilY wasle on 01 abmll Slud t:uelllises;
<br />
<br />In ':llliC 01 defllull m Ihe llel\t>>malll'l: "I any ,>\ (he I,e",,,, Mild c"lHbti..m, of t!ll~ morlgagt' or the b01ll1 :<ecured hereby, Ihe mortgagee shall,
<br />011 demand, be cumled 10 lmul",tliate 1""""'''410'' (if ttie IlhJ.lgll!!,ed p,elll's.cs 1In,j ,he IHoHgagol hereby ass'1lI1S, tflUlsfers Mid sets over to the
<br />IIKlIlp.gee all the lelHS, leV"'II,OC$ and II1COllJe '" he delwe,l hom Ih. mOllgag,ed plenus.::s dUlmg'u,:h tUBe a. Ille lIIor1r,llge IIldebtedue1i$shall relllllin
<br />\lIIpaid; and the n"'>rlga,g,,'e sllall haw Ihe powel wapI''''''!! "flY ".!len. 0' agenl, i! ,nay \leSlie, fl." Ihe plllJ!O"" "I' repairing said (ll'emi.>;es and reniing
<br />the s.lime ""J colle":IJil!i Ihe ""US, 't:~e"""~ dud IIlC<Hlli:, Mid II may I"'Y ,Hit 01 ",lil "'CUll'" "II ''',!lell.e. or fepainr.g wd p.emises and necessary
<br />(~llnnuSSt"fj' and e"Il<:'IlSC~ !ll(urn:d In lerllllll\ ~"d lIl,ulaglllg !he ~;mlt: ;!>hi 1.'1' cullcctHlV, "'Hlais thelefrom; !he balance rcmaining, if any, to be
<br />a1ppbcd h,w~HI the di,.::hafll(' .,l said Ilh"tg;<lle 1I1Jei.llCdl'lc,;"" the"", I ,girlS "f Ill" mmtgug<:ce may be ex.~ICI~d at a.lly IUTlIl during the ex.istence of such
<br />default, Ine;qlCcl.l\'e "f 'lily tempora<y Waiver of Ihe ....Hl'"
<br />
<br />Thes.: 1'r'''liCllb, hOw"",,,,, 'H" upon th{: COfld.tKlli, l'halll the '\dId MnJll\~gOl';ha!llepay s;ud .imm Oil <H lJ<lfore the malul'ity of said shares by
<br />"",yment;. pay monthly to $J.,J ASSOCIATION of Ihe 'UfII >f'Cclfj('d iii tht Bond $<:",","& hereby as Hlt':I'''SI ami prulclpaJ on said loan, on or before
<br />Ine Twenlleth day ul each am;! evclY month, ullt,i SIlid loan" fully ,,<.I,d; flay ail taxes and a1&:lii>lll<CiHs kvied aga,lllsl $aid premises and 011 this Mortgage
<br />
<br />aiUd the lkmu SC(c\llcd ttwl~by, belm" delfll<j:il<''llt}, fumisil ~pp!l"'cd I1!sunu.cc \li"lH !hebmldlllll,i> thel'~(ln in the slim of S 36,000.00 .. payable
<br />10 siud ..\SS'OCIA nON; r"pal' W SJllt! A'sS()('1A'110N demand <ill rrnmey by It pali'! I'm such taxcs, a"''iCK'llleUU and insurance with lllterest al
<br />the maxuuum lepl'~lle Ihe.e"" fWIll date of p"ynlClll of which Mongagm he'~hy agree. to tI"Y; lJ<:mli'IIlO waste on said pl'enuses; keep and comply
<br />
<br />with :>lllhe agreelllcol>:l:lld,:(Il!\llllml. of the B<md hn S .3 6,000,00 tbis day ~,II'e1l by the said Mortgllgol lOl'.3id ASSOCIATiON. and comply
<br />wilh allll>" I'eqoocm:nts of thc Cm"'lituhon and By.t.-.ws ,)1' i':l.id ;\SSOC!AnON; (heu Ihe:\(: presenls ~haU become null lIOG vo.d, olhel'wiJle they
<br />l\halJ remain in full 1:01:<:>: and 'NY be fOledosed at lhe optlOIl of Ibe slud ASSOCiATiONaft.el failure f,'r Ihlee months 10 make any of Sllid
<br />ll;lyment~. m be lIuel~ 1lI0mh~ m lnears Ul mWllg Silld IllUill.hly or 1.0 kce,!, and romply with tlw agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />.,nd M~lrtigagll{ 3,@,fees Ic. llavc. rccelver appointed fOlll,wilh w proceedings,
<br />
<br />If Ij)CI'~. is allY ,di:u~ ownership of lhe rea! l'StilU: mOHgaf:\cd her<:in, by Slll'c or otherwise, then !be entire remaining indelnedness heleby
<br />secured shall, at lhe opholl Equilable Building aud wan Assod.alion of Grand ''''and, NeblliSka. become ixnmediately due aOO pIlyable without
<br />further notice, ;md. U~ anmlllU due under said lmnd, alld oth!!r bond for any lIdditiollal adwnces made thereunder,shall, from the
<br /><!lite..f l:xercilil' ofl'.3.idoptkin, bellt t.be I1llrx.imum!egal rate. may thell be IbIeclo:lf.:d to satisJ)' the amount d,* Oil said
<br />tlQIld,;jfid 1ll1y othabond fIlladditron.al with all sums Fquitable Building .wd Loan ASSQCillti.:.m .01 Grand I.sland,
<br />NIlhI'~ fot. !ru;Utll:fliCC, taxes and eXlcllsi",,, thereon, from date of pIlymr.lUt al the lll:axl.mllLrl
<br />l~l
<br />
<br />hereafter ad\'1llJoo addiliOflal sw;ns to the
<br />of mortgage the same as the fWlds otiglllally
<br />of this mortgage.
<br />
<br />l\. D" 83
<br />
<br />Outhi"
<br />
<br />5th
<br />
<br />clayo!
<br />
<br />JIHB
<br />
<br />,he
<br />Ag:nes D. j\1O.'hl1en, eaCIl1.H
<br />
<br />NO/lIry PuM,,, ill Md fm $!lld ('QU:llfY,
<br />and her own d.na
<br />are
<br />
<br />
<br />j;Wt'W!I S ,",,'n('Ji<!: l'lllirlJ;; S arB aflJ;Y.,,<f If> tit., abuVI':
<br />!>J b.: thei r vuhJIll al Y .lief $'Hl deed,
<br />tl,Ill;) "',Ilj NtHlIll1.l! $I.,~J !h!: dllle ;~Jof(,laj,1
<br />
<br />a,,(!
<br />
<br />""'Wflilly
<br />
<br />..........
<br />
<br />
<br />My
<br />
<br />iIt..~"'"'u :I!/
<br />