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<br />-'--r-~ 203~~~: 0':_ MO~TG~~atkm ___ 83_=_ 00 35~4 _~~a!1:~_~~on&~~olf, Walton. Ite. 6846~~,_
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<br />I f.....6~ t;".. , ;- T()--~'""p 0 " . ,f.tlui P .M Hall
<br />I 0 . ,JIIIC ."..... =..0", . . ,'\an"e . rj \~ t'oU4.~l L ." ... "
<br />! CV1imfy, Stale of Nebraska "((thick is recQ1'aedin 80011" - ""'iJr Rea/Estate MC1'tgages,page
<br />I of tk, recC1'asef SlJidCounty.
<br />I . IN TES1"IMO.NYWHEREOF. the. sa4d . . Bank of Doniphan
<br />j tluise pre.sen ;e,!i!;(~teiJb)l its presuient and its CC1'porate Seal to be ajfi_'$ed htweto this 29th
<br />l da~ of . . 19
<br />I Witness :....
<br />
<br />i .. . '"""_H .u.o.. h '''"'''^~ ",.,,""~~1'_"-~"" .. ~."..,~' ,", .;l;~'i ....'..'.',.-.~~"... "-.. hO" ,.. "" , "" ""' ' . h. """" .~v~
<br />i
<br />,1
<br />
<br />
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the
<br />Doniphan, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Thomas J. Luth, a ~ingle Person,
<br />
<br />Bank of Doniphan, ,
<br />hereby releases the mortgage. f'1f4lk to I
<br />
<br />on 1m following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />Lot Twenty Five (25) in Bison :Meadows Addition to the Village
<br />of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />j
<br />i
<br />I
<br />I
<br />1"
<br />, I
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<br />I.
<br />na.." caYs-edl
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<br />l:3.auk.~{..Qf..nQ.....I..1?-;p!~an.,.....l). . pnif~an.. ....NE............. i
<br />. I Ii Ill; I.. ..J.- f;Ttf ,
<br />By..~~'}u:J::v...:L;...~""'~"';~~..., Presideni!
<br />i ; (j \1 j \.... -+ I' 1 .. . . I
<br />. '. ." ""..,;;.:.,N:.;;.'>{.c......,./J.,.. ",<"<.:.:".;)"";f.,'i,,,,,-t,,,>,,,,r"~, Secretar)1 1
<br />. . .. ... . j
<br />STATE'cOF~.......N,ebra:5:ka,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wl 0 .....:- ')Ot!. da' f Jll'" '" 1..0'-3 1
<br />.. /.. '...... . .. '. . .... n \.t1U<...h-.;Z. 1.... Y 0 .......~ ....M,;,....,..................., lP..4.....!
<br />/ .' Hall _. . ." . I
<br />...._...._.......;...,...............................................COunty I before me, the undersIgned, a Notary Pubhc In and for I
<br />
<br />said County,p4mJonally came.........G.eo.rg,"-..lL...ltlaru.t.s.c.hke....,..............................................., President of the !
<br />
<br />...............m... .Ha.nk...o.f...D.oni.pban......,...... ....... ..... .... ,.... ,..........,... .......... .....m.............. .....................8 Corporation i
<br />tome persoruUly known to be the President and identical. person whose name is affixed to the above release and I
<br />aclrnowledgoolthe execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as '!uch officer. and the voluntary act and I
<br />deed of said Cl)rporatior., and that ita corporate i!t'. I "!8S thereto affixed by ita authority. .
<br />
<br />Witness lrn:y baud and Notarial Seal at,", ..D.Oll~pha.Jl...,...". ....~'"".1 in said County tbe day and year
<br />last above Wlr1l:ten,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />My COmmissi1)I11 exp;ires.. ..
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />-.. ... / (,
<br />... Ci" clar P bli
<br />,\....:/..~..h..':l..otary U C
<br />
<br />(~ 1ft..,. -tbl. '" ......n
<br />",..... CAfill.EEl'tIlt:WHftt....-
<br />.., c... bp.. CI& ff. 1985
<br />
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