<br />
<br />83- 003554
<br />
<br />SUBDI\c~I S I ()~.; _-\G~REE:~1-E~';'T
<br />
<br />
<br />An Addition to the
<br />
<br />of Grand
<br />
<br />Citv
<br />,
<br />
<br />Island,
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />The undersigned, :-11d-Cont1 nent Enterpri 5es, Inc., a Nebraska
<br />
<br />corporation, h'2reinafter called the Subdl viner, as owner of a tract
<br />
<br />of land c,omprising a part of Block :\ine (9), Continental Gardens, an
<br />
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly
<br />
<br />described as follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot Eight (@l;
<br />Block Nine 9), Continental Gardens; thence S 00 00'
<br />020 E (assumed beari ) along the East line of Lot
<br />Four 41, Block Nine ). Continental Gardens, a
<br />distance'oi ninety-five ~nd thi -nine hundredths
<br />(95.39) feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot Four
<br />4), and also being a nt on the North line of Lot
<br />Thre~ (3), Block Nlne 9), Continental Gardens; thence
<br />N 89'" 54.'. 11" E along che North 1 ine of said Lot Three
<br />3) a distance of tw6 hundred fo -six and twenty-
<br />seven hundredths (2.46.27) fe'2t Co t.he NClrtheast corner
<br />of said Lot Three (3) and being a ine on 11 570 foot
<br />~a~ curve on the southwe~terly in~ of Rue de .
<br />COl age; thence northwesterlY along the southwesterly
<br />line Rue de ColI and on the arc of a 570 foot
<br />radius curve to t eft (the long chord f which has
<br />~ bea' .,....1. ng.)": 1\l 'i 'I" I <,'~" i~ ,'1 f'cl 'I 'I ~ '!1 C' J:: 0(112
<br />'ct .': ,.L .: (. I. ,". .~ "d '."", <C, ~ c.... i... '
<br />n:~d thrE'e an(l 1 wo hun(lr~;dti1s :1 .)2), an arc
<br />of orw hundred thrE!e and s Lx hundn.-:dths
<br />t to a point of curve; thence
<br />r1f,,,.t"I"'''''''t'pr1,, ',' 'I -""'{'. s")lu.(.'h"l<"s" {'1-1 ,..j l'r'c,..)]'" R'lE" ('lE~
<br />~:"...J1:, 'Jii'~"" ",",'.~ -l-,.l d.."!';J~,t~ '_~"_ _,t..~ lI"\I~:^,,^"~~_,'''' .""1 ,.l, _". .'~~' """' ,....," ,
<br />Lollege ancl i.m thtC! -Lire d L8tl!Oot :raduJs curve to
<br />~he ft t~e ~ong chord of wh!ah.has a bearing of
<br />NO 4b' 23" i'i and a 1,2 h 01 rnuE'teenand tWI;?lve
<br />hs 19.12) feet), an arc distance of nineteen
<br />and twelve he f19.12l feet 0 the northeast-
<br />f;ody corner of Lot Ei (81,131 Nine 9),
<br />Cont:Lnental .. oSi. . e S 7 54' 07" W ~1 the
<br />southeasterly llne oj:: saLd L.ot 81 a dlstancf;;
<br />of one hlJndred fif thi.!:' hUI'ldredths
<br />(156.31) feet; thence N 59' W a the south-
<br />y line of said Lot 8) a distance of e
<br />nine .O~,feet to the point, of i.nning, and c:on-
<br />.)91 acres. more or less;
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />ires to have subdi.vided s a subdivision the abov!2-described
<br />
<br />tnH,:t
<br />
<br />land which s located w thin the corporate limits of the
<br />
<br />of Grand sland, Net).rask,a. no1 here
<br />
<br />submit to the itv
<br />
<br />U. of f';\Jch
<br />
<br />ty for ;le
<br />
<br />tane as provided by law an accurate
<br />
<br />map and plat of such pro
<br />
<br />sul:}d i Vi;5 ion, t b{~ knGwn a.s L(Yf 9 'I;
<br />
<br />
<br />ignar. fig C'xplLcltlv h,~ ilnd t.o bE:
<br />
<br />I ~l
<br />
<br />out and particularLv IJcscrl
<br />
<br />h'e' or", a
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<br />
<br /><'mcnL S [1,;.1 ong ,"
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<br />1 ng t.Q
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