<br />
<br />"-_._,,----.'._~~- ,.._--~-_..~-"-~-~_._,---- ----_._--~-~ -_.'-"- -"-,,~.._,-~-----_.---'"----.- -'-"--~ --~"~---'"
<br />_w_~_~"........__" __,~,_,__~,__"~_",_"",""",___..,._..~_"._~~,.,,. '~"__",, -om. ___~,_~ _"""", "~'~~_""_'_'u'" _ ...__-',_' '_,","' .. ","n, , ""''''_~_ ,_ __ -,.,_"."'" "~,,_"______..._
<br /> '"., __
<br />
<br />::C~~7~:~~!~C~.C.~:".
<br />
<br />1 . .
<br />:. +:c:.'~C-"O=:~ .C
<br />
<br />S2~A-REAL ESTA:TE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) Rev, 78
<br />
<br />Huffman and
<br />
<br />& Wolf. Waltnn,Ne, 68461, '
<br />--'--_.~"j-~~..."......"'"
<br />
<br />
<br />JIMMY G. WOLFERT, an unmarried man,
<br />
<br />County, and State of Ne hr as ka , in consideration of the sum of ,
<br />THOUSAND------($50,000.00)------------------------....-----rroLLARS j
<br />E!rehySELL and CONVEY unto I
<br />E KRUG and NAOMI KRUG, as joint tenants, I
<br />Hall C-ounty, State of Ne br as ka the following described premises situated
<br />Ha 11 County, and State of Neb r ask a , to-wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Thirteen (13), in Block Two (2)
<br />in Brentwood Second Subdivision, in
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />Theint('ntion bl!i~lg 10 (,01!lVey h.'r(>hy an al",oluI.. llll.. in (f'f' ;;impll., including aU tIlt? rights of homestead and dower,
<br />1'0 HAVE ANn TO HOLD th.. premis.'" IIbov,> de..erihNI, with all the appurtenallct'" ttllmmnto belonging, unto the said
<br />mort!l41~N.t(sl and 1(1 his, ',,'r or their h,'i", and assign.. fon',,(' r, provid,'(l always, and thest' presents are upon the express
<br />conditi~ln that, if Ihe said mortgagor(s), his. her or th.'ir hmrs. t'lW<.'1Il0rs, administrate>r!! or assigns shall payor cause to be
<br />paid to the said mo"tgage,!'\sl, his, her or their heirs, 1'X('ClItorS, admmistrators or ll.'llIigns, the principal sum of $ 50,000,00
<br />payable llli follow8. 1<:, WIt:
<br />Ten (lU) percent interest payable annually commencing July 1,
<br />1984; $6,250.00 principal payable July 1, 1985, and a like
<br />amount of $6,250.00 principal payable on the first day of July
<br />of each year thereafter.
<br />
<br />
<br />with inllel't'lll 1ll.c't'OI'tliing 10 Ill.. t"oor "nel ,'If..t1 of Ill(' murlgll/4t>rS WWiNI promissory notl! I,,'uring .,v"n e1llte with theSt' prt_lIts
<br />and llh~IIlI~)' llll 11Illlt'1' lmd "_,,,.'11"'111. h'vl<~j IIp..O NlId ("..i ",Ulh\ Hlld al! other lilXI'S, h'Vlt'lla/ltl aSSt"llsm"nl.s lev,,,d UJlOll thm
<br />mortc-.:.' or It... 111(<1.' 'wlu"1l In.s m"rl~a/4" IS 1:1",",' I" '''<'W', lI><'rn'" fit,. "'1111" I>.'{,om,'s delinquellt. Mid k'>el' th" huilding9 on
<br />
<br />lilUd lmmll_ i""ured for II.., "Un! ..f ;$ 50,000.00 , I"ss, of nil)'. pnyabl" to th,' said lllQrtgllgt"C. UWn these pre8Culn
<br />to !w .~;.id. othefwL"<,' to he 'md r"lIum. III lull Inr,'(',
<br />
<br />IT IS 1"1lRTllfEH AGlU;~;D ,I J Tlmt Ii IiI<' s...id morl!:",!!:". shall latl 10 pa)' sud, taxe" Of procure "lIch insurant'e, the
<br />
<br />lI&id m.nlcac"" fUllY \>Ill' such lax"" and 1>1'."'''''' sud, insura''',e; 'HId Hit' slim so "dvane,"", with int"rt."St at 1 b per
<br />""'lit. sh,all be "'I>>aid by solid mortllagor. and tlUll rm.ngag.' shall st.und us ",...unt)' fM II.., same, (2) That a Cailure to pall any
<br /><:>f !<aid mon,,)!. ('ilf..~r pfil~i\>lll or int"f.'''t. wlll'll II.... ""01" 11I..."n."", <hlt\ or a failuf<' to comply with allY of the fQregoing
<br />liIIrN\tl\nl<mw. ..hllll ,caUllol' Ill" wltol.' sum "I mon..)! h'er"lll "",",ur"d to l"'<,orn,, due and collectible nt once at the option of the
<br />nlol1CQee, , ..;t
<br />Si;ned this I . _ tlay "I
<br />
<br />::1v,- '<
<br />
<br />.1983
<br />
<br />/~ .; ,C "
<br />'!, ,,", _' ,_/~' :~.:,<~.../ ':'1', "
<br />i4Y4~):'4f.,~."..~/j:"l;pd,
<br />.) Jitnmy G. Wg.lfert
<br />
<br />
<br />In I'r"""nce of
<br />
<br />STATE OF . . , . NEB-RASKA. , , . , . . . , . . . . County of ' Ha 11 , , , , , . ' . . ' . " . . , . , . :
<br />The fo~o.ing instrument was acknowledged before me ""'" diJ. .... X , . .i. . . . . , , , , , . , , , . . . .1933. . .
<br />
<br />by, . J.i.mmy.J.L. .W.o1.f.er.t.,. .an unmarried man) for tbe purpos
<br />
<br />~R-r-tl) " . t::.) I
<br />~. ~~(~"'</~
<br />Signature of Pel'S()n Taking
<br />
<br />therein stated.
<br />