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<br />83-003085
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<br />THIS INDElilTURE, lna<m tbi9 day ,,{
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<br />. 198..3 ,hy and between
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<br />. ,BAB AJIJL..."H.~5_~jl,~ P. ANP_JUF .L_., ".....__
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<br />of ._~~JJ.._,_..,.._..., COllnly, Nel>l'llska, :is mortgagor ..."" .".....?......" . , llnd Home Fc<lenll'savings and Loan Ass()dallOIl of Grand lsland, a cnrpotlltion
<br />otllanilM and I'7ljslinl~ IIndE'; the laws of the United Sllltes of Amen<:ll with >IS principal office Imd !'Ia.ce "r business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortga~;
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<br />WITNESSETII: That !>!lid mnrrgagor ....,~. "",' fOf and in eOl1sideTluion Ol tho ~"m of ...SlX ..JliOJJ..SA.ND..IHKEL..H.uN.D.RE D
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<br />fore"'~!r. aU the fo1!l('lWlng ~~r1bed ftal ('~tate, "Hunted ~n ~he {""mml}' of
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<br />\)\ \W..~~') %~~li\.t: ~)\ 1~'''1i;'>.J1) i.,\aU'c lutJ'\"w:;;lh ~,~ SiIl,-~jr.,~1 h~")f.hJ" "JI:~,~JH.h.J n';~';l~lJii:4jf \.) '" ,,-.au) i:..vJ./.;.f,...j.{i:.... ih:"......t.l)J '"""IH~"''-'i'~)
<br />In ~d ~J 1QdI1tl) 'lIOC~":.lh~ ~OnI~'1'i. t:H ~~~ l, ht" t.1(iL~4;>i. tlnil <t".\JnGit1i}1~!!; ~ tH"ji&lH'..,j :dD '1't,;+,. u<,ra.). Siiud noh, Jig' h~,jdJ.\- Hh uq,M~1 iJlt..d
<br />~l\ by Uw;!1IlOON><1O,
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<br />lIt ~'* (.1M -Wk.liU;..lllt and .a,g..ttw.at (iot d....., .aut~ tM:.::~t.. U,.i (,tH,,; rn,J!'tg~"" ~;'uJ.t Ut,~,,, ~"-'t:.u...t,\ t&.il.)' 1l;H..'Uh' "'~\.'l.\ni.t~~ Hj,:i4d-\:' t.~,
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<br />h) ~,td. ~~!;;'. ",r-.d 1all) .00 ti1 \~,\tlL-d'!W'i.'1o-'\ m. al-;.d'~ll-Oh h~ ~,Z~(' ","\a..)t.urt (li>>.~~ t .""t.u'l.",~) Whl1,,'l~ :",;;u,a\ nhlrtl4ljgq.r~, \..It' al\\ \It tl'Witi,
<br />aid 1~~~~ htJllila;<VU ~r'\'u1ti':-t.ln:d. ..brttK~; h,y n(~~t:, hllf(J;K ~~(,'(u~,H.t 1.;11 utht~$\lo.l!'\.'" rtn.':' :'l;~.nf.t~ft~' ",h~~U f\'U>ddl m luU iutu~ ,Hlt:! I.Ht'"'''\.-
<br />Ow llatt~ tw~,t \iu~d lr.rU' h~. ~::sonai l!'\~pf\;jSCi1'lt..atx\'(,'~;. ....;\h.:.:H~~.(j::"" ~t"',:.,l.+i:n"". 1,:;0;''1..11 ..h ;srno{,..nl:, >,;\."::Uh,: ht'~n."1.Hld{'r, ;n~:ludm-K
<br />!WVIIJI\(II!OS, ilN: pwd '" 1...<: ,"th ,"l<<~.l
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<br />tU'tUfl
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<br />~rhe 11l:()f18~:C)f'"S hemby ~gn to ,~a.;uJ In()f"tbl:i,g~ ~l~ n::il:l!,;,? .rtnd UJCUfHt' 4% !In,\. .jjnd ali :f,.lWe,:-, Ir!}w jUHI,M..'.ft.lt' ~Hj,d
<br />~by su.thoz'~ s.8;1d tnOlrtgag_ t,')f n,;s. ~.c:ot, ~t its opb1.:m. u~r. >..it~ililUit. en taki{< t.'ll.u.r;.rt; M,Ue. IJruPcrt.): E!r..d. i:ollf..:t ~,dl H"nL-; anJ Ult'tHlh
<br />t.ber.etram and a~tpI~ the Sllltnt to lh.! pif,)'J.nent. ot mtit:'rcst, ~')nn't'jpal, ,m.:jun:ln,,"l;," prt.'rnJ.Um!)~ t.d.Jl.lt.~;', .E/~eS8m~ltu.;.'1, n;p.-Uf~ ~)r HUrrV1.'("n~t'tH,,'
<br />-~ w kll!lP &lid 1>l''l~Y in t.ellllnl.ahre COndll.lOll. ." to oln"" """rg~," (.r pro> ,doo ior herem 01' ... the lI.ile h<'fcl'J ",,,,,,,,'d. H",
<br />~ .L$~nt ~hI~U continue in (,U'l"C1t untJJ the u::~pajd hti~.nt.~,e $ait~, rlt)t{~ t',", i1au:i, 'fht. t.aklA";' of tX)S.:i~-:s:-;jfJn :.H~n.'tJmjf'r "i-h.i:dj In :W.mnt'l
<br />p.teVtnt or retard StI00 tnOrt.g&gei.'! in the ....'"Uu.~t.1:QU t;ll $tl.;1d ~"',;;.t"n,,'" by kr;"L'1..:-lt.'1oSUre {;t \..AheFillLw
<br />
<br />1rhe 'aill.Ue of tllre rnor~ u> a_rt MY of Its rights hereunder at any time shall not 00 ('oostru,,,j '" a wail/er of it_
<br />'Same at any la,tel tutn,~~ :and W ~n.."i:L"iit upon and en!oftt~ :4n~:t complianct;' W~th. aU the ttJrn'lb ,and pnn"t:.:iiHb uf ~~!ld n()t4:.~ M1(j
<br />
<br />to a$~t.rt ttit,'
<br />tJH~ m~irlgagt'
<br />
<br />n $.Iil.id ~;8.jJ~or S shall t*use, to be Jntid tQ salu UlOrtgagi?t~ t.h.\.' ~:nUfl.' a;nHH.Hlt Liui: !~ hen:unde.r, ~md lJndt.'f th" (-("t1W'';' .JHG pn,\",(~4HJrd
<br />tJ ~d note be-i'eby ~ured, l'nduding i-uw.r€' ~dvan:c(:-~. i:ilnd un)" t"'x.Lun:si(~n5 or rent:~'ills tllt1T('of in 1H.:-con..itlu~,:t"~ w:!'[.h {.be tt'ra.l:':' and prO'\.I-s...-:ms
<br />
<br />t.hereol. and if wd mortgo'ilPr "s,..., sbali cumply with all tllil prov"'lollS of ",ud nc'te and ,,! this
<br />~wise to _in in fiili f<>m:l and ~t. and >mid m<>rt,g~ "hall be '''ll"iUed W of ,,11
<br />dedatJ", the aU ~u.".. re~"ted l~rebJ W be <J"t' 'Hid l'I'y"hl~.
<br />or talre a:ny to pTOtl>et ,to tight. t\pprai..,"<I'mt:nt w",,,~"i,
<br />
<br />tht:n tOON; prest:-l1t-."i ~h.a.B he \''Uid~
<br />dnd n:tay, 3t. iL-; {ipt.bn..
<br />H\.a,y fm"1x::~o~ 'this !nong:.'ligt~
<br />
<br />
<br />'(~ ~ $hAU .enun~ to t;he be.:n>efit u{ thi;l hein., ~:'&'f!('ut.or~, "'h.i11'~tn:~tr-.a!~H',~" liin(Ct$;'iiOt~ lJw;i,.,tNis~f,rns
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