<br />tJNrFOR~f C()\/EN'..NTS. BDrre9i'"er and 1.er1der c,'1ven;.:nt a~d ;~~fee ~h fc';kr\;j.:s.
<br />1.. ,PaymenC' of Princi,pal and Interest~ Bcr:-e,wer ~han prnmptf) pay \\'nen Jue the arlncipJ.i of and interest On the
<br />rndebt~~dness evidenced hy the. Note~ prepayment ()nd tHe charges as provided Hl tht:' ~ote. and the prindpal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advance~, secured by thl~ !\-fortgage.
<br />2. Funds f(j>T Taxes :tmd Insurance. Subject!c applicabk law ()~ to a wr;nen waiver by Lender. Borrower shaH pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthiy instaUments of prin:':::1p3! and intere~r are payable onder the- Note. until the L'h.'te is paid in full,
<br />a sum {herein "~Funds"'} equal lO one-t\'velfth of the yearly [ax.,;,; and assc.s~n1ents v,.'hkh may attain prindty over th~$
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if anv, plu'; one-twelfth ,'f vear!y premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />pIllS one-twelfth of yearly premium insta!lments for mongage insurance. if any, all as reasonabiy estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender nn the basis of assessments and bills ;H1d reasonable esrimates rhereof.
<br />The Funds shali be held in an insti!Ulion [he deposits Of "C(:(\IH1t~ 01 which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (induding Lender if Lender is such an in,ritulion.l. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender not eharge lor so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and ,compiling said assessments and ,mkss lender pays Borrow,;r interest on the Funds and appl.icable law
<br />permits Lender 10 make stich a charge. Borro\>-'cr and L,~nder may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest Ie'" the 1''111](1) shaH he pilaf w Btwrower and unl,~s, slleh r'1Feementis made or applicable law
<br />requires suchinlerest to be paid, Lender ,hall not be reqUired 1(1 pay Rnrrower dnv interest or e~mil1gs on the Ftlnds, Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, withoul charge, an annllai aCC('IHlI:ng _:>f the fund~ showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which j~ach debit 10 the'"Funds was made. The - Funds are pledged as -additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage
<br />If the .amount pf the Funds h<fld by Le.nder, logether "ith 'he fmure mOOlhlv 1I;.,tallmems of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of !axes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground reats, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxe.~.
<br />assessments. insurance premiums and ground rems as II:1C\ fall due, such e\n;ss sha.ll be, at Bnuower's option. either
<br />promptly repaid 1:0 Borrower or cn:dited 10 Borrower on monthly inslallm<~nh Ill' Funds, If the amonnt of the Funds
<br />held by l.ender shall not be sufficient to pay taxe" assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to U,nder any amount nee"ssarv to make up the deticien.:y wlthin 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower n~questing pay'rwnt thcre()f.
<br />Upon payment in full of aU Sllms secured hy lenckr shall prompt Iv rdund to Borrower any .Funds
<br />held by Lender, If under paragraph 18 hereof the or the Property ,~ otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply. no later than immediate.ly prior tn the Property ,1[' ils acqUIsition by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application liS a credit agamsl the SUl1b secured by Ih!s !'vlortgage.
<br />3. Applic.atil}n of I'aymcols, {'illess applicable law r'r,,\Vide~ otherwise. ail payments received
<br />Note ;\Ou paragraphs I ilnd 2 hereot shall he applied by (emJer tin;t In pilvrnent of anlounts payable to
<br />under paragraph :! hereof. then 10 Illlerest payabk ;'11 the Ntlil'.ihel1 to the prmelpu.l uf lhc Note" a.nd
<br />prmclpal on ,HlY Future Advances.
<br />4. Charges; Liens~ fh~HTO'~"~.r "haH p;,ty ;"di l.t\l.~:~_ ;.hsl~~,,~rn~nl,~ ;.lnd ,\thcr (:h;:ugl~s, lines "Hal irnposltions attnbutabi<~ to
<br />the Property which may attain a pnorilY over ,1m l\h1rtgagc, ,l.nd kasehold p;Wlllcnls or !,round n:nts, if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. no! p;ud In ,"\lehmann,,,. bv BOfruwa mak1l1g payment. when due, directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrowe.! shall promp!iy furnIsh 10 Lender all notices 01 dH!()Unls tiu>.: lindeI' this paragraph. and in the event
<br />Borrower shall rllllke paymCll! dm'c'!iy, Borrower .,hldl l,r('mpliy !unmh 10 Lcndc'r receipts cvi,kll(.:illg sudl payrnents.
<br />Borrower shall promptly disc:hargc any ii<:1l wlHeh I,l.'" prwnl.y ,Her rhis :VIc1flgagi:, ['rovH.k,d, that Botmwcr shall not bl:
<br />requl1'l:d tl' dischorgc any sUI.:h lien ,0 long CI' Horn,'w~l sl1ail In "!lHng It' lhe payment of the obligation seeured by
<br />sueh liea in it mann<~r ac..:epwb!c ,d L<.:nd,,[, 01 .,bail In ';\"'\.;1 cOlll,.", ",~h hen bv. (If dd'end <:nforc,:m~nt (,I suet! lien ill,
<br />legal p.r()('eCdHlg~ whJch operate h.J pre'v~nt the ~ld.\'~f~(;,nh;nl nl : hI.: ;(';11 ('II tudc!tun.~ {'.~f the Property '.Jf any pan thereof.
<br />5. Hazard Insurance. Bonn"'"r shail kctep th.., impr"v,:ment., IhH' ,'I hereafter j~n'<.:lctd (Ill lht: Prdperty insur<:d
<br />~~,gainst los~ by fire, hal,ctnh int..'ll.uh:d '~vJ!hJn l.l;;~rrn '~'\I,cnd('d ~tgt:. su(:h 1,'Hb~r h~tzards a~ Lt~IHh:r- rnay require
<br />and 111 ~~uch all10unts and \lh.:h Pl'O(.d.'\ ,.1.'" 1. (:ndt'r H,le-d. fhi:t{ t l.~nd\~r \,halr not require that l.h~ arnounl of
<br />such coverag.e ex.(:e~:d ih~H ~un~)unr l-(j'l,l:l'dgC (equl! tel r;,iY n.p,: \\,ifH:'. '\\~'1",'Ufl:'d hy thtS ;\'fortgagl,;~.
<br />The ll1surance Carfl~! pro\ildillg the m:mr<lliCC ',fl<> 1 1 '1t: ,.hc,s<:n by BOfrO\"-cr .'\lhJ'~ct apl'wv;d by Lender: prOVIded,
<br />l.ha[ such apPl.Ov;t! .,hHJ! Ildt be unr",asunabiy withheld. .\11 p'c:mW!lh ..HI Insur'I(l(:e poliCies ,hall b~ paid 1Il the manner
<br />pro\iJ(lcd under pa.ragraph :; th~j<:,)1 Of, II not r:m1 in sud1 ll'lMlll<:1 by Borr()wer ma.klng payment, when due, dm~ct.ly to the
<br />lllsurance carner.
<br />A,11 .jnsuran~c poiit...~tCS and renc\\'ab th~rc\.':' sh(~!j b\;~ m hJ~.jn ;)l..-(:'\.'pL~bk~ In lxndr~r ,.UHl sbaH uld\id~ a standard rnongagc.
<br />l..:lausc in favor of and in {orrn a~c,eptiJble i{) Lr;Jlde:i. tt~nJcr :..haJ; h.l\,~ the h" hoid th(,:~ pcdil,.~i\~,s ;.Hld rcncv,,'als thereof.
<br />and Bo.rn:Jwt"'r shaH prornpiiy J:urnl~h to Lender aB ft.:'lh':W.Jl niAl\'~e.S dnd ~~li prenlitilu~. .In the, C'.'(;'lH of loss,.
<br />Borrow'er shaH give pnHHpt not.l\:(;; !O the ir:1,~Ur.l1h.:t~ ~'~trrjei .1I1J t ,~n(h,~r. ! ,en.J~t inC1\)! of IoS,.." if nrH rnade, profnptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lc-ndt.,r and Hon'ov..'cr Glhep.~'I;,"\.:
<br />the Propeny damaged, provided >ucll
<br />not thereby impaired. ]t slleh rcstor;iti"r1 or r~paH !S
<br />be impaIred. the im:ulam:e pn)ee.;d,; sh"U be
<br />to 'BornJYlcr. .if the PrOI)Jzn.y :;) i~handoncd b,~
<br />date I1mice is m;lll.ed by Lender tc' BOrr,'We.r th'il
<br />is authorized to c'oHect and the .tJ\suruncc
<br />Of to l.he sums scc'ul'et.! this
<br />Unless Lender and
<br />or postpone the due d;ue of th.~.
<br />such installments, .If under
<br />in and to any !llS11filllce
<br />or ,d),iH pass ~o Len,clcf
<br />
<br />
<br />L~ fluer under lhj~
<br />by Borrower
<br />then 10 interest and
<br />
<br />
<br />in ,,\ :"i1H'~g, !n~~jralH.C pl'o~~cd~ shaH be 10 restoration or repair of
<br />n~palr t';":'~'liH)lni>..:;dly b,,~a;si.bk aod s~,~curity of this M,ortgagc is
<br />fh)~ L',c()nl,)nll'-:;;IHv fCd.'~iblc l)r It the sr.;cufny 'Of ih~s: \vould
<br />l he Slun~ ~~l>..:urcJ b: (hi:,:; '~;vith t'he excc~s" any. p~ud
<br />t~r Borru~v~r rd t,n tendcl within 30 fforn the
<br />~',he, :n$uran~t: .:arr.i'et ,)fTcrs tlJ d chinn for insurance Lender
<br />procl;.;~cd~ ;.;\t J..,end<:r'::; Llplion ,~ilhcr to restoration Of rep~.ur l)! the Property
<br />
<br />
<br />monthl)'
<br />; 8 hereof in..:
<br />in ;'I;.:"HJ tu the
<br />Ii) the, ,,;;;',.x~cn1.
<br />
<br />
<br />to prinCipal ,ball n,lt. e."-lend
<br />."'! herel')f ()f change the arnount or
<br />.,>I!. rl;,;ht, litk andmterest of Borrm'..er
<br />fr\..:rn <..hHnagc t(l the Prop~rty prior {l) thL' salt:
<br />;\-f.ortg;J.g>: irnnl~'diatctY prior ::;ui2h Sd1-e or
<br />
<br />
<br />and Maillfellllun: of
<br />in go6d r\:~'p:air an.(}
<br />t.h~ of aD) i,eas\;~
<br />u.n.;r de"'leI-{J:pn1-l~lH.
<br />the
<br />
<br />,'lYld
<br />reco'n:h:d r(~gctt,h{.H \.\,ixh
<br />;';HTit:n:d an.-I.J '^>u'P'p,~.;.'nH':.ilt
<br />
<br />
<br />Li'i<lschnid.;.;; (:OlHlmlllnillm,,; Planned Unit Ue>elopmcllIS. Borro"",,r
<br />'vVihte pi;,:rnlll irnpainncnt or dt:H:doratJon of the Pn)pt,:rty
<br />k~~t:~d~h.)ld If IlilS ~'\'iortgLlge on unn ;'.1
<br />ut BorrOVl.'(;I:";','i ,under !hC' del.::ldr~itl\)n
<br />devdnprnenL th(' and r,,:guiat./(l!'l\ uf th~
<br />;J .':'~rfHJdi1Unlun1 pl:i;:in!~~d ;inl! i"k..it~k~prncn!.
<br />,"ci '-.uc,h. i"ii.k~t
<br />it th~;
<br />
<br />nt' Lemler's
<br />
<br />It Borrnv,,'cr
<br />
<br />in IhIS
<br />infc~\:q in ill..: Ptf'p<..;n~'.
<br />rH\)re,!:djnp~ .'nv~,'l\ lng
<br />
<br />I
<br />f
<br />i
<br />
<br />ag.fl;,~i;."'!l1enl':)
<br />