<br />
<br />{11['35r
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<br />
<br />To -HA\,lE AND T() I-IoLD the same unto the l\Iort.gag€~~~ as. !It-:''l't.::in pnJ\'~ded~ ~Iortgagor reprt-'S(:'I;ts Z01
<br />and covenants with, the Mnrtgagef', that thf' l\!ortgagOl' has glY"l rig-ht to ",,11 and com"''Y said premises:
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except s;; hereinothel'wjse recited: that the Mortgagor 'will warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomso"w'L 1\lortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead, all marit<"lli'i:ght;;, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the 1'>fortgagor in and to the above-described premises,
<br />PROVIDED AL1rYAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />
<br />1Vfortgag~or agrees to pay to the Mortgoagee, or order, the afon'said principal sum with interest from date
<br />at the rate of 'T'\,Y"f:t\1F: and nf) n nil per centum 1(2 . no%) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid,
<br />The said princIpal and interest shall be payable at the otTice of Commercial Federal Savings [, Loan As soc.
<br />in North Platte ,'Jei>rasl<:a , or at su<:h other pla,:e as tlw holder of the note may designate in
<br />writing delivered or mailed to the I\Jortg-agor, in monthly installments ofFIllE HUnnRf:fJ T\>lEN"!'Y FOUR and 5 q /100
<br />Dollars ($ <;?t,.. <il:l I, comnwncing on the first d.ay of August , 19 A~ and c.ontinuing on
<br />the first day of each rnouth thereafter until said note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid. the final
<br />payment of principal and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of July, 2m:3 ; all
<br />ac.col'ding to the terms of.c\ cf'!t.ain promisso!'y note of eVt'11 date herewith executed hythe said Mortgagor.
<br />
<br />The Mortg'agor further ago!'!:"s:
<br />
<br />L He will pay Hw irl<h'btHlness, as !lereinbefnl'(' provided. is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, without prf~rnium or fee. the ",)tire indebt('d!ll'ss or any part thereof !lot less than the amount of one
<br />installm{mt, Of' one hundred dollars 1:$100,.00), whichev(~r is 1e&" , Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the dat<: recE'hred. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the next following installment due datH' or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />
<br />
<br />2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the terms of the note &f.'(:ured M.odgagor will pay to lI'fortgagee, as trustee, (under the terms of this
<br />trust as hereillaf~,r stated) on the first day of each month until said note is fu;!y paid:
<br />(a) A sum equal to the ground rents. if any, !H.'xt due, plus the premiums that will next become due
<br />and I,n policies of tire and other hazard insurance the mortgaged property,
<br />plwB tax('s Hnd assessments next due on the mot'tgag:ed property (;:lll as estimated by the Mort-
<br />gag,t'e, and uf \\'h:1:11 tlH: JV!ol't!ragor is !II/lith,!]) Ie,ss aU Sllms paid therefor divided by
<br />thelH!mbpl' of months to (,laps,; \)('1'0['(' {ilW lllonth twin!' to the date whml such ground rent.'l,
<br />pl:enmmlS. tax"s and aSSPs:mll,"liU; wi!IIH'('O!lH' dC'iinquent. such sums to be held hy Mortgagee
<br />in trust to pay said g"l'(mnd l'{'nl.". lH'<'lnimns, taxes and special asses~mwnts.,
<br />{11) The llggn>gat\' or th' :WiUIUd:s PUl'SlJ.iWt to ,~Uhr';ll',~g-rapil ia} and those payabln on the
<br />note spcnr"d "hall lv' paid in a paynw!ll padJ. month, to be app!it'd to the foUow-
<br />ing 11('1113 :n t!w ordel' staU"d :
<br />(I) g-t'('IHtd !'I'nt:" taXI'S, :,,,S:'''''c''S!lIt'nts, Ill'" and nther hazard insurance pl"emiurns;
<br />\ II) illt."n."t un the !lote ::'l'l:Urf.'d. . <tnd
<br />lIl) alli<H'ti'~atioll of th" pnw of ,'aid !lot(>,
<br />ill tbl' am'!!lId, 1'1 ,wdl H.'Q,;'!'f'g'at" payment shaH, unless made good
<br />by I:!w Xlo!'lg-agur In'lOr' t', Uw dll... dat" of Ul\: Oext such payn.wnt. ('onstitute an event of default
<br />under this mol'tgag\~, At uptioli, will pay J\ "late charge" not exceed-
<br />ing rou r per c('litum (I ) uf auy mat;dinwnt when m(ln~ than fifteen (15) days after the
<br />dUt: date t h.'t.f~of 1.,) covel' I: h..., I'xt!'a ('x 1"'11"'." in \ ulved ill haw:Uing del.lnquent payments, but such
<br />"lat,(' ;chai! not lit, payabi." out uf UI1" pr"(l't"t;; ',f any sale made to satisfy the indebted-
<br />lleB;S se,:ul'ed lwn:by, unit""" sueh PfOC""'{j,, art' Slllikl\'nt to the entire indebtednBssand
<br />all prop,!!, Cll.!:\t..'J and expenses secur'I:d
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />8. If the total of the payments made by tn,! u.nder (a.) of para.g:raph 2 preceding shall
<br />excet3d the amQunt of payments aetually mllde by the as trustee, for gl'oundrents, t.axes and
<br />lissessment.s ~fr inSUnUIC€ premiums, as tlw ease may 00, such excess slum be credited by the Mortgag~~
<br />on subsequenl; }:laymellt..~ to made by the Mortgagor for Bueh itmn..<; or, at Mortgagee's option, as tl'usu.'f.\,
<br />shall be refunded to Mortgagor. Stich nwnthljr paym",mts shall not be! sutUdent to pay such
<br />itetns '>"hen U1!:~ same shall beeonle due ami then the shall pay to the Mortgagt'E:,ltS
<br />trustee, any Rmollut necessary to/uake up the within 0$0) after written notiee from
<br />th~ Mortga.gee stating th(~ amQunt of the wh.ich notice Inl.y be givf,m ulaiL If $.t any time
<br />the },"[ortg~~r tender to the in accordance with the provisions vI' til,,' note
<br />here:t;>y, fun ,1[ the entirl;' n;presentf~d the ,Mortgagee, as shall,
<br />in 11IDount of sUI;h credit to the acc:(mnt of tiw any credit halzmce
<br />Mi~Ulnlila:teu tmul.tr the ()f of 2 h"reof. If there sh:ctll be a ,:ebult nnder ~my
<br />(if of this in a sale of the pn;miSl;!B. coveTl;,d or: if the
<br />the PI"OPflrly othl'lf'tvillE' after defa\dt, Ulf1 a.':\ tl'ustee, shall apply, at the
<br />Cf"limmiilnel,Jmetlt of such or ,.t the tim'J the property is otherwise ~.equ.iNd, the
<br />t,!) under (a) of a.'S It (~r'edit on the
<br />to tlw then on said !'HJh".
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />(;h,~H J'f',ma.,in in ful! ('}l'ef,~ and dll'd
<br />'II' !lilY th.,'n'...,!' 1k:cun,,j
<br />
<br />
<br />P',si.ponem,'l::llt UI'
<br />
<br />4, The!i~1!l of this
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<br />r(,:rl'~ t$., ~U4$,t'{'k..mlt~ntJ$1'
<br />if'vi,'" u~l<,m ,'laid
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<br />.'ll.t;",~. ;.tn" other or l:ntmidh
<br />unli it" wJ\i Pitj ,lit ta\c,;;! hr\11<:'11 :lpzlll ~hj$
<br />i.U1Y oth-('T tJiX{:,~'t~ aSSt;:\~~':Hnf"n t~, \\' b i~.-' h lnHS' b-() i~:~\ri.t\!(l
<br />till" 3C,:OHllt (,f
<br />('il lil pant-
<br />Tn f!.!f,IUlt
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