<br />
<br />83- 00352v
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOA.N NO, T, 24,104
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY ruE-Sf PRf:5E1'<lS: That
<br />
<br />LaDoris M. Jose, a single person,
<br />
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Six T,housaJn<LPive Hundred a..''1cLnQ/ lQ9-==--====-~==-.--~----:---------------:"Dou..ARS
<br />
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The F"Jllitab!e Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 65 slJaresofstod: of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No, L 24,104 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />della'ibed rea} estalte, situated in Hall County, Nebr..sIlGl:
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot Eight (8), in Block Five (5),
<br />
<br />in Packer and Ba.rr is Addi tj,on to
<br />
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />together with all the tenements. her~litalnents ,ill.:! appurtenances thereunto belonging, 11ldud,ing attached floor coverings, aU window screens,
<br />window shades, blil1ds, storm windows, awnmgs, heating, ail' condilionmg, and plumbing lIno wilter equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigera.tors, and ,)the:r fixtures ~llll equipmcm now or heR"'afler aUac.hed 10 Of used ill cOllnection with said leal estate.
<br />
<br />And when:as the said mongagm iUlllo ilrgleed and does hereby agree thai the mmlgllgOl shall and will JYJ)/ all taxes and assessments levied Or
<br />aSllessed llpon said premises and upon thi.S lnortgage "no the hond secmed t~ereby befor~ the s:!me sllallbecome delinquent; to fm0i31t approved
<br />illsunmce upon the buildings 011 gaidllremises sItuated ill Ihe sum of $ 6, SuO .UO payable to said I\SSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION thc policies for said illS\iran~,,(l; and Il()t to cQmmit m pennil <lny waste on or aOOul, said premises;
<br />
<br />In CllSC of default in lite perfolmallce of any of the tern.lil and conditions of Hlis mortj1;ll/;e or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />ondem:and, be cUlitled l(' imrnediale IJO~&ioll of the premises and I'h.: mOltgll80r hereb)' assigns. transfers and sels oYer to the
<br />rnongagpe all tbe r,~nls, reV<.""IJu<'''S and income to be dedvcd mortgaged prem.iSoe'$ during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br />unpaid; am! the mortgagC'1 shall halle tllep..lWIlJ 10 appo,nl any 'agenl or ll/,"'JIlS it may desire f()! Ihe purpose of repairing said premises an<! renting
<br />the same and collecting the renrs, revenues and ill(Come, and i! illli)' payout of $<lid inoome ,Ill expenSt,\s of repairing said premises and necessary
<br />COITillUSl,ions and ('ll.penses inCUfte<l ill renting and tl'lllllllging the same alto of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance .remaining, if any, !o be
<br />applied toward the diseharge of said nloltg.~gei!ldebtedlil(js.\; these right; \)1' Ihe nlllllgllgC(~ may be exercised at any lime duringlhe existence of such
<br />default, inl:sper:tive of any tempmary w<ljv~'r of the same,
<br />
<br />These !'resen!s, howevel, ;ire upon the Condition, T'!1a! if the;';;;IIJ ShllU "'lid 10lln 011 01 bellm: t.he maturity of said shares oy
<br />plIyrnent; plIy Jnonl.hly to s.aidI\SSOCIATION nf the sum . in thlo. secured as interest and princiJY.ol on said 10311, on or befo(e
<br />tlw TwentIeth day of each 'md every month, l.mtd s:i1d loan is p;ud; pay aU taxe;s aml as.'\('~slncnls levied against said premises and 011 this Mortgage
<br />
<br />and the Bond. secure<J thl,Heby, befOfe delinquency; furnish approved tnSlU<l.l!cr: .lhd:mi.ldings thereon in the slim of:li 6, 500 . 00. payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay W:i<jid A.">SOCIAT!ON upon demand 3.!l II plUG for sllch tllxes, 1<lssessloonls llnd insurllnce with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rat.., d.,en::on from date of paYlneot all of which MOrlg<lg.of 'lgrc"" 10 pay; permilllO wa.~te on ;:aid prelnises; keep and comply
<br />
<br />with aU toe agreelllt~nt.s and conditions of the Ikmd 1'01 $ 6 500,00 this d.ay given Ihe said Mortgagor to ;:aid ASSOCiATION, 3I1d comply
<br />with .aU the n'quuentents of the Constitution and By..taws {(f said ASSOCI A liON; then. presents shall beconte llull and void, otherwise they
<br />shall re13Jain ill full fow: and may be fored~>Sed ,II the of tht: said ASS(X~V\.TION after la,ilure for three mQllths to make any of said
<br />payments or be Ihr<:e months In <li. 10 :ilnd comply with the agrOOlItents and condltiQns of ;:aid Bond;
<br />and Morlgri.gor agJCl~s to have a
<br />
<br />If theH:is any dllWgI: m ownership of the IllQrtg,aged herein, by sale or otheiW>;;e, then the entire remaming indebtelk1ess hereby
<br />sel;lIred sh.'lIl, at.the (~ption of The Equi!a.ble Loan Asso<:llltion of Grand bland, Nebrallka,beoomeimmediately due a~d payable withQut
<br />ftlrtller. notice, and tile JIlllounl remainill.g. due $1%id \')(md, and olllel bond for any ildditionaladvanres ffillde tber.eundei', sllall,fromthe
<br />~.te of exercise of s:ald.,~ptj()l),~bearinten;si at the maximum legal rate, be foreclosed to satillfy the amount due Oil said
<br />b()fld,lI!)dany U(belr bQnd for additional adV3.tlo.,"It, together with all Sl.llns paid by Btillding and l_oanA,'iSOci#rl.ion of Cinmd Island,
<br />Nebflt'ika for inSllf.llJ'jI<e, tll.xesi1i'iu asselillmentil, lInd abstracting ('xtensiut\ charges, the.re,m, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />~tale.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />in efl'ect the
<br />be within the
<br />not to exceed at any time the origilla.!
<br />
<br />hereafter ad"..wce additional sums to. the
<br />of 1l1<"l.rtgage the same as the fl.llu:Is originally
<br />of l!lis mo.rtgage.
<br />
<br />June
<br />
<br />-,I,. D., 19 83
<br />
<br />
<br />27 til
<br />
<br />Onlhis
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />,June
<br />
<br />sa.
<br />
<br />1983
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />~rri.xell W 1ft;; dl\'ve il1S1nl1ltelll as m<>rtN01
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<br />