<br />
<br />
<br />''_',, H,,_"_"___ _ "",_ .._,_ H'"'"
<br />
<br />83'-- U 0 35-0 a . Huffman and feltlln & Wolf. Walton. Pie. 68461
<br />
<br />
<br />IN CONSIDE/1~ATJON of the pa')'ment of the debt named therein, the First National BanI< of
<br />and r s 1 and. Gra nd Is 1 and. Nebra s ka hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />by Midland Builders, Inc.
<br />
<br />on the follouring desC7"ibed real estate, to-wit:
<br />
<br />I , lOT SEVEN (7), I N BLOCK FOUR (4), OlDE
<br />
<br />I of .Sedwn , in Township
<br />County, SWe of Nebraska
<br />. of the' records of Sllili County.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said First National Bank of Grand Isl and !1M ca'ltsed
<br />these preslmts to be execu.t.ed by its presid,mt and .its Corporate Seal!,!) ed herfto this 30
<br />looyof June . [9 83 Tile. Natlonal Bank of Grand Island
<br />'1 Witness: Gran ;-,Il'~';iGnv. n.""..... .............
<br />.......".."...n.....'" "..'.............".."..,..",............. ..t:f:..;,. ..if"'i:,.>(!. Z........, President
<br />~.:" , , ' ~ , 11:;':
<br />,.,................................... '......,......"......,. .........Altest ..R1.c.harct...L..,.$.pel:t:1f... Jr .... ..; g~l&!wM*y
<br />
<br />. STATE OF..,.....J~.~~r.~.~J<A.....,...".....................}S8 On this....)Q,.......day oL.... .....,~).l.I.nem............., 19.83....
<br />
<br />,. ......m..................J:I~J.L............w.......m.County . before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for
<br />
<br />. '1- said County, perslOnally came.' . President of the
<br />: ~~.l:'?~..~~.'!:i.g!':l.~.L~~J).~ ~~:t,. .~r?!J:I~t. r~J.?l.l:l.g~..,~.f..p.rS!.$.~.~... .....,. m.......... .....,.......3. Corporation
<br />I to me pa-sonally known ,",d6rit and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and
<br />I acknowledged thl~ exec ' :'the;~ [,t9,- be'l;lill vohmtary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and
<br />I deed of said Corporati '; +d(~t itsc$rwmte seal was therero affixed by its authority.
<br />
<br />I Witness my h~lIld a~ ~~ri.al &at~i..,~Ial1~.J? J~ncl.,... ~.~?-r:?t.$.~.\1...
<br />.j Last above wntte:n. ~. ,/:> -'<:' '. . ",
<br />i u " 'A\I'Mllo(*~'l2.' 19 84
<br />j \'ny COmmlll810n e'xlPues...........#,~,7!n..,\..:....... . .
<br />I ~.. .
<br />
<br />.
<br />!
<br />
<br />" Range as Doc ~thq P. M., Hall
<br />whi'ch is recorded ~M~~ . 3-00Jp~al Estate M01'tgages. page
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />-1
<br />
<br />
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<br />