<br />83-
<br />
<br />003504
<br />
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOA.... NO. L 24, 1 0 ~
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TflliSE PRF..5ENTS: That Richard M. Larson and Shirley P. Larson, each in his
<br />
<br />and her own right and as sfOuse of each other, Mortg;lgOr, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />
<br />E~Two-.Tl:lo1..1.sc-md.,..anCLno/J.QCL-::::,.",::--::::::::",===-":::-:::"":"=:::"-::===,==--::====:::=:::::::::::=,~-:,:::=::::,:::::=::----=- DOLLARS
<br />
<br />io'.med to said mortgagor by Ihe Equitable Bu.ilding and Loan Association of Grand Island, Neb!'3ska, Mortgagee, upon 420 shares ofsto<:k of
<br />
<br />SlIid ASSOCIATION. 'Certi-fl'C<lle No. L 24,103 , do hereby grant. convey and mortgage unto the ~d ASSOCIATION the following
<br />deseribed .rea} estate, J!;ituated I"Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lots 'l'hirty Thre(-:. (33) and Forty Six (46)
<br />
<br />of Frank. P. Bark's S,lbdivision No.3
<br />
<br />part
<br />
<br />of tT..e Ea.."lt H.alf of the Northeast Quarter 'E~.NE~)
<br />
<br />of Section Ten (10) in Township Eleven (11)
<br />
<br />North Range Nlne (9) \'/estof the 6thl?N.,
<br />
<br />Hall County ,NebrasK.a.
<br />
<br />1(l{!Iltbe, wtlb all tb<, t"'\Cme11l.s. here..ht.lu~js and apl'um".rmll("'S Iheleurllo l:>l'!onl!!lIg, mcluding attached floor cown., aU window screens,
<br />",'indow u~, blinds, ',l<)fro wmd..""" 'Wl1llllllS, heallng,~" plmnoil:llt !Iud 'W"leY equ:ipmenland aCCl."Sl1Orie$ tlwreto, purnps, stows,
<br />refrj~rat(lfs~ and otMl' fll~t:ul'e''S, a::nd <<~lupment !fl;OW or he'fCldt.c! u) ur u""IlC'd m {'(lI(i:nee:{ion WJth saiu re'%d estate~
<br />
<br />And where,.,. lhoi, ....<1 In.>rtg~H has ~Ieed and d"..,,:< ~!\:I"" th:u till: .hall ~nd will p~)' all taxes ana ll__n!!S levied Of
<br />~ up"r' UId pr"m~ a.!:ld lilli'''' tlH$ ,,","!Image ~lld Ihe secured !herd..)' 1!1(~'s.:Ilfl1C shall I.wCtl.nt delinquent; to fmnish approved
<br />in>lUt/l;fljOO Upoll the !lmlllmp UIl \.II,,! l',e,,"se, 'lilluled III lh.: ~jml '~lf S 42.,000.00 10 SlIid ,\S,,<}OCI;\TlON ami 10 deliver to said
<br />"'...SOCIA.nON t.he p').hcit!s fm ~id III$IIHIII<;<:: IUl\l Iwl 1<:' ''''In.11l1! .)f ""rIml ~n'Y wa~le 01101 !>ii!id plel1'l~'leS;
<br />
<br />III Cit.'ie 01 ddault ltI lhe p"llo'm:a&cC of any ..( Ih... 1<'!111$ alld f,"l'ld,li<lll~ 01 Illls 1lI011~~e ill Ihe bOlld !It'cmed lK'reby, the mortgagee shaU,
<br />')11 demanll, be c.nlllll,!l to 11IlJllledlltl<: ,:;llh,: P'''ll:lIl1l'::.alld Ill", Hl<I,tg,'l!iOf 1;([<':l:Iy transfers llnd !iets over j(l tile
<br />rl'~>llgap ail tlle nmt" ,,,wnun IUIlI III lJ,,,, dell""".! !rmn m,}'J:!:.gag"d llleln~~ liwing &Ucllllrm: a~ IOOI1~ mdebledlleSli shall remain
<br />l.Ililpa1d:. ;uH.l the llIDllE;lg"., $!""ll h'l..... fit<: l"""""l In ap,,,,,,,t .nv a,\"'llt or i&!!enl> II mn.,. de,"e 1..>1 II,,, purp'J'S',\ of l'I".pairUIg "'-Iud premises and rellliul!
<br />the $llme iI.l.d n~fk't-ti~.g In.: retlU, ":"""UC!< ,util ""'1m..:.. ~Ild Illll'~y payout <'" $lu(j lllC<.l!fl'l7 .Il n:pellllt:~ IJI' replUrlng said premi_ lI1ld l\<<:es:slUY
<br />",~,m; :lnd t''"''''''''''~ m..:...recl '" ,,,ni"',g ""0 n....ll:I.gIiI'l\ lite "'<ll<: ",I<! 01 coli<:ctr.flj\ nmlab lhereln)m; lhe bllllance remaining, if a.ny, to be
<br />allpbed lOW'll'\! In.: dJl,dla.ge vI sa..d n~"I~e 'Iltkblt.'d"'-'$!i. ll~ "1':1>1.$ 01 !he ll"'II!\:lgec m~.y be. <'lIC"IClllt:d at allY tune dUl1ng the existence of such
<br />",~fllwt, ""~,~.lt"" "I ,my ll:ltl,p<uary WlIifW" of Ihe $4IM.
<br />
<br />f'beoll<' "''''''':illS., "',,"'''W. ,'" ("l""" !he (,-,,,,jlll<'", I'm>! ,i d>t ""ld .:\~ll ""..d li.>all Oll 0' beforc the fl.latw'ty of sait.! shales by
<br />payl'll<.'nl. l"''' moUlbly JI(, w,i A.s..'i()('IAHON 0' th" sum IIi tl1Je""'''l.lI~1 at Illle.""ol :tHO ll!ll.cipllJ on wd loan, on m before
<br />the Twcnttllth \l.~y ,.; l',,(:!llll',j ':""n lll(>l'llh, ,,,,,,1 ""d k\\l' ~, pa.d: l'~y aU tU~'ll1ld ~$",,~.l1lCIlU levied ~g1IIin:$l said prcmi:!ile1lllnu .....IIIIIs M"'I~
<br />
<br />lIiitd the 11(..,d ....,.",,,.e.J H..,,~by. ed,,,,,, ddUl<{_KY, funlts!; m.'-I.Irl!it1:Oe Ih.. there"" 1I1.111<e $i.lnl of $ 42,000.00 payable
<br />to ""it.! AS.'SOCIAflON. '''I-'l'l' 1;, $iilld ASs.OCI!\nON ~H t! 1"*1<1 (0. la.X<l$, a$l<:'!iIlInents llnd insulluwe with interest at
<br />dlC 'na.1UMOOl ~I "'I,,, the,wn h,,,... dal~ of 1"'.)''''"'111 oi' ",t'uch .11&""111"*" lljl,lees lo!'Jl!Y; pCfmitl'l(, wast", on :laid premilioes; k.eep llnd romply
<br />
<br />Wlth an ttrlc ltt'lleffl<llll$l"til "...".hl!('IlH.1 the f:lool! I'm $ 000.00 thlll day thl: "".ill MOl'l~!!"1 '" mid AS.'iiOCIA110N. alld romply
<br />wltIl all the lCit"""IMnt~ or the C,,,u;!,IUI...m. ...'1<.1 i:ly.L>\w'.s ,,,,'ud ASS(JC1ATION; 1ilI1l1.1 OOWUl<l null and void, otherwise they
<br />slull rent:ain .~l full I'""r".., .lUtil, mll): hc lo!(:~d at lhe "I the lOll<! AS-<:;OCIA'nON fltih$l.l fot lhfl:\e fl)M!h. III n'lllke allY of said
<br />~ymtlnl~ '" bieth'~le ll'1Ull!hs ,n anell1,s III "liQ cml.ll.f:Y wil.1l the lIgl~m;:nI5a1ld ooml:ltioos of said Bolld;
<br />..nd MOI1:l~ "J.lI"'-tl& 1(l1la'1'<' II, !<"""~'
<br />
<br />if the.", is JUlY (II
<br />,.~ed~, Ol'l tilt of ':Ih<::
<br />fl1rtlle<' l11\.>tk41, .~ 1"'1".11"( "-'l,..ml:ll!lg dw:: under u.i.d
<br />.tc ....e,>lJIl~ 01 lIli>i>1."'....,. 00111 il'lte.f4:.$l itl ii'", lnaxlmlUU
<br />bmd,lI1l!llUlY Of~ ~1QIit.!1(", ,addit:io:.mlll
<br />~~a em: i&imtll1l;;;e, ~ lIOO
<br />~ha!:l>.
<br />
<br />
<br />.we o.'ot~rwille. l!leu, !he entjee fe1llli;itting indebtedl_ bCleby
<br />I.mnd. Ndl'n.,llk.a, OOWmtl inlllllild.lat.ely dl.ll: "00 plly1ili.1e llrithaut
<br />Ol!iel l:rol:ld fOI /iny l!d;i1~! 'Ildw_ made therewule.. $hall, tram the
<br />Ift'lll tl_~ t~ .tJ,e fo~ to $iltisfy the iI.tOOW1t due on said.
<br />by mid The . Buil.4iIill.:md bllu ~n of Gland 1sWl.d,
<br />\v1.b 11lCT\'tQU. fmm ,b!u: of paymtll:ll, at the max.in:lum
<br />
<br />
<br />In tne ~1 secm"U """,'",by, w'tIlk 1M 1<!l1Wr,~ in el.<<t lhe
<br />lfm:;e~l. WU.iJI ;;.hllil.! be wilJlin l.he
<br />f}<>llo ,\I<;.::tt."Ii ",\ J\'~y lim". !.he ungr."lal"mullot
<br />
<br />j!eJelii'm a;.i~ addAional $Um$ W the
<br />.rlo~ tile l!lIme lIli !:be fun.4:I m~y
<br />roQrtglll!,e.
<br />
<br />
<br />II.. I),. llj' 83
<br />
<br />d~y uf
<br />
<br />19
<br />
<br />, lnf<m: !liliIl.
<br />
<br />On tt<>lZ
<br />
<br />June
<br />
<br />30th
<br />
<br />dl<!: w.'lde"~"';;!.!iil NOt;<l'y <'.uhli<: it! ..1',,1 fM!ilIid CO\ltlty, pM$l.rWI!J:y_m
<br />f~ /0-" .J.,la,r~l'l., eao-fJi "Ln. his ;t~l lVf~r <':Mn ;tl:S
<br />
<br />
<br />I;Ul<J
<br />
<br />i!I w~_ r_.s !,UX0 lttl.u<i1 h' ll'lf,'
<br />"'> ile ~;he.1.r "';, "m1 ~'>.l.
<br />~Il'r h~11irl~-! ~-<>'lilllil' ~,.,lJi r!...' ~~ ",f\~I'!;~,,,;!
<br />)i/~. ':'$til<f~l~i\lIf>l1! tcl!,,~<?~
<br />
<br />M'..erally
<br />
<br />,~u,.*~
<br />
<br />
<br />,11"#
<br />
<br />
<br />)
<br />I'
<br />