<br />83-
<br />
<br />o
<br />
<br />50
<br />
<br />~TGAiGlt lOAN' 1\.'0, ... 24, 1 {) 1
<br />
<br />I(.N()W' ALL Ml'N If'( l1iUSE PRFSE'1\.'TS: l"mt Rid......ard ~1. Larsc;n a.'"1d
<br />
<br />P. La.rs.Jn, each in his
<br />
<br />.pM her Ol.in rlgrht ar..d as spouse af each ather, M~,~omear_,inCOBSidieratioDoftbnumof
<br />
<br />E~D<<L'lb:JlJSia:D'LaDd.~Q_ __.____ _DOlLARS
<br />
<br />loaned t(j'1IIid ft1O<I'tpg<l" by Tbe EquiUMe Bm1ding and Loan ~li<m of c.r.md fsilmd. NebnlSb., ~, upon 420 sIwa of stock. of
<br />
<br />aid .A.')SOCTAl1ON" <:ertiTlClfe No. f. 24,103 do~' grant, ~ and mor!~ unto the 1IIid ASSOCIAl1ON the follclliriD&
<br />described real ~ate, $lituated jn nail County, Nebr.l!dta:
<br />
<br />wts Thi.rty Three (33) and Farty Six (46)
<br />
<br />af Frank P. Bark's Sul:xiivis~an No. 3,af part
<br />
<br />af to,"€: East Half af t.he Nor-....'1east Quarter (E%1\iE~d
<br />
<br />af Section Ten (10) in Township Eleven (11)
<br />
<br />.North Range N~ne (9) West at t.he 6th P.N.,
<br />
<br />Hall County f NEcbrasJ<a.
<br />
<br />t,~too wIth all th<: lenemel1t~, here<iltamcnl~ and
<br />IiIrlndow shades, bbndi', :'Iorm wmdm.,,,, 3Wl'lln!(.s..
<br />Y-lefl'~-at<<)rsc< and..odl-el H~tu:es and -'Ol:lw:pment nOVt~Hf
<br />
<br />Ih,,~elJnlo bi,'k'ngmg. mdudmll, a!tache<! floor cownngs, all window screens,
<br />mn'lJliomng, and p1umbmg and waler equipment alld accessories thereto, pumps, stows,
<br />attllCf>e:d 10 m us..'<l m cormecl,,,n ",!.In :<aid real estate.
<br />
<br />
<br />AlId whereas; Ine i..ud m<:trl~ has~ced and shall and will pay all taxes and assessmenlS .kMed or
<br />a_a.,?oll aoo tlH~ m{)rl~ge arId the "",",trio!! the same slIall become delinquent; to furniJlt approyed
<br />i'~-e upon 0.(1 premIses ""WIled In ti,e ~um oj '$ .00 l'ayahle 10 ",,!Ii ASSOCi A TION and to de\hll:r to said
<br />A.".S(X.:VU1ON the g.><I In$lJ'~; arId not I,; !;Omnlll Of f!<Of"1!1 any wute "'" Of 3110111 suid l'rennses.
<br />
<br />
<br />of on." Hi lhe tCfms and e,mdlllOt" ot !h'$ mO<l~ 1M the bond se..."'U.ed hl.'feby. the mortgagee shall,
<br />f,f the p~sl:mt~~i ,and the- nX)ft~(n: hereby assigns,. transfen and :sets over to the
<br />In IJt! delt....,j from P'''Ul',,",S aUrtng such !lme lIS the mortgage indebte<!OOS1I shall remain
<br />shall kI"",. tbe P'''''''' ii, "1'1''''''' any ~n' ur II a<'''Slft hn the purpoOle of repain!t!; said premises and renting
<br />rC.I1ts, H'vell~ lInu ""."Hl". ~""l " "'''',,' ,",Y' mIl", ,,;uti all expen""", of repalring said premJ,es and necessary
<br />~"o.i _t~ltm!,: Ihe "..<ne ~nd nf collectIng ,;;ntllll$ tl:>erefrom; tbe blll.an.;e remainilll!.. if any. to be
<br />!~ n~h oi 11.,,:; l'l">r!r,i\l~ may b<' e"rro~ at any time during tbeexistel'iCle ofsuclt
<br />
<br />()m
<br />
<br />l;;aO!1a""IPlle
<br />le!tlJ:lmatj' wa,..., n( lit", IlI'TJe
<br />
<br />tl\e em,.!!.,,)!), Tf>.il! " ll:>e "".,j J<h",Jl...,,j loall on ,It !>e'-or" the maturity of Siil..d mates oy
<br />,lJ()Ill.i1ly rl;.:; ><1111 .Itl the "'''tiled .a, inte'e>l amj prinCipal on :>&id joan, on or before
<br />t)t~~*;:h and e'Vi~ty tm:n:u:h,u:utd ~td k~."nt~ paJ:d~ P~); aU tax:($: ;mnd .u~srfle~H.$ ~evledt:tg1limt sa.id pretnUe,s anuoJ\ thUM\)flgagt
<br />
<br />,he bwldll'!t* ther",-," UJ th" sum 01':& 42,000.00 ,",yable
<br />'!P~,<l h>r S<.!.:h ta~"., ltl"C"llell!$ and tll1l.trance wit.h intetest: al
<br />to ""y; penmln" ..ute 0.. said prenlises; keep lUll! comply
<br />
<br />II....., ....id MOflgllgm t,! said. i\SS<X:IA110N, ana comply
<br />,,",id p,e"",nb .ball hecome fU.ill lIlId "",td, otherwise they
<br />of tbe ""-14 ASSOCIATION alie. f"Jlw.e for Ihree months 10 ll1lIke any of said
<br />'" 10 ",><I 1Jumply with the a!(.reemetIUl and conditions of lIllid Bond;
<br />
<br />~ 0' OI!iCfWllIc, then Ihe entu" remaining indeb~ hereby
<br />A$$;,""~U""1 il<iand,Nebf~. bew~ imme4iately dw:: ami plIyal;tle without
<br /><>100 bond lot ""y lidditioll3l :ad'llln<:es IlW:ll: fhereundef .lIIuIIl. from the
<br />til.s n"lt'~ may then be fOl~d to $lItiilfy the iUOOUnt due un aid
<br />by lWd n",bquitable lJuUdJ.l\l ami LOlll1l ASlIOciation of Gnmd lsiand,
<br />wllb 11lWelll U""'_l, fmm date "I pIlyment at the maximum
<br />
<br />JlI:\c...1iI4\ ~rebJl, wluk ll-$ <<~I""IU ill df"C1 the
<br />'" llltl"eill , 1l'l,_ .hJiiil t.e.t'll.!un tile
<br />ni.}-t ltt !f~d: ~t,.U):)i hflltt. H~ Of~
<br />
<br />
<br />hc"eatl.er adwnGC <idd.ticmal _ ft. the
<br />_...~ (be "1U"f1e llll tile fWlds {wigitwlly
<br />of rnn nlUflpge_
<br />
<br />.;J llIl(~
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<br />i\ D, 19 l;:I3
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<br />0., ;1m
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<br />!'l ;;:. j , hc>futl! 1M,
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<br />.~J_' ~ Jt:~
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