<br />83-00348'";'
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN13Y TIlESI' PRF$E!>.'1"S: That
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ..-L- ? 4, ] 05 ~IC
<br />Kennet:~.. V. Schuldt and Lenora A. Schuldt, each in his
<br />
<br />and l1Eir own right aIld as sfXluse of each other, Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration oCtile sum of
<br />_-8ix:l::..}C.-T.bx:ea"~oousand_~ina,J:hJ.nd.rad_an\LmllQQ=-__::-=::::::=_-:::::::-:::::_::-.:::=:.::=.::::::::.:-_-::::=::::::::::::::,,"::::::::':::=--DOLLARS
<br />loaooo. to said mort,gagnir by The Equitllhle Building and L{'lII" Association of Gmnd Island, Nebra~a, Mortgagee, upon 639 shares of stOdcof
<br />Silid ASSOCIATION, Ce1tificate No. L 24,105 , './0 lwn~hy grant, coovey and mortgage lioto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real ffllta'le.<ihl:tlted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Eighte€m (18) f R & B Se<::ond
<br />
<br />Subdivis:Lon, Hall County, N,,~braska
<br />
<br />t<lgetnel with all tlle HmelJleHIS, hemd.brm:nts and "f'Plll'lenanCCx lhereullttl bei')jl~in!?, including atlached floor coverings. ail window screens,
<br />window ~blJdes., blinds. ;;toml wmdow$."wnin!lS, ,..'atmg, .'" c<mditiQlllilf(, ~lld p'um/1lI11\ and water eqUipment and accessories thereto. pumps, stoves,
<br />rc:frigenllol1l, and other IhtuJe5: ano equlpmem 1I0W'H hereahel aU.lH:hed to", u:I\!d III cmlfi<J...tJOn with said real estate.
<br />
<br />Am! whelea.~ thc' saId mmlpgm has agreed :md dlJ<1. hell,hy ~W"" thai the mortpgor shall alld will pay "Ulaxes and assessments levied or
<br />as:se_d upon said premises and Up<>ll !hi~ and Ihe bond ""cured lIH:rehy hefme lh~ same shall become delinqucnt; 10 furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings ,)Il $:..d premll'':. Ihe sum of:{; 63,900. 00 !"'~'l.ble 10 said ASS(X:IATIONaml to deliver 10 said
<br />AS,<;(X:IATION the p<lltcies 1<:.. ""'It I lilSUr3nt:e, ,.mj 1101 l<l cmmnH Of penml ~ny wa~le Of! HI' abou.l $l.d pretnises;
<br />
<br />III .qcoe 0/ default HI lhe pedonn,ml,)C o! any of the h'rm~ iHld co,,,.Lr,ol1s of Ihis mortgage 0'- the b<.md seem,:d hereby, the morlgagec shall,
<br />')II delllllllu, he elllllk,d to Ilfl.lltdlalc 1""""""""11 oj lh~ morlg;,ged p,emllll}' ~nd Ill" mungaj1,1)f lter..,by "&Signs, Ilansfers ll.l1d sets over 10 the
<br />lllortgllgllt:. allInI' ICIlI:>, fel'elllleS ~Jlcl '''cmne 10 be dClwcd IHHll rlle m<Jftgaged pfel1l!sc:< during sue.1I time as the mortgage im.!ebtedne$$ shall renlllm
<br />w'plud. and the m.,rtgagee shall ha.e the IX""':l '0 <tPlX'II\l. any af,I.'l'Il 01 ~g,e"!.' It desire ,'<)( the purpose of repairing lIllid premises !lnd renting
<br />the same ~ud cullechI,!; the lenlS. ,e~eml'" and mculIle. and II m~y I'''Y "It I or "'lid all expenllCs of lepairing \laId premises and nCalllAO'
<br />OlImmissl.lllS alld CXpl:'1l1l:S mCll!ueo \11 Icntmg and IT'ana14lOg Ill" SiUlW and n! ~"""cljll~: ",mah tlll:::mflOm; the balance renll!ining, if It!ly. 10 be
<br />;;;pplJed 1')Wlled thl~ (!lsd,atge of s:l.Id m'''Iji;lI!le ",,jellledn,,,,,; these, ,ght.$ 01 the 111"'IV,agec Inay be exen:ised a.! 1111)/ time during the existence of such
<br />default, inespech,,., uf any temporary wlliYef of the :laIr>(.
<br />
<br />'rhelie l'relie/lt~, ho~"ef arc Upolllhl~ COl'lddi<m, That ,flhe :>aId M..'lgJlgOI ,h.lIil "':ltay ~ loan OJ} m belirre the malurity of sa.d shares by
<br />P"'Yll~lll; 1P"'l' Ilwnthly 10 ,\SSOCI ATlON of Ii", sum spe':lfmd 111 the i\oud lie.('wcd he..,by as mleresl and princijlJll on said klan, on 01 before
<br />the Twenr,oelh d:lY 01 <'ach ~"d ol'velY monlh. tlllt..! gj(/ loan!> f!llly paid; pay aU lll.xe~ and a.s.Ws.'llleIllS leYlCdilgamst SOlid premises and on Ihis Mortpge
<br />
<br />"fAd tbe Bond ","'Culec:lrherehy. bdme dehr"11.M:llq'; 1m 1li.~1 a.plllovei.IIl1MI.~I";;: UpOll Ihcbuilding,\ thereon m the sum of:) 63,900.00 payable
<br />II) S3id ASSOCIATION. repay lu u..1 ASSOCIATION de:mami ailllJ\illey by II paid lor su;,:h tlt.~"S, aSS;::lStnenl,s and inSUflll'lce wilh interest al
<br />the I1lOllximulfi It.'g.d late l.hereml from dale <.If paYlIll,nl "r wluch MOrl?4'" hell,by ag."", to pay; pemuI no waste on said premises; keep and comply
<br />
<br />w.th ..!llh.. agrl.'tlmellh ilJnd c<."dltions or the Bond i(}f $, 63,900.00. th.s day by the S3ld MOltPlSm tn said ASSOCIATION, and. romply
<br />with all .the "X1"UelllCms of the COIlSLI.lI1l!OIl alld By-l...""" ofsa..d ASSOCIATION; lhe.re prescnts shall IJ<>OOme null aud void, Otherwise tlley
<br />l!/Jall remain HI ruLi f~'rce :.md may !xl I,;rec!osed al tbe option of the ",lid AS.'lOCIA TION ;,flel failure for three mont1:ll; to make. any of said
<br />~yltWnl' 0' be lllree mlialtM 1I1 anears !ll making :saId Hl<.llllhly Ol Iv keep and cOlrlply with the iigret;merrts wd COlld.itioll' of said Bund;
<br />md Mcrtgall"l' ag...."Cs to h"v", a .eiZ.\aYe'''Ppolmell r"nhwHh m pn:x::elldinglL
<br />
<br />" If toore is any challlge III ow",'rs/up of the real !:Slate mortl\":gcd herem. by sale. m otherwise, then II", entlle remaining indebtedness hereby
<br />;\cc\1fed >bail. al the Olrlioll of The Equwibie Building alld. Ulan AS:;>()Ciatlon "f Grand Islll.l1d. Nebraska, become lfllmediately due and payah!!: without
<br />further .lIot:ice, and the due undel s:..o bond, ami other bond for any additional adwnce, Illllde thereunder, shall, from the
<br />date of exercise of $aid oplioll, lill tbe marilllWlI k'Ji!i"l 111.i~mortgag.e may then be foreclosed t.o $atmy the. amount due on said
<br />ixlUd, lUld,UIY Oi.lWI bood for a:dd:iti9tW adVlltl(:e5, with ...11 SUlllS paid by said l' he Equitable Building ;.md Loan ,I"SSOCiatioll of Grand Island,
<br />Neb'~ lor ill$llraliC~, lues llll;;! ~nt$, alld C!UUgtlli, with illtllre$t th.erlll.lIl, flom date of p'..yrnefll at the maxlnlUlll
<br />lepl nlte.
<br />
<br />
<br />while lJlis .enmns ill eflec.t tile
<br />interest, stia!.> shall be w itllin lhe
<br />n<)llo exceed lie any einw ehe olighw
<br />
<br />bi:lre:.ofter aoWllce additional SW'IIll to the
<br />mol'tll<lge the lOi!Ime as the funds orjginally
<br />mortgllge.
<br />
<br />
<br />July
<br />
<br />A~ D~~ 1.9
<br />
<br />.cn
<br />..".
<br />
<br />Of! Ihis
<br />
<br />day flii
<br />
<br />1st
<br />
<br />IOj B:3 . t>e{<:l<llll"".
<br />
<br />t.<€n.C'Xiil A.
<br />
<br />th<: lul<;kt'sign;od, a NQtltq l"oolic in il\.ll<.l fot ""i<j COlmty, penooally C>ltuw
<br />
<br />f.'::ac;h in h.is arK:! ()w'rl a,.t"td as
<br />03.:1"'(; ~(l
<br />
<br />*ffhe4
<br />
<br />Ommlliw,".m t~ii'>J".~
<br />
<br />
<br />~i-
<br />
<br />1I11"
<br />
<br />;;d ~ll<'l ".ce,1.,
<br />!~it "<lIle .Jm""ilH<t.
<br />
<br />t'Jio'1V/i>l:te.!
<br />
<br />
<br />