<br />
<br />
<br />Huffman and Fe!ton & Wolf. Walton. Ne, 58461
<br />
<br />52-A- REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-{Wlth Tax C!ause) Rev 7R
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEl';~: That William R. Poe and Linda L. Poe, Husband and
<br />wife, each. individually in hi.s and her own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska . in consideration of the sum of
<br />FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/lOO------------------------------------------------------ DOLLARS
<br />
<br />hand paid. doll1ereby SELL and COJ','VEY unto The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />C~unty, State of Nebraska
<br />(-:Ount.y. and Stnt.e of
<br />
<br />the following described premises situated
<br />Nebraska . to-wit:
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />See Attached Exhibit A
<br />
<br />
<br />'The int,,~minn bdni'! to t'mw,,7' ben.by m' "b,oiuk lIU.. HI ("i.' !Ii ropl". including liB the rights of homestead and dower,
<br />TO l-IA VEAND TO HOLD Ih" rm.n:w;,'S "bove d,'scnbed. v.'it.h aU Uw <lppurtemmees thereunto bdonging, unto the said
<br />mort2.~tgfTle~-s) an.d t.u hiB, ~v"'r or thf"U' h~;>lr$ Had a~:;s,lg:n:'4 foreVf.,'.l\ Jl1"l)vj.dr~ ahvaY3, and tJ1~,~$e presellt.s a,re upon the express
<br />(~:mditit.l11 that jf lh"","d mOHlt:lIl'Oft s). tH'. In" (.r lh'",r "'i'ir$.,',,,,,,'utors, admhustratoTs or aBllig:n~ shall PklY or cause to be
<br />paid t<> the liaid mortgage;! \ _I. h,s, lwr or 1.!Wlf h"lrs, ")(>),:,,tor5, adnnnil$lratori.l or a!lsign,~, the prinCipal sum of $ 5 .000.00
<br />payable a. 101:0"'0. to WII;
<br />
<br />I payment or ?,),OOO.OO, plus interest of ~;172.6(J,
<br />due and payable ()rl September 26$ 1983.
<br />
<br />
<br />wIth it\t-t'~h"'.s{.. l'i(,t~br(.hng t(r UH~ h,'nor H,nd dJt~ct (If the ['nun~(il'gf)r~ Yr<'rtUt'!'n }Jrolni~s(J1ry nott~ l){'~aring eV(~.t1 dllte with these pre8ent.lfJ
<br />and shllJI pay <Ill I>UI,,, "nd 1."""''''~IJ'''nb 1""Hxl 'lf~"ll "''1<.1 n:,,1 '.",d,"lk, and all ot.her tax""". I,.vi,,!.< and lisseiSSlnenW levied Ur.>(ln this
<br />, t'tKitrtga,~~i')\ ('!" dlll' note wl'Hd1 da., n.'lIrt;~Ht:,P 1~ ti~.\Vt;,'T} S~'!"UHe, l"li'f,on' f>h.(~ Si'.i.rm," f){:'CI)f'r1f"S (If.hnquf.l:nt.1 and kf'~p. thf:~ buHdings on
<br />said r)rf~,fni~fi)~ iH1.iu.n::!d for t~w .~t.tnl I,y{ $ ,(JOO ~ 00 kl''4~, dun;,', puyabtp to tlw iiU1d nlortgagee, then theae presen~l
<br />to hf.' ~,tl:id, ~ttrW~f",A,'l tij l:lt" dud fi"thaJn in fuU '''!f,e~.~
<br />fT IS Fl'RflHER ,'\Gl(EEO 11) Th<'li If Ii", '"i<ld rn"rtMa,IZ01' HhilU fad to fHlY slll,h tax{,a or procurl,' s"ch insurance. tbe
<br />5.;;;-tld m{;~rtgagt;t' rn~iY pi'l)' ~u\:'L UJ,X__~t"" .and pt(X,:Uf(' :";'\h~:h jJtsuranC't~, .Hn{.~ tht~ SU.XH H,t) udv.:tJ:u;:f.:'(J. with intert~st at 16% per
<br />cent, "hsH I", r"p'ud by '"I,d l1l"f!.l;al',')t, and ttnstnortgag" ~hall gtll,nd "" ",',;u.rity for th/.. lW.rtll... (~~) That a failuTe to pay any
<br />of tmld r!loney, "Jthl,.r prmClpal or m!..,,,,..,,1.. Wll"" I."" ",In>.\ l"",om.,,, d.ue, or " fllilUl't\ \0 /.'1)mply with allY of the tor~oi.ng
<br />ag:~l.nl~nts, $,haH c.a\i$(~ t.he who"),l': SUJU {~f rnv.ney tH:~rl,~.i'n. .8c~~u.red t.o LO<j~'(:otne d~~~~ and e()ll'l~tib~e at once at the option (')f the
<br />l:Ul.H''lgag''''.
<br />Sit;ru.:od this 28t.h day of June 19 83
<br />
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