<br />
<br />83- 00348B
<br />
<br />
<br />This Mortg~ is entered intO betw~n
<br />and Wife
<br />
<br />
<br />(herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />
<br />
<br />Block 4, in Re~J1,at of
<br />nd Island, Couney of Hs
<br />
<br />TogethE!f with all buildinl/,s,impmvefllfltlt.s.uxtures, ,treef:l\, alley:" pllli&lgeways,. elLSI!lnents, right~, p.rivileges and
<br />appurtenances 1(J,('ated tlll"rt"JO l)r in anywiSl! pertaining tlll'ret.e, and till' r;;mls {Mllt!S and profit.s, revmsions and remainders
<br />theA'oof~ indudi!l,g, but no! limited to, heating IInd. cooling eqlllpml~nt llnd sfJch pel'SOI.IIl.1 proj'}!:.rty that is at,lac,hed to the
<br />impro'i'llmenls so lI.' to constitute II fixture; all of woM!. ilwluding mpiacement.s !llld additions th!}reto, is hereby declared
<br />to be II part of the rlNII estate secured. by thl' hell of this .Mortgllge llnd all of the forl'goingbl'lllg .referred to herein lIS the
<br />"Property" ..
<br />
<br />!Iik}rtt~'Or hurther 4~onvemmlS llnd llgl"t~~~, with .Murtllage!" JI$ follows:
<br />
<br />1. Palfn"...nt To pay till! indl~bll'dnl'''~ and thl:! mll,re,;t tl1N".tlIJ 11$ provided ill thi~Mortgllge lmdthe Note.
<br />
<br />2. TlUI!;, MolI'tgagor j,; U'lt' owner!)f th~' I'r(lp.trty, has th.. (lglll Iud lluthority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />wa:mwts that U11~ t}l.'llcrNltedl1el"l!by Hi 1I first lnd prior HIm on the Property, ":;;''I"pt a~ may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />
<br />C] 1'hePrQperty is sllb~,et to II MO.rtgllgt' wne-r€'ill ...,.., .
<br />
<br />
<br />is UI't MortN~" recorded at .Book '._"~___"'''. , l'lIf,l' or tlw Mortg,age Records of
<br />Nei:Inlsb. W!:Udl Moltir. is II Hen prior to tll€! li.~n crt'atAid hereby,
<br />
<br />o OUter prior lien.s or
<br />
<br />_~'__"'_.~'__"_'""'~'_"~,<,'''''~__u_'''~'' ..~"..~,. _~",,,' ,__.-.e,,,_',,,. "",. .'_' __~.~~.'" '_'""^""'''~_"~''''''~_"~'.'"'''__''__~'~....__,_,,^..,._-,.______~_-,-,._~_____
<br />
<br />all other charges against the Property
<br />N<*, secured hereby,such amount as
<br />.or ~ome due.
<br />
<br />!o<.~u>d on the real eslate deseribEtd billetn insul"l!d
<br />in amounts lInd with eo.mpanJes acooptable to tbe
<br />thorimd to
<br />wle !.lption, autbori:ted to either apply tntl
<br />payments hereundlill "hili! eon-
<br />
<br />Mortp(or !<'<{UestJng
<br />
<br />t
<br />1
<br />r
<br />l
<br />
<br />or imFov~,mll1nt1lnQW ~r
<br />'!I'l!lS~, fn'lli' tron1 ml'1:b,\{nl~'!i
<br />rm:i:illI,l'ICI:' H. f,.Xt1lt, l\{lf t<l:
<br />Ill!! "'tIG'ltirel.1:blmt{, ",r l~w with
<br />