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<br />~l ~Hll nl~teU,;"'l ' <br /> <br />~::- ~~ ~~~~: ..:~:~~:--~ =.t- .::1 ~~~~~~ ..::- _~ ~;::: : <br /> <br />~:~=~~~~m~:~, {~) ~~~' ~~~~:;:; ~~l <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br /> <br />.2 g/JQ_._ <br />BARBARA t~ .J-J\>JJ~.L_~USBAND <br /> <br />June <br /> <br />198.3.. , by and betw""n <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this.....,. <br /> <br />day of _. ,,' <br /> <br />_..f 8.AI~_-B.:--1~!'1I.? <br /> <br />AND <br /> <br />A <br /> <br />o WIFE <br /> <br />---"----"--~----~,--------~--____.__"____.~__~____.~_____,___...._.'.__<M.~.~'..____.,__._...____._..,_'.__.___'_____~_______.___._..__,_~_._______________ <br /> <br />of __ita 1J,___..__ County, Nebraska, as mortgag(Jr ._~__~_..__.. and Home Fedcral Sav,ng. and Loan Asrodation of Grand !sland. li corporation <br />organized aOdexisling under the laws of the United States of Amerka wid, its principal office and place of busine" at Grand Island. Nebra.,ka. as <br />mortgagee; <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor___ .~L. _._,___, for and ill wnsideration of (he sum of ..U,{~_b_Y_E_,_I!:tQQ~~.ft.l2_IJ]t_._____ <br /> <br />___....._D_O.L.LARS_._A1'l.n_.Ji'O.L1J1Q..::.~_=-;::.::-,..=::-__::-..=..=-::..:_-:_::_::...::.:.::_:..:::..:~._::..::: ="__._...DOllars..(~~_,,,t?..,1:~3.0~_OQ~________,_), <br /> <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do <br /> <br />.., ,hy these pre,cnts mnngage and warranlulllO sai'fmortgagee. its .,uccessors and assigns. <br /> <br />forever. all the following described real ""tate, situated in the Count). of <br />and State of Nebraska. to-wit: <br /> <br />FEET (NSO') OF LOT <br />(S32') OF LOT FIFTY <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br /> <br />THE <br />TH I RTY <br />DIVISION, <br /> <br />NORTHERLY FI FTY <br />TWO FEET <br />GRAND <br /> <br />FIFTY (50) AND THE <br />ONE (51) IN FONNER <br />NEBRAS KA. <br /> <br />SOUTHERLY <br />VIEW SUB- <br /> <br />AND <br /> <br />TWO (2) <br />COUNTY , <br /> <br />LOT <br />HALL <br /> <br />IN EDWARDS <br />NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION, <br /> <br />THE <br /> <br />OF <br /> <br />GRAND <br /> <br />IN <br /> <br />CITY <br /> <br />ISLAND, <br /> <br />Together with aU h'~ating, air ("ondit,', and ph.unbin,g t:':qu,ll>tnt'nl and fixtUn.;oSl mduding 8Ln"..,..HS. awnings. $t'()rm w'indows a.nd <br />doon.. and window shades or biilld$, UtJ.txJ on I)C in connection ~nth said prop(~'rty, 'wrwther dw ~,u.m.,~ nc(;, now Id(,~~ted un 1;i.aid prupe.rty or herea[tt.!r <br />placed thereo" <br /> <br />TO HA VE /\.NU TO l-iOLD THE SAME, t()W~U'~i'l w~th all and l'iUlKUluf tht;, t{'rh~rn~nb, !H~r'f:'(htunw"nts and applltt~~ruUU::t~,~ tiwreu!ito he~ <br /> <br />kmgm.g, Or in anYWlse appt"rtammg, iore\lor, ijud v.'6<r'!"&.nt tht" t.nit: I.-() t.h~,' '')unU'', :~'f1jd m(IrghgurS. rWfl..!))' ('O\d~nH.nt l\'ith ~."I~id <br /> <br />mort.g8.g.:......~ t h..~ Y are, at, the j,h~,llvN), h' ~J'H:' luwful owoer S ~,d' the I,'I1.-,"mi:~:<<:r~ Hbo\it~ conveyed and dt!'~('r!hEI,-L <br /> <br />and ~..Te se:I.l.ed of a goud and lndele.tlbJ.blc i~tu'l.t. \)1 Inht~r)t.&.nc.t~ thm't'!:i,o, fre~' and cl~~t\f (II all tmt"umbf'unn~s. and t.hat th,e,n._Y..will <br />warr&Jl:t and deiend the tjtie thereto fOrtJ!vef aglim~t thi:~ rltuf,'nf:l and d~'Hna.od$ of a11 l}~:r~Of'jS whurn:.Of.~'Vl\r. <br /> <br />PROVIDBD ALWA YS. and this insLmn\ent 's t'x""tlte.o and ddiv"red 1.0 .,"Cure ..he payment of !ht! sum oj T ~IEL.V E IHQ\JSAN.D <br /> <br />...1EJ't 00 UA RS AN 0 NOll 00 - - -. - - n n - -- -- - - - L)ollm IS I. <br /> <br />with interc8t theJ'1el(.m. tOgt~thl~r wlth such (,barges and ~ll~lVal1e;e~; as H'Uij/ h+:., dlW and',al','h: to ~'&id rn,tHl"gug(.."tt under lh(' t.f:t'I'n8 and eonditions <br /> <br />o'f u"~ prc.uuiss,ory note of even da.te ht1"l'ewilh and s((('un,';.i ht~reb)'. 1,.:'xel:utA~..::i, by 'iaid rn'ongagor $", NaHi n:wrtg-,(;lg(':~e. payuhfe as e;>\pfe~:';Hd <br />in said note, and :[.,0 secur€' th.e performance of all the t,erm.~' and conditions. {'(jntaiI),1i!:\:i thhn:iin. Tnt? lA,~nns of said n(')t~} art: hereby <br />\lere:in by this rei'enmce. <br /> <br />It is the i.ntWJILlOU and """""rmmt of th<l ""',,,1.0 Lh"t tlUH mortgagi! .haJl al~" seCtlr<, allY {ll!.Ute advuncus made In said fll<lftgagor S.. <br /> <br />by said mort,ga.'i'B'e, .a"nd any a"nd aJj indebt.t..>d.nt.'>S.~ in Hd.dit,lon (,,(1 the ~moUnt atXt,..'e ::::.t.a.t..l1d ",~.hidl said mortgi;i;gOfS. or uny of th.{~.rn. may owe to <br />said lnortb,:ragee. tu::m:.e\'er evidenced. whether by note, book u(:count or :ot.twrwi.s.-e, This shaH remain in full f(H"{:e and t,'ffoct. bet.ween <br />the part~eS heret() and their h~~irs,~ per;s{}ool r~pn;.senuj,tivi.~:j. ~~u.CCi;'$.s(j.r& and a}ij~ign,s, unt..d l':l.!lh)tHit:s 8-t~C:Uf'(:d ht~reunder, 1ndndi:ng, futtin: <br />, paid;l1 Ill!! .....ill> interest. <br /> <br />The m'()l"tgag().r,~,.._ hereby &":Il:,s,ign to lliortg~lgi~! all r~!'nt~ and iot;ome at an.y and aU t~mC$ frml')"s~i,td propl~dy "jfl>f{ <br />herehy ltuth.o.r,i:l;e: sald mOI~g'8gre ot its ,agent" at; i'ts,qptt.on. upon de.faultf ;;,(l takt~ (:harg~'; $uid p.rOpt'J'fty and co!h~~t uU Hi!nt.:s und io{:om<' <br />there'b~'Om, and apply the san:u~ to the payment Olf int:~re~~,t. pnnf;'ip-:al. insu.rlt.tH."'i't prm,n~u:rns, taX>t~S4 HsseS8n~ents. .rep~ir5 or improvemenl:-< <br />llOOe!l!ill,f)' Wi )<;eep8Jlid pm~rty.inUll'llmt...hie condition, <>r Loother ':h<lr;:..'" (>r p"yme.llt$ provided fol' ool'l'ill "r ill nQ~e ""r{.by $ecur",L This <br />rent lltliSignmllllltshall contillue in fo",,, Wltit the un",,,d bauI1J"e o! slHd t)(;,t" is fully paid. Tb" tllkmg (f{ pos,c,,,iorl shall in no mam",r <br />preven~, or- retard su:id m,It.)t"tg~ in the co:tl~tio,n o! said ,$Uffi:!:i by f1:H'{o.'dosu/"(;' or ot,herwist:. <br /> <br /> <br />']'l"d>lilure oito" mOt~agoo (<I asoort any of it..~ right" here\l.m:I,'r al any tim.:: "hall not h,' <:"n~t,-u,,",l If.. a waiver "I its <br />$~t~ at 'any l~-~ timi:f an.d U"J insist \tpt',:m a.nd en:f()f,ce ~t.r~C't c.ompUa'nct:~ wi~,h all t.hl,~ t.~~~nm and pr,~),tisinn~ (If said not{~ and <br /> <br />tn, a~lert'-, the <br />this., <br /> <br />U'i said. f:UO':rt-gagoo the t,jntitH fltl'lQur!t dlli' it IUJn}undf~r. and lHu:h:.,.r th-tt, t.enns unci pt't.:NL'Swns <br />nnd any ~,j,;:~::tt:n.$.jDn:s ..J( Te.tiJ:waI~ th~n~(Jf- in ;;''j:(~eorda1-}o;~ wi'tJi. th. Verm.s o.ruJ pt{wish;m$ <br /> <br /> <br />right. <br /> <br />1.<> <br />waj.v~xl. <br /> <br />admi..lti:i6tnrtors, ~U{;t::~;J1ii~~t':-\ ;.~nd:, ~s:~ig1}s_(~f tfW <br /> <br />h~! <br /> <br />.h{:~~.un.\),J <br /> <br />i r hlmd S, 1.'''' ciay "'''I :""<lr fir", "hoy,' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />I <br />j <br />