<br />
<br />
<br />This form is used in connection
<br />with mortgages insured under the
<br />one- to. four-family provisions of
<br />the National Housing Act.
<br />
<br />
<br />,A.D.
<br />
<br />a CtltpoTll.tiot!organized and i!Xistrllg under the laws ()f Nebra SI ka.
<br />party of l~ second p:llrt. hereinafter called the Mortgl.gee.
<br />
<br />wrtNESSBTH: That the, said jl,fl)(tgal.l.(lr, for llnd in consideraTion of lhes\l1l1 of Twent y S i:x Thou ~nd
<br />Four HundrE'..d and No/lOOt.hS----------------..-..Dol1ars{$ 26 4QO.00 ),patdhytheMort-
<br />gagee. The rec-eipt of which is herehy llc,knowledge;:!. has Gnmtedimd Sold and by These presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain,' Sell. Convey .and Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its StlCCeSS(lrS and assigns. forever, the foltowing-described
<br />real estate, sil1:lated in the County of Hall ' and State
<br />of Nebraska, 10 wit:
<br />
<br />ThE! East Half of the South Half (E!!;i$t"2) of thf~ East 27Q feet
<br />DIE Lot Eleven (11), in Vantine's Subdivision to the City of'
<br />Gnmd Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />of l.hc SIlI.lll Pnll~:lpll.l Mcnthan. ;;olllalllllli! It\ all
<br />mCllil SUI \C)
<br />
<br />,H:res ac..:vnling 10 Gov~rn-
<br />
<br />TO H.!\VF .,o,ND TOIIOL!) lh<' premises llb'.~'.s <l(:s(;l'Il'.:o. \\llh all the llppurkflllllCe, th,'retlnW he longing ilnd inducting
<br />;111 hel\ting. plumbing :lIld hllhtlllJ,!: lhwre, llnd equlfHnenl now \'Or hereafter ;ltlached 1001 used 10 t:onnection with said real estate
<br />unh:l the Mortltal~ee. illld 14111s sucs'eSS4\IS ,mil aSslglb. torcH'l Thc Mungag"r represents 10, llnd t,;ovemlOts with. the Monga-
<br />gee, Ihat trn: MIl,rtgag.,lr has gooo nght. III ,ell imd cOllvey ,;ill! premises; that Ihey 1m: free fmm ent,;tlmblan~e; "nd tbat the
<br />Mortgagor will warranl ;uta defend Ihe ,"me "!:talllsl In,; !;1\l. fill dmms "~I all !,er'{'11S Wh4\!1'IS"eVcI, Mid the ;,aid Mortgagor h.~re-
<br />by rellnQuishe!, lIIU rights ,Jf home..tca,f, and ~IH mawal flght" <~ilherJfl 1;IW 01 in equil~ and ,II! nther contingent interesls 'If the
<br />Mortgllgm ill <l:lllllo the :~b(lve-Jess-nbcd plemi'Se'S, lh.: lntentlon being to ell/we;; her<:by ,m ab,olute lille.in fee simple, includ-
<br />ing 1I11 righls i.ll nomeslea.i.L ~<lld other right> and imere,t, iI'S UfOle'iaH.L
<br />
<br />PROVmEl:l AI.W,;\ YS. 'Hili these pr,,;.ems ..re e:-;ecuted and delivered upon the following conditions, 10 wit:
<br />
<br />The Mortj/;alglJI ,.gree.> 10 p"y to the M'lf\gage<:, 01' >.lriJe.r. the prinCipal s\lm of
<br />Hutlldred and No/I00ths------,---------- Dollars 1$
<br />
<br />Twen.tySix Thousand Four
<br />26,400.GO
<br />
<br />With mlereSlllrom d;He JII!tC late ,)1 Eleven and One-Half
<br />the unpaid lila.l~lIlCe. until Pilid, The s;\id prindpal and inler<!st sh;jH he "ayah-Ie al
<br />
<br />11 . 5 ) per annum un
<br />Superior Mortgage, . Ine,
<br />
<br />
<br />in Grand lsland, NE 68802
<br />the nOle may desigll4ite in 'writing. in ;nomhh in,Ulllmcnt 1 uf . 1'....9. Huua red
<br />Doihm \$ 261,4..
<br />-------------- . 1983 ,alld un the tin>!
<br />(ll principal
<br />
<br />. or at ,uch other plac.e a s .the holder of
<br />Sixty One and 44/100ths----
<br />), c<lOllllcndng on In..: fir~l day of
<br />,',f e;,ch l));Jmh thereafter until the and in,
<br />if p,tict,
<br />term:,. of a
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />o.f
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />l.
<br />