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<br />i .-~-BEI..EASE: 'DF MO:RTGAG~ <br />.",,"_...__,",4,.... "...:L,.^~",<><_..,.,.,,~, ",.,' '~""^"'~_'" ,,"~.__, _,~,~"._<",_ ,_,,~",___.,._. '_'._.,____., ,__ ,,_. _,.~_..._. __,,_.,,_~.~,.,., <br /> <br />a~-ttU 344 G Huffmanan_d_~:lt~n~~..~:lf.\'ia_It~~~~~,~~~_____.__ <br /> <br />n-l CONSIDERATiON of the pavmmt of t.he debt named thereill, the HO~lE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION OF GR.!\ND ISLAND' , hereby releases the mortgage tlladeto <br />H~~E FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND <br />byROBERT L. BERRY AND ELIZABETH J. BERRY, <br /> <br />husband and wli fe <br />en the follo'Wing ducribed real estate, to-wit: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />LOTTWENTY-THREE (23), BLOCK TWO (2), Hi SOUTHERN ACRES ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />Section, in Tmun.~hif' . Range of the P, M.. HALL <br />C<ntnt", State of NEBRASKA 'zvhich is n:c'orded in Book of Real Estate l'vtortgages. page <br />oj tnerecords 0.1 slaid County. Document # 81-004661 <br />IN TESTIMONV WHBIf/lP/. the sa~tHOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOll.N !l.5S0CIATION has caused <br />:tkese b~, eXllc'uMd in} iifpn:ride~r andi!s Seal to be atficred hereto this 21 s t <br />J u rl e ' , J983 H0I4E FEDERAL SAV I NG$ & LOAN <br />l~t,0G1AT1~;l;,f.f._{~'. . Nll..lSLANO,:""....."...,.. <br /> <br />By",<::),,~if2A':':':;Y.."1I'''}#''~.. ~.~......_._...Y.}, CPr. .esident <br />~'l..el'men K, )e I .,.ef <br />_-.lASS,n.lit,cst .......":...,,, (~XXIa~*j: <br />~--,_lII' . <br />TE OF,..~ .........,.....~ss. On this. e........" 19...$J, <br /> <br />~:.ijt~" ,,". County I before me, the undersib'Ded, a Notary Public in and for <br />all . Bel tzer V i C"'c::.o('~ <br />,parson y came"............,....... rresidett1:-01 the <br /> <br />11~~t~.X~D..~R.;\h.S;~~11j~~,.~~...LOM:tI\~~PCJAILQN,..Qf, ,.', ..." ....".,.."""".a Corporation <br />to me personally known to be t&J ~siden('~h&'identical person whose name is affi::u,'{! to the above release and <br />acknowledged the, execution thertlOi to he his voluntary act and deed as such otficer, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of said COl'pQrat.iou, and that its corporate soo1 WIlS thereto affixed by it$ authority, <br /> <br />Witness my hand and Nota.rial Benl atC/rand Is I and, r~E?braskil . in said County the day and year <br /> <br />~~~:lc .19. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />L <br />