<br />T
<br />
<br />83~JU;j4;i:5
<br />
<br />
<br />t :115 torm .5 ::.;sed ~n connet.-rion
<br />wt"th mortgages insured under the
<br />one- to four~famtl". provls:ons 'Of
<br />the NatK:lnal Housing Act.
<br />
<br />06140539
<br />
<br />IHIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 29th day of June
<br />1983 .byandbefWej:ll Alfred C.Forsht and Sally Ann forsht, husband and wife
<br />
<br />of fhj~ C,luntY(;l Hall . and State of Nebraska. party of the first part. hereinafter called
<br />the MortgagOF. "00
<br />
<br />.A,D.
<br />
<br />a cQrpOFatimlOfgflnized and exi1itin,g um;!er the law, of Nebraska
<br />party otttlc sc\.'c.ndpart,.he,eillllfter c<lHeclrhe ,Mortl.'.,agee,
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That tile said MOtl,\Ulgor, for and in c()nsluer<lt[o!1 of the: sum of . FORTY THREE TlIOUSA~m
<br />and 00/100 Dollars ($ 43,000.00 /. paui bYlhe Mort-
<br />gage.:l. reC~lfl:t of ,"hid! is hereby aCkn{1Wiedge.d.ha<; GrarHed andSofd an~i by these presents. dues, Grant. ~ar-
<br />gain. and ('l)j"lllrm Ihe:'>'l(mga.ii\e'c. lIS SU(:c<~ss()r;; and aSSigns, l(lrever, tJ1C tollowmg..aescnbed
<br />relilestale, . andState
<br /><'II Nebraska, k) wil: Phoenh:, Gnmd Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />
<br />Tbe I;.!esterly T\...~lve lUld 3,~'len Ihllldredths feet, (12.37)
<br />of be>t Six (i\), and the S:b:ty ;.me and S th!'ee
<br />hl.lndredth.1ll (61.63') feet ()f Lot Seven (7), in Block Eleven
<br />(ll) in Parkhill Third Subdivision ,m Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Ill/hod, !laB, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />~mtiU.UloiiWt.H:il~0di.B~iiQ(1
<br />)(~~
<br />
<br />~':UC~~a-
<br />
<br />III HA\ F A!\lll 10 HOt D Ihe !,,1l:IHh'" il">,"IlI;.;',!. .., llh all the ;.t{'l'unenilIK(" lher,'\HllO hchmging and IIH.:luding
<br />.,Ii plumhml<i ;If"l hllhllnj:: l!\lUlt" ilIld Cil!JlJ.l,ne.nli.li.'''. "I hCle\l!tn "W,,'hCIJ to nr u,ed If) connectIOn with '<lit! real eSlate
<br />tHlh,) r:h'C' ~tnd hi' ih '~i-,H;('C'~'hd"", ...I-'HJ ;~,''''Jgth, fHn~\.,tt f.h.e f\:'rH'(~'~l'nt':'t h'l. and l'ovenant~ \.\-id1, rhe !\1('jrtga~
<br />thai the IH" t" ,,,n ;,ntl ,,,!I"":' ';lIe! 1'''''11/)','" they _1ft, i'ee frum "'ll,'wnbran(:c; ,tnd lhallhe
<br />\\-"tH W~lU;,tn{ 1>Hh! \.inh~ 1he LIWflJJ ,-'~~,ttm"" ~d .;,~J.l pcr:,,,1.H'~\ \.1\'!H)nHi\)~\'-et'l ~;Intllht" ~~ud \'1ortftag,~f here~
<br />b\ tif hon1<"",~1;':'h.i,_ ~~rh.i :n:,rn~iJJ ri'l:zhh. t.tth~( ','1' in ,<\n.d c,d.} ot.her 1,;,('~ntAng~nt interests of tht,
<br />\t,,)1'tg$~~~Jf in ~*n~l h1 ,r~b'l\''>,;c,J~~~rih{'d rrt';n~~t'~. ;ht' ~ntcnt~nn bt~lng ~\) 1,~'pn\C"f ~,~n ~ihsolUht iitle, in let': :,;"tU11)le. in\:'.tud~
<br />lng~-{Hrights t,1'1 h(Jnh:~llOt~~td, dntl tithtU fi~ht,~ ;.,tnd HHcn~~{'''' ,,". i.dnf'C~.tH~
<br />
<br />PIHiVIOUl /11. "" r\ '\ ~, "nil .1<,,:'1: 1';,,,,.:n" ~,<: ~ ',,,~ul~,l ;HI" ,i<:ll\<::ed ill"'il the fo!lnlhHlg .;\mJilinn,. 1(, v,il:
<br />
<br />The
<br />and 001
<br />
<br />
<br />'<l;\l"", P~} the :l.hHliR-ii'~c ,}H..k, , the PIW_'ljlrl: ',UlIl "f fORTY THREE l'ilOUSANn
<br />n..lh;1, i:S 4 J , 000 . 00
<br />
<br />1.
<br />
<br />"dIll tllh~le$t lfom Jal<" ,n th", l:.k ..>ELEVEN "md
<br />ihe
<br />
<br />
<br />11.000
<br />
<br />~>::H'I: UHt (
<br />nh~' uffice <~f
<br />
<br />) per annurn (H)
<br />
<br />in , Nebraska
<br />t~ O(lte .m:lV de"'ltl:l~ale in wfllil1l1, in l'!wmM) m"t"Hrn<:ll!"
<br />
<br />)
<br />L~f t'~!~:h HH)nth lb.ert::aJ-tt"! untH
<br />.t.n.terc:st ~ it' not 5;.i~Ji)n.C,f p.a.hJ. he ,dUt~
<br />"i,;(:'>rdillg t,,) Ih" t<:fl1l\ "l ",'~T1ain
<br />
<br />t\~ \if;z-t~"gt~H' ,
<br />
<br />m "'del m.:r"
<br />
<br />iJgr~;es.,~
<br />
<br />}"fr(.1h;!Lf, the 'Scr..::ur~(}'
<br />
<br />
<br />h re'&;cr~~i~d. in P:~Ji t.he lJcbt in
<br />pr~tl~:ip:fd an; 'a'f}(t <tU'lZ on the 0:1\ tht1' .fkq
<br />ir?lent:iJi_n~, t.1 ~,: '%e-t',1.:::i~c ~:~lh;'h ~;f'd~n
<br />
<br />
<br />Y:tld~l. the. rCl';;n:~ lJ,(- -the('
<br />tH):ti:"': 1!<: hdi;; p;;],id. H~(;
<br />
<br />
<br />~)r^Tf,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />ail;
<br />
<br />
<br />