<br />8':.J-r\q"4~'~
<br />..J l!ll D V U
<br />
<br />9. Condemnlltion. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequentiaL in connection wit~ any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assIgned
<br />and shall be paid 10 Lender,
<br />In tneevent of a 'total ta.1c.ing af the Property~ the proceeds shaH be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust~
<br />wilhthe excess, if any. paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as iseqnal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor offers to !Dak,e
<br />anaward orsetlle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond 10 Lender within 30 days after the date such notice IS
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the. sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lemler and Borrower otherwise agree in wriling, any .such application of proceeds to principal shall not e.xtend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred 1.0 in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments,
<br />10. . Borrower Not ReJellsecl, Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of t.he sums secmed
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted hy Lender to llny Sllccessor in interest of Borrower shall not. operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such succe.>\,sor or refuse to extend time ior payment or othervlise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deo~d of Trust by reason of any ,hmulnd made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Fotbesflllnce by Lender Not a Wwver, Any forbearance by Lender in t:x.ercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />othenY.ise affMded by applicable law. shall nor. be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy,
<br />The procuremenl of insurance or lhe payment of laxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be ,l waiver of Lender's
<br />right 10 accelerate the maturity of Ihe indebtedness secured by Ihi, Deed of Trust.
<br />12. Remedies Cumlllllth'e. All remedies priwided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cum\llativt~ to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or :,jforded by law or equilY, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />successivelY,
<br />13. SIICCCSSOlrs and Assigns Bound: Joint and Sevl'ral Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind. and the nghts hereunder shall inure to. lhe respectiv,~ successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subject to the provisiOn!> of paragr.lph 17 'l<'feol All. COVenants "nd agreements of Borrower sh,lll be joint and several.
<br />The captions and headmgs uf the paragraphs of ~his Dced p( Trust are lor convenience only and are not to he used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions here()f.
<br />14. Notice, Ex,'ept for any notice requm:d undcr "ppll~able Jaw t" bt~ given m anmher manner. fa) !lny notice to
<br />Borrower proVided for In this Deed of Trust ,hall be given by ,nailing such nOllce by calilied mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the ProperlY Address or al such other address as Borrower Illav deslgn:ll" hy notice 10 Lender a~ provided herein, and
<br />I b) any notice to Lender shall be given by ,'crtified maiL return receIpt requesltJd, to Lender's address slaled herein or to
<br />such other addn:sli as Lender may deSignate by notIce w BOrnJ"d~r as provided hen"n, Any notice provided tor in thi'.
<br />Deed of Trust ,hall be deemed 10 have been given Ii' Borr"wer or I cndcr when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. Uniform Deedl of Trust: Governing taw; Severabml~. rhls form ,'1 d,~t~d (If !rust combmcs uniform coV'~llants for
<br />nalional use ,Ind lion-uniform covenants wllh !lmIlcd 'ar.,HlnD' 11IflSdK!lOn W CClllS11I UlC. JJ uniform sl!curHy ll1strument
<br />covenng real proputy. This Deed ot Trust sh;d! he governed hv L,',,; ,)1 :h,' nmsdicllOll '" which the ProperlY IS I,'cated,
<br />In the eVCnl Ih;1t anv prOVision or clause of lhis D,'ed .'1 Trllst ',I' Ihe :--':me c(lntl",;h With "..,pllca!>l" 1.1W. stich (;I)ntlict shall
<br />not alIeel other pr<wlsions of this Deed of TlUst l'1' lhc, SOH, ',lihj(:h ,an he .';IVen "tfect wlthour the c,)!1l1iclIng proVision,
<br />and TO thiS end lh~, provisions 01 the Deed ot Im',l ;U1<.1 :he 'Jote ,.f(, ,H:.:I:lfell In hI.! s"verahle
<br />116, Bocnn'~r's Copy. Borrower ,hall be lUnl"hed .i.'llll'Hll1ed tOpy "1 till' "'lie ,md (II Ihls [ked ,ll Trus, :1\ the lime
<br />;,t eXl~Ulwn ,'r atller nx:oroauon hereof
<br />117. TnlRlfer of th<~ Propt>n,,: A!iI>omplion. It illl ,<11\ pal! ".t' the PI,'pel" or :1Il inll'feS( ther-,JIIl " sold nr Itanskrn'd
<br />h:y Ek~r'r("wer without lA.::nder's pno.r '.vnHcn i,.'Ptl'tt"nL .... ,\:iudHlg j ~i j th~ \. rcallPH (1t ;. JIl."r1 ~~( ~:1h.:Uf\tbT:.uKt. subordinate tt,
<br />,Ilts Deed ,)1 Trust" h ~ Ihe aeatwn 111 ;1 purdl;J'" :lle'(lc\, '~CUnl\ 11Iten'" ,PI' hl'ml'tJoid :tppi,:wn:s. I, ,'1 .. tramln iw devise,
<br />Jes,ent ()f o:'r' 'openluon ni klW UlX't,fl the dealt) ,1! ,\ \C\HH kn:.HH n;- i d) the t"')':tHI n1 all\" ka~chtl'il.! tnlCf(:\l \:'1 three \'t~a!" or k~~
<br />!'\ot cont~urun~ an ophnn hJ pun.::h~IM\ 1 ,~JI<l.~t"r ;~!~n i ttUdC-f', {'plJ,lfC ,Jt~c1.H"; ,Ill thl" stuns \l~l.'ul'{'d tw thl\ f)t'cti \'11 1 Iltst t~\ ht'
<br />U1Ul'l:eJiatei)' duc ~..tld p~'}'''ab1c, Lcndcl ,n;}:l ha\t," \-",,~tj\'L'd \th.:h ];,;(ckrale d pnor 1>1 the ~;aic or transh:r. I.t'ndct
<br />,tod ~I~t": person to WhfHf!llh~ PrtnXtt~i'!\ I\C "\\Jld ""\1 :c,.h'h dglt"Clnl;."ll( 111 \\'Jlung. that the \.redit t'l ~l.I'<..'h per\Oil
<br />:~ 'Zlhdalo.:10f";' h~ ~nder "tnd ~h.;.tt ! he i.Hh.~r~:')t p:n ~~hh:' 1"n the "UPl' 'H.'~. Ult:d h\ I1eed pI J ~'u"t1 ....hail hI,' ;,11 sllch r aho' d\
<br />Lt:'nd~~r 'ShaU r(:qlue~f. it Li.."tH.ier ha'\ \V;.u....C~J tht' t)Pi;\J!1 !~\ ,H",,;t"kl;,1'it" pH.n-hit'd ~hj'" par-quaph i ,Hltl it B('1"H..iWC,', \\1'..:":C'SMH
<br />lnU~:lest na~ C~iC'I:uted .l WtlUen .1~~Unlp!!t}n ~1,gn~t~IHC'n\ ~h..\':C;Hc-d !H '<\.~ lung '>V i cndt."j, Lcrh,h:r "hail l dt.'a~l~ BOrl ower horn
<br />,Ill _'hlig,atJollS uudler th" Deed _'I 'frust '!!hl the "h'lc.
<br />H I.~ndc.t ~'M~.tcj~~ ';U,dl \''fJ1Ut.Hl {O ,H,:(det;lte. endcr ,h;-dl Bn!hJ\\Cr rH)lll't: ..)~ ai.:;,:r:l-':~rJ.\hnn to .H;,.;orJHIH..:C WIth
<br />~la,g,ntl~ i4 h~f'e()! Su~h iHJtH:C ~h;'tH prU\'fJe "H.,t ;\""... ~h,HI ~O d.I\'" ;;t'un the dutc lht" fH,{icl' i., niitllcd WithIn
<br />WhH.:h BVH~JWt:~ tria\' P~i:Y the \Ut~b de(:iah~J ",1lH.: B{Hfl'\l>l:l Lnb .... r';n \.u..:h \.ilrn~ pn..'q lhe {7Xplratluo (If such pt~rfl.'j.J_
<br />Leru~'k:r rnay, with()IH further nouce .or de:-nidllJ Unfrt,I)'\.'l~l, '~'!.'q>t,.l' ,illI\ ~'.(;rl1cJ;c),: rerrnith:~j h\ p.~r::lgraf)h J iol herct:}[.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />N("N~\,Nn'c)RM (\)'n.;"';ANt~ Ht'\fi'l\\lt-Cl J cnder l~Htht~f I.d\'cn~HI~ ;.tnd <ig:l\tt:'.b jpnp\'I,.',
<br />Ill. An;eklrallioll: I~em.,d;.:", E:u'et'l'" p...,j'kd in !l,u"l:,lal'h 11 h('renf. 01''''' Bonn...,., bread. of any ('O\emUlt or
<br />"'ll.r<<,ntent 01 ~~l1ro"er in lhis l>1!'ed ol'lflJ.,I, ....dlUlilll': lh" ,""'Numb 1.0 pa~ "heu due .HlY "UllS secured by this need
<br />of Trusl. IA-Iule.. ~,rior to "'.(d....nHioll ,hall Ill..il noll<'" to Rorr"""r a, pH" idt'd ill I'aragraph I ~ hereof specifyiol(: t 1) the
<br />breacb; ll. the ~lellion nquired t.. ,.u." sueh hre...:I1: lJ.1 a date. loot l~',,, till'''' JO dav~ lrom Ill" d"le r.he notice is mailed to
<br />8orro,,"ef, by' wlhi<,b sud. nh'a.:h must be nnt'd; and (4) that f".hllt: to (,u,t' ".d; hread. <"11 or t~rore tbe date spt'dfied
<br />in the notice lOll} resull in ,."....:leratioll 01 Ihe sums ""cured by Ihb need of Trust lwel salt. ..( the Property" The n.~lkc
<br />sball furtlKr inl'm:m &,rro"ef or the: rilthl 10 reio'lale after ..((dNatioll and the I"IJ;:I1t 10 bring a court ..(lion to assert
<br />tlK _.....exi.I,tcm':e "f a default ..I aen olher defenM: of 80Iro",,! ... an'deration and sealt'. If the bread, i, n"t cured
<br />on or lKfore IlK dllle 'lledlied in lire "notice, l.ende, :Ii l...'oder', OplUlll ma) ;j"ch..... all .,f till ,ums ,e",..ell by l!lis Deed
<br />of Trust to lK inUllledi<ltdJ rlue l!lll! payable ..illulI.ll further demand aud ma~ l1nukc Ihe lI.mer 01 sale alld an} other remedies
<br />pt'm.itted by JlPlplicable taw, Leuder ,hall bt: entilled I... ....lIet"t all ...aMIRa"le !CU'ils and o'''pe,.s.:" incurred ill pursuinl\ the
<br />remedies p.Tct\'idied. in Ibi" l>>i.ragr...ph 18. includilll\. but "ul limited 10. n'asQmlble altorI'lCj" fet,,,,
<br />If Ihe pow~'r 'l)f sale 1" i.""kt'li. Tr".le.~ ,hall rt'"ura " ,,,,tin uf default in ea..h "'HUlt.} in whkh tile Proput~. ur sullie
<br />part thereof j." 1(1,cllle<l Iliad shall mail cupics of "uch liul;.:,,, in the manner pre,uib"d by applJclOWt: law In Borrower aod 10 the
<br />ulher pCn.<)M ptescribed It}' appllellble la.... ..\.fter tire lapSl; Ill' Slid, time as may be required hI' applicablc law, Trustee shall
<br />give ;poblk notice of s;:de tu the pt'l"Son:> and in the mam'er pres,'.ribeo b~ "IlPlkabic fa..., In'''illl'e. without demand on
<br />!kur<mer. sball I",Ulbc iPropt'rty alllUblic allclioll t<, tn.. highes.l bidder "~I ill.. tin'~' "nd plac*, and under In", term.s designated
<br />;n tm! uotice <if sale in ..me or more Ilared,; lmd in .s"d:, (ltan as I'm,"ee mil} deknu.ne, 'In.I"i('" may PQstpone s:a.!e of all
<br />01" any paccd oj' th.. Po,pertj! bi' pltbl\;::: ,mnOUllument at lilt" lime ,mu I'hw: ni .In" pce.iollsly ~"dll.!dl.lled sale. Lender or
<br />fA'tlde"'~ ~.sig!W~!mll} purcbase lbe Pl'O'pertJ atllll} sale.
<br />IIp..iR r~diPtQf"f the prke bit I, Tn.lsl<< ,11<111 ddhcr 1<1 tbe
<br />wid. 1'10.<<: rtdllii,I".ln deed he nidencc of
<br />!ihall lI\pplJ lhe
<br />OOIlblll.tied
<br />title j!")'lfle.oc^>e;
<br />tIW;eau,
<br />. 1'11', 8Gno~'elt"Jl
<br />
<br />Trll.,t,.,,', rle<td
<br />!ru1h ,,[ HI{' st:"""rnrcnt... made
<br />{'(Jsb ;and 1t.);p.en:tie7~ of the
<br />~rQs'S ~;ah.~ pd(;~,. n~~$,i1i',t4,h:h;.,. .tii;'HOUU.~Y~s
<br />C:'tcc,s,S., if JJtl.)i... to the rAf:t~.{H'~ tilf persons.
<br />
<br />'.~
<br />i~
<br />lffi
<br />i~
<br />
<br />~!
<br />i:
<br />