<br />8~3-003422
<br />
<br />
<br />4. In the event the Propel"ty, or any part thel'eof, shall be taken by eminent
<br />domain, the I'lortgagee is empowered to collect and r-eceive all compensation \-ihict,
<br />may bepa:id for any property taken or for damages to property not taken, and ~lortgagee
<br />shall applysuch compensation, at its option, either to a reduction of the indebtedness
<br />secured herebY or to repair and resto rethe property so damaged.
<br />
<br />5. 1'10rtgagee may, but shall have no obligation, to do any act \vhich the 1.10rtga901'
<br />has agreed but fails to do, and Nor't~}agee may also do any act it deems necessary to
<br />protect the 1 i en hereof. Mortgagor agrees to repay, upon demand, any sums so expended
<br />by the r~olrtgagee for the above. purposes, and any sums so expended by the Mor-tgagee
<br />shall be added to the indebtedness secured hereby and become subject to the 1 ien
<br />hereof. Mortgagee shall not incur any personal liabil ity because of anything it
<br />may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br />
<br />6, Tlme is the essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any covenant
<br />or agreement of this l~ol'tgage,incjudin9 covenan to pay \4hen due the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage, the Mortgagee shall be entitled, 'It its sole option and vlithout
<br />notice, to declare all sums secured by this /1ortgage to be imrnediately due and
<br />payable and may COlTUllenCe foreclosure of thi s I;lortga.ge by judi cial proceedin9s;
<br />and, provided further', that upon such defaul t the r,ioi'tgagee, 01' acece'iver
<br />appointed by a court, may at its option and vii thout regar'd to the adequacy of the
<br />security, enter upon and take possession of the Property and collect the rents,
<br />issues and profits therefrom and apply them fii'st to the cost of col1ect'ion and
<br />operation of the Proper'ty and then upon t.he indetJtedness secured by ti1is 11or't.(]aqe;
<br />said rents, issues and profits being assigned to U1e t'lor'tgcj(Jee as further' <,ecul'ity
<br />for the payment of the indebtedness secured here!).'!.
<br />
<br />7, If all or any part of the is sold or transferred without the express
<br />written consent of the Mortgagee, 1'lort')a90r IndY at its sole option, decluf' all sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage to be inunediately due dnd payat)le.
<br />
<br />8. I~ny forebearance in exercising <'lny r1(;nt r r-ernedy shall not be d I'idiver tlH::\"Gof.
<br />
<br />9. ill.ll remedies provided hencHI we dj tH1Ct dnd ur:!uldtive to drl'{ the\" I'i t
<br />afforded by law or equity, ,}nd l::ay tJ€: exerci~;,:~d concuf'l'ent y, independently {H'
<br />s,ucces s i vie 1 y.
<br />
<br />10. The covenants d.nd iHW€~€llll2nts containf:d hen:>in si1ill! bind, dnd ,I! II:ql1t"
<br />inure to, the r'€spective "ucce';,':or'S dn(; ',sinn f thl: r'lol'tqilc;Or' ,md t'lC :'k:!'tqdqce,
<br />
<br />11. 11\11 covenants clnd J reellients (d Ule ,"OniiJ I'"
<br />and sever',a 1,
<br />
<br />t~~lt} "~Or't:t;'lqCle d"'(~
<br />
<br />l n t
<br />
<br />12. Upon payment of illl ,Wi:; :,('c;l'ed :)y tlli
<br />thi s ~1ort9age and sha 1l execute ,Hld (it! 1 i veT d
<br />
<br />~"1Gr'tqdqe) >~ortqd~_Je~} l~'d 11 di~;\<l\dr'qt:
<br />tis fd i')' !'(ll Pd :.,(,~I ttlef'(' t r.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS ~JHEREGF, H()l.tQih)Or' 'Jd
<br />
<br />,\e(utt~d :,.~!i('
<br />
<br />r"t~-.~d~J(-1 (in the 1st ddY n t
<br />
<br />Jun~ ____._........' 1 83
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />chae 1 . Lavsry
<br />
<br />,If". . .. ~cr:'
<br />.,~..._,_.._~,
<br />Denise Kay La y or'
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, _,_ Ha 11_________ Coun ty s s:
<br />On this_1st. day of .,_._.~.~n.=..n__~_' 19 83 , beron:: me, the under'si
<br />
<br />d
<br />
<br />Notary Public dUlY cOImnissioned and qua Hied for said county, pecso'1aily caille
<br />
<br />Denise Kay Lowry
<br />
<br />to me knO\'ifi to be the j den t i ca 1
<br />
<br />$ubscri bed to the
<br />
<br />
<br />ng instru~~nt and acknowl
<br />
<br />
<br />their vOlun
<br />
<br />act dnd deed.
<br />
<br />