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<br />83-ol,34017 <br /> <br />(!) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order t,) provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act. as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder: or <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(II) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge (in lieu of a mortgage insurance premium) which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (J /12) of one-half Oj2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments: <br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />polkies of fire. and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property (all as estimated b.t! the Mortgagee) less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month poor to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent. such sums to be held by M.ortgagee in rrust 10 pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miumS. taxes and special assessments: and <br />(e) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and aU payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall be added wgether. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by t.he Mortgagee to the following items in t.he order set forth; <br /> <br />(I) premium cha.rges under the contract of insurance with the Secret.alY of Housing and Urban Development, <br />or monthly clJarge(in lieu o(mortgage insurance prerniwn}, as the case may be~ <br />(II) ground rents. taxes, assessments, lire and other hazard inSUrance premiums; <br />Oll) interest on the note secured hembv: and <br />(IV) amurtizalion of l.he of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the <lmount any sllch aggregate rnontl1lv payment shal!, unless made gl}od by the Mort' <br />gagor pnor to the due date of the HeXI ~uch paynW'i1 c,,"stil.Ule an evcm <.>1 defauh under this mOr!gag'~. The <br />Mortgagee may coHee! a '"late charge" !lot to cx<'edIoH'r cents 14;r) for each dollar ($1) of each payment more <br />than fifteen <.. i 5) cl~~YS.lP arrears to ~over the cxtta eXjH::nse ~nvoived in handling delinquent payrnenrs. <br /> <br />:t. 'That if th\' IOtal of 111(' pavmellls mlH!p by ihl' \lnrtgagol' under (I,) (If par:lf!"r:lplJ ~ prpceding ;-:ha!l pxcHed <br />th(~ amount of paym\~nls artually mad., hy l,lw \lort;.;;agl'{, for i!rtlUnd rents. tax!.',; and ;a";-:l',;smenls Of iO;-:llfl1nee pre. <br />miums, a.S the ell"'" may b.,. such exccss, if th(~ loan IS ~'lJrrent, ar the optIOn of the Mortgagor, shall be credited b) <br />Ih!' 'Iorlg-age!> on sub.sequent payment." to Iw ma!h.' lrv the \lonp:agor, or rpfunded to the \lol'lgllgor. If. howpver. the <br />monthl y payment;;: made lw the \Iortgagof uncl(:r',.i of paragraph ,: preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground <br />r('nt, lIiX!!;; [lnG as"':'S:'!1Wllt:" or ll1>:'unUH'(' pH'millflls. a.s tilt' ca..,t' mat 1>".\\hpl1 the same ~hall. bpcome dll(~ and pay- <br />ahle. thl'f! till' \!Oftg:Ugor ,'halt pay lO tll!' \lnrtgaW'I' ant ;.i1110lHH jW!:f's~ary to makl' up thl' d!,fjeiency, Oil or befom <br />thp dat~; whpl1 paympnl nf such ground fpnh, :a.\(''', '\'S"I'.';.S[ll!'nh or tn,..umnel' prpmium,. shall hI' dtH~. If at any <br />llmt' lht~ \l()rtg:~or "!Htll 1(~IHler to the \ltml.l;ilIR''', ill ilcl'ordan{'(' \dtll t1w prOI i sions of Ill!' not(, "'''e!ll'Od hf'reby. <br />fu!! pa\"ml'Ot of thE' !'nuTI'"drw.,.... o"pr<'''''III(>(J tlH'rdn.. Ih.. \lorq!agl'l' "hall in (''Imputing lhl.' amoullt of ,.;uch <br />mdcl)(ednt:s~,. crecit[ to the:' 'Kcoum of the Mortgagor .111 pi\\mCfllS made under me prmlSlons of !a) of pmagraph 2 <br />ht'reof whkh till' \Iortgaj?;e.' na" not h.'nm1l' obligatNJ (0 pa\' hI th",>!.!'!'''t:lr)' of f1ou.;il1g ,md l"rban Ikvclopment <br />and ;III) hal:ml'l' !"pmaining in tn.. fund,.. alTIHlmlated lllHh'r llw pruvi,'ions of i i of paral!raph "hereof. If t!H;'l"f,' <br />,.;II,11l bl' a dt"fault under an\' lil(' pm V! "lOn.~ of Ih i ~ mllrtl!Ul!P l'<,....ull In!! I n a puhllC -ak of the prpmi St'" {'oINed <br />hl'H,I..,., '.Ir if Uw .\lortgagl'" ;\{,<{llIl'l'S Ihe PfO!WflS o[lwr" i..." ahN lll'fauil.. tlw \longagl'l' "hall llppl) , ,It tlw timl' of <br />thl" ellmm"IWl'nW!1I. "f ,'\leo pro{'('l'(jini!", ur :11 lilt' Urnl' Ihl' proP"J'l1 "ltWfwi"" .H'tjuin'd, llw ba!a,nrl' HlPf! rf'mail1' <br />in//, in thl" funds anumui'HI'd undH f ..>1 paragraph flH'cl'ding.. ,h :, nnli! :Iuail1"! lhl' amount of pnl!<'lpa! liH'n <br />rtmHllnll1/1, \lllp.lld undN ",MtI Iwt", and "h"il pmpt'rh ,,{lju~1 '.m\ l",l\" I,hi..h "hall hlt\!. bpI'1! mad!' I!JIlIN ( <br />or pllragmph :!.. <br />~ That fht,~ \1ongagt.H pl,IHlh; r':flt', L,ne"-, ;ry...t.'\'~mt:!H"," \\'.ilt"1 r:dt;'.. ;U'hl tither j..;_o\'er!lm(~fHal or muot(:ipal <br />(h,irge~, 1'~nes. \If h;~, Ill11, he~:n nl::H.,h:' hc!"t.'Hlhefpfc" ~H1d H1 d~L-lUlt th~rt."of the ;\h)f'lgagee may" <br />pttY the 'am~; HThj \\ pt'\lmp!J'l tkl1\,t'! ri}l~ l)lfi{.'};;11 rhl"'fc{()r 1n the <br />~ The ~;I_XC',' \Vhh.:h milY h~ k'd\:,t1 upon !he \ Hll(~l'e""t In r{"~d t'~t;th: and improve- <br />rnent~. .:~ml.i In;.1~ be k\h..'d 'l.hf~ nh,.ng~1gt' t'lf the- deht "'t;\"Ufl'tl ht~tcby if,) rht~ c\h.~fH th~,!t ".Ui.:n. J\ nul. protHbjt~ <br />eJ by f:j\\ ,u}d ()nl~ !(t the t:\tel'H ~u(h \\,t!J ndl make Ihi~ u~urjou"'l, hut HHX~fn{; L'll:" Sta~t" or f~ederHL <br />jn1rh)~cd (In JnJ ).I, it! tde ~hc ntfl(Ndi [t;,\.,'\:lpi ~h~,wm,~ '\ut.::h \vl!h (he . t pun ",ivJiiIHJn \)f thi~ ..Hh.h:r~ <br />raKIng" '-tt if ttH~ i\ ~\ b\~ IhiiA' elf hereafter frlJIH ~'h()k l>r ;:'g,:~nHHl of (he afort.'~ <br />said trt!\~s~ ~\r upon \.F ~tny (:ut~rt mC~it b:~, the t<txe'i. if ~lh.'h law <br />,)1" de\.:,ft~t~ Pl'\'~\lde~ tha{ <:in} (iiHount ~..,;. paid h\ ~H,:di~cJ ~)fi lhe shan have <br />tht~- {~,\ gIve ntnet;f dd'~':"J' '\~rittcn n'~Jti('c' lht~ ..IVdl,('! rht,~ the frHH'tgl1ge <br />debt.. sU\.c:h notke be lOC said debt shaH bet;.:o:mc (lUI..~. p(.iy.abk' at the eXpirhtlOn said njnei~ d:;'Y"L <br />h. That ~hou.ld he h,'i pd.::" an! .li,um ~)f d,ny 'co\,-en<i;trl,t prfnddcu fl.H lH thiS lh(~n t.he <br />hon. tuay payor the SdJne ~ and a,H S~', rg;;~dil? :-;,huH oe added h) the sum 0"'" tng on <br />siudi be St~cured ~ and shaH t"}(~U jrHt~rc.'H, at the r;.!.te s;;.'( forth in the ~4did no'te. paid <br />;" That n(\, ~ss~gns, Hans{~r~ anti sets p\>('r io the \fort,gagt;~e. lo he -apphed ie.ward the <br />sum,s se~ured he r-eb'" ~'~,~e' of :it default the of ,fiD'\-' the tefm~ unG c4)ndiiion\ <br />n,Jte. ~~H rbe' ren:ts, r~'Vt:'i1:ue:s, ,lOci j'I1C(HTIC [he ~ prcrni~~e~ i-.i-u.ring ~u~h t;.mc a~ <br />ne~.s re:,nl-~tin unp;lj,-d; iH"HJ: the ~igenf desire for <br />said pre"nise', and {I! renting i! <br />of iTtl.:,UHCd Hl <br />c:nne.ctinE: d l(;r~;ard th,e <br /> <br />ihlJf'- <br />aMove note. <br /> <br /> <br />!~, ,!"j <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />1 <br />}~ <br />{: <br />