<br />
<br />7. C()lt~mnatiol1. In the event the Property, or any part thereof, shall be taken by eminent domain, the Mortgagee
<br />. receive all compensation wbich IDJIY be paid for any property taken or for damages to property
<br />. compensation, at it.~ option, either to a reduction of the indebtedneSs secured
<br />rty so damaged.
<br />
<br />Mortgagee mily, but shllll have no obligation, to do any act which the Mortgal(or
<br />, ,DIllY also doariYl1ct it de<!'rJ'lS necessary to protect the lien hercof.Mortgagor
<br />,!;gagee for the above purpooes,llnd any sums so expended
<br />hereby !lnd oocome subject to the lien hereof. Mortgagee
<br />. llh\llUnot meul' U,ypelrUmlll Uabliltybe..-Ause oJ anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. .
<br />
<br />. 9. Deflmlt~ A~ment of Rent&. Time Is of the essence hereof, lInd upon Mortgagor's default in !InS" covenant.
<br />arligr.eemel1t of1;hisMorigagtl, to pay when due thl!< SIIlll5 secllred l>y this Mortgage; thl!< Mortgagee shall
<br />bell'ntiUed,: at its ~ optioo , tf) declJlre all sums secured by thill Mortgage .to be imml,\dla~ly due and
<br />payable and may eoml'l:teflC(! f()f{;'Clooure of this Mortga~ by judicial proceedings; and, provided further; that upon such
<br />oofault, the Ml~l!!e, or II reclli'Uf a'ppointed hy II court, ma~' at its option and without regard to the adequacy of the
<br />!lI!CIlllity. Ilfltef l.l'poR lllltd take ~on of tnfl Property and eolleet tbe rents, issues and profits therefrom and. apply them
<br />fiftt.to !:hit eOIlL of c()U~th:m and opemtlon of t.be Property and then upon !;hI!' indebtedne$& secuted by this Mortgagee;
<br />said rents, i~lell and profi~ being lIll$igne.d to l~he Mortgagee 1I.~ further security tor the payment of the indebtedness
<br />secured b\.>nby,
<br />
<br />10. 1'1:llIlst.r of l'Toperty. If all Of any ~latt of the Property is sold Of tranllt",rred without the express written con.
<br />Sl!'ot of the M()r1~. Mortgll.g1!!e may at its ",,>>1' opUon, dedar(' all ~umll S0CUreO by this Mortgage to be immodlately due
<br />and payable,
<br />
<br />11. F~I~1ft AlIi'llIl_. Uponrequ$t of MOf1.11allOt. Mortp~ may make additional and future advances to
<br />Mortglll!!\Yi', Such ll.dVlln~. ",r!lh mtmrellt tl'lI'reotl. shall 00 lit'cured hy this Mortgage when I1videnCl.ld by promluorynotel>
<br />sta!ling that $llld ootf~ iIllJ! s(!CUr\ld hereby. Al no time shall thl!' principal amount ~)f the indebtednellli secured by tills
<br />Mo~, not 1~leludlllllllums adYaru~d to prot~,,~t the security of this Mortgage, cXCl.led the original Note,
<br />
<br />12,. MiIll~lam_ J>ron~OI:IlI.
<br />
<br />(al An)! forebl!llt1lnCe In t'l(t~rci51Ol1: any right or rl'medy shall not 00 a waiver thereof.
<br />
<br />(nl All nmredies proVIded herl'lnlm! dutlnct and cumulative La any other right a((orded by law or equity,
<br />ami may b... eKl!n;l!l~ t:oncufN'lltly, mdept'lldenlly' or sU{~I'ely,
<br />
<br />lI:'l rbl! COYl:llllllltli llnd lll?"'emNIt.~ c~mUlml!'d hetl!in shall bind, and the MRhL\ ll.!\I.l'l' to. the mpllCtlvll
<br />SIII:C:MISQrI!. and MI'lIl!l.~ of llle Morl.g.gor lllld III.. Mm't/tll~.,
<br />
<br />i<ll AlIrv.mllnf.llllnri Illl~m"nl.' 01 lilt' MOfl!l,Ill(IlT ar(' IOllllllnd !W\'enL
<br />
<br />un Ill!' 1l..liIdl1Illl> of Ill" 1)lUltgnphs 01 1.111' Morlcalilt' Art" lor cml."flIN'l~'.~ 1>llly and !intil flOI. bo:> uSt'd l<l IUter.
<br />prt"l, 01 dl,lIlW ~l!t I1IronslolL~ IWlOOt
<br />
<br />13. R.<!'Jh_. I.. ' pOll Pll}'Il1NII. "f all ""II'" ""'''1,,<1 by tillS Morlllllll". Mortgagt... linllll dI1lCl1ar~ ,hili MOftpge and
<br />sbI~l"x(,\?\l.lt' illl<d lif'lI',"1 lll'l,u.sfllChll)' r...It'a.."" 1110erefflf
<br />
<br />IN WrI'Nt;"'jloi WHH;IU:OF, MrJrlllllll'" Illllli .,x,.,,\lt>"d U'llli ~rlp.g<t!ilt\ ftl., 2:..L dll)' ofJu.u.t:...
<br />(L,'"
<br />'. (
<br />
<br />. 1 ':tiJ.,,,. .
<br />
<br />
<br />:a.u,iruw'.,,"
<br />
<br />BonD._
<br />
<br />~ of N'IlbiraJiilta.
<br />
<br />lia..Ll,,_
<br />
<br />Count) '-'l.
<br />
<br />On l.bis "".ll::uL..."dal" of ..
<br />
<br />......~__...,,,..._.. 19 ,.~_, !x.fon me, th.. und"llioigned. a Notary Public
<br />
<br />0\11)' eOlmllll.ton~ lIJ~d quaUfied for IllUd COUI'lI)I, penonaily Cllml!_._..._._J:::.a.L.L..J._..~,_.and. LJ 0,1'1 R
<br />
<br />
<br />10 mtl known to 00 thl!
<br />identiCll.i !>>J:l!iOl'l(S} wb.~ mll'lul(i!>l ~ su.blw;ribed to Ih" foregoing Instrume,llt and acknowledged the execution thereof
<br />
<br />tube
<br />
<br />voluntary ~~t lnd d~d.
<br />
<br />Witllt'lli!> my hand ana IWl.3rial Jit'al
<br />dat<e afumteicl.
<br />
<br />
<br />In said county, the
<br />
<br />
<br />.!';otNy Pul>1l<:
<br />
<br />It_...~ 1'0' lAN:I~. ....:I R"""~(I..tl
<br />
<br />
<br />