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<br />83-003377
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<br />THIS AGREEMENT entered into between KUESTER LAKE, INC., LESSOR,
<br />
<br />.~ (as sole owner) (strike out
<br />whether one or more, LESSEE.
<br />Lots Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19).> having
<br />1. ~~i~ion of 1e?u~ed 'Pr~l:.i,.S~s.: a lake front. footage of 200 feet, ~sltua~ed on
<br />the Mat side of the F,ast portion of Kuester take and bemg on a part of the E~SE% 1n
<br />Section 13, 'township 11 North, Range 9, \~est of the.6th P.M" in Hall County, ~braska,
<br />bounded on the r7.asterly side by the Cottml.A1 road; Scud Lots are shown on a plat 1n the
<br />2.. 'I'~x;:m of leas~: possession of the Lessor.
<br />35 years, commencing June 16,,- 1983 and terminating'
<br />::=;Lune 151 2018
<br />
<br />3. ~QI1 to extend...t:...~:
<br />Lessee has the option to extend the term of this leasE~ for an
<br />,9,dd:Ltional _~~,_y~ars by giviqg ,Lessor notice thereof, in writing,
<br />by ~~>ilXX~ January 1, ZU L8.
<br />
<br />4. Ric,rh'!:...!.Q..~s:i..qnm<::mt of 1-ea:l.~:
<br />.Lesl;ee has the right. to cHi this lease provided -
<br />(a) Lessee has ied \Ht:.h all terms of this lease.
<br />(b) Lessee transfers to the new owner all interest and
<br />o....nership of t:11.e Lessee in t:11e COl11l1l0n stock of
<br />Kuester Lake, Inc.
<br />{c) '1:'11.06 new Lessee agrees, in .....riting, to abide by the
<br />terms of the lease so ass.igned, any new lease for
<br />these premises, and to abide by the Agreement
<br />entered into by t;,is Lessee with Kuester Lake, Inc.
<br />on or about. November 4, 197/t, the terms of ....hich
<br />iu"e incorporated herein by reference.
<br />.,. (d) The new:"essee shall be €,ntitlE~d t:o a new lease or
<br />a 35 ye.ar~erm. 'rhf~ tE'rrn may be longer if: consPlli:ed
<br />to by t:.ne ~essor.
<br />\ Any sub-l"H~::nnq lriusLrL.lve the L'~ssor' s a1'prov,'!..
<br />(f) '1'he Li,'iSSI:!f.l hd,S ,~he .,i:)L,(l,l't,,, r" to condJ.tlcm,Ji l'r
<br />assign this leas~~ to ,:my mortg.19oe for the pu!"),' tS:!
<br />of furnishing such rnon::gagee additional iH!'J\ll~j '{"
<br />
<br />5. Hjimt.
<br />
<br />~i'h,,1 I,essee shall pay to L(!S,;UL", s armu;ll r,'nt, p.'I'{;d.,Jr
<br />adv<l.nce and on or. before JuLy "lC6t c'ach ye,3.t', \.If:hn~IP", ;,,;
<br />may be annually determined t.he r~essoL under the follo,it!.!!')
<br />formulcH
<br />1'he annual rent sha.ll 1:H.:.; an amount., ei'H.:::'h y(:ar,
<br />equal t.o the re"mlt of che t:ot111
<br />number of residenc.Lai 1("SS'2{cJ-~;tockho1(kH' 1.
<br />into tha't }:rear t S t1n-t;ic llet et. H,l q;f
<br />of the Lessor.
<br />
<br />'fhe of t:...e sh;) 1
<br />JLJ./fJss.or ~ b\lt shall "be tIn]. f()l~~.n ~'1~TiOI1<;;T
<br />of i:(uestet" Lake, Inc. ':':n ,:,01 uvent, t.r),'l'
<br />th(; Lessee shall excer",d One HUGf).reo V\Jl1axc;:;
<br />unl~~as a all lessee-si:ocknolders of Kuesi:.<:u:
<br />Inc~ for each , present and
<br />at. .l called for purpose, an"l.11
<br />the sama.
<br />
<br />
<br />
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