<br />',,'1 Deed of Tnllit shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payrnem and cure by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />seeured hereby shall remain in full f~~rce and elIcct as if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />in PosstlS!.ion, As additional security hereunder. Borrower
<br />Borrower shan, prior to acceleration under paragraph 18
<br />retain such rents as they become due and payable.
<br />of the PT~ '!'Son, by agent or by
<br />ssessibo of 11 rty and to collect the
<br />Leflder or'the' plied first to payment
<br />including, bul iver's fees, premiums
<br />sums secured by.t!ds Deed of Trust. tender and the
<br />
<br />prior to. full reconveyance of the. Property
<br />. " thereon, sba II be
<br />At no time shall
<br />herewilh
<br />
<br />
<br />rernove Tr\lste<and appoint a succeuor
<br />;;;~\lIn!y III which thL~ Deed (If Tntst is recordelL
<br />the lrustee ,hall suc-c(';<):d ,'0 all ,the ;ide. power and duties conferred llpon
<br />the 'Trll!l~ hel'e~n and bY'applicable law.
<br />14. R/lI!qftftt for N.~ Borrower reqUl:$I$ that ',:(\PICS of the notice nf default llnd nOlice of sale be sent w B()rrOWer'5
<br />i1ddre.;~ which illlhe Property .'\ddte"s.
<br />
<br />IN Wrn'lE!'>S WllE~F.()F. Borrower has ClIccutcd this D~'cd of Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />,-,llortower
<br />
<br />~~" Borrow.,
<br />
<br />SrAnOI' N"8l1.A~,KA, llalJ. ' County S5:
<br />On lllll< 24tb. day oi ,J,unE: . ] 9 .e3 . hefore me, the undersigned, a NOlary Publ.ic
<br />duly C!l:lmmiSslonc:d alld quail/leu /01' ~ld ;.:ounty, pemmallly came .' . , , . . , . ., ,.".
<br />.l:S~s::nA~\ ..) ~. )~~r:phy .J.anet Mutl'hy I hU.llban~ ,.nd w:at~". . . !O me known 10 be the
<br />
<br />ldentiteal wht)$c name I ~.i C1tt' \uOscnhed to lhl: f0regomg tl1slrument and ~lclmowledgl."d the execution
<br />lhtte<of t() b(: , voluntary ilo:t ;md deed,
<br />Wttne...... my hand and nnlllwtl 'elll ;;: <:;.r~\Q l$~~~" ~a~ III said counly, Ihe
<br />dllle .dOf'l:S'iud,
<br />
<br />My O:1l11Q11$ll1Ol11 c,~:t'r ........,
<br />r::t1lIMJc 'I."'::a...... " ,. "": :'"; .
<br />IIJrClllla u,. <It:t. II. IfIIS NmnY"II"'"
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />To T1UiSl U..
<br />
<br />The un"(ni~i%led is the holdc!' of the ll,)k i.H n(~es "CUJreJ by IhlS Deed of Trust. Said note or notes, together
<br />With lLU t:lt!w" llldd)ICdnc..", :,e"UCt'd b, tlm De.:d tll lru>:. hll'C been piw.l In lull, You lIrc hereby dire.:rcd to can;;d
<br />said l'I\)le ,)I' 1'l()lCIi :tnd Ihls Deed of Trust. which ;lre ddjvert~d her.:by, and 10 recol1vt,y, without warranty. all the
<br />e1itlltc nQW hekl b)' you under thl~ Deed eil Trust tt) lAC !:K:lSOIl or p.:r".>ns legally entitled lhcret().
<br />
<br />Date;. " '.,. """
<br />
<br />,,~\
<br />~"
<br />
<br />l$'p~~ ~~lct'w ~'MJ'5 Ld'.~ :R.~r){1iMj f\~~' t..~f"'r~f ,3'n4$ R'~c",rijer.i
<br />
<br />----~
<br />
<br />
<br />i:lI", A.ction Ell'<l111vy""',
<br />
<br />
<br />t
<br />4..
<br />u:
<br />ti
<br />!Xl
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<br />
<br />d
<br />