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<br />~3-003376 <br /> <br /> <br />i,Jf <br /> <br />Deed,)fTml't that inlerest on lhe Funds <br />requi~ such {l'Ilere!!! tn be pcaid, Lender 110' <br />dwH give 10 hlt)rTowcr, witPt'rtlt chllrge, an IHu\u~l <br />elllChdehil to the Funds was mack <br />rugt, <br />Iflnc amount of ,he Funds held by L,mder, togelher with the flJlnn~ monrhly installmenl:, of Funds payable prior tl) <br />the duc dlllesof tll1l:eS, ""Seli.'Il'IlCfHS" lll$Urllm:e pl'cOllums Iln,l/ln:mnd rent'., 'flllll exce:cd the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />all,~!lmcflIs, mUlrllllce premIUms and gl'(nmd renls 'is !hc] f;,ll dn", sllch (~xcess shaH be, a, Borrower's option, diner <br />promptly rcpaid In lrorrower ('If ,c:redited tn Borrower (Ill monthly inslllllmClll$ of fnnds., ff the amollnt. (,f lhe Funds <br />held by Lender' ,hall n~)l he ,uftklenl In pay t:l~e'. IlSsessmems, inslln1l1"'~ premiums and ground rents liS they fall due, <br />8orrower dull! pa)' tfl lender iHtv amount l1<'ACessary t(l n1:\ke up the dcJkwrlcv wIthin 30 dWr" from the dale notice is mailed <br />by Lemler t<) Borrower requc!lting pllymi.!lll therel)l, <br />UJX>11 pavment in full i'l llll ,(!ms seclll'ed bv \1"" need "~I Trust, lender shaH !,romp!!)' rcfund to Borrower any Fund, <br />held bv teod;~r, If under p,wlgrllph 1$ hcrw: the " ",id or rh,t ('o!herwis'~ acquired by Lender. Lender <br />sh,aH apply'. no later thlln imme.d\'1Idy prl'H hl the "t Ih,' . bv Lender. ;In)' Funds held by <br />Lender alth,~ wme ot application ,,~ a credIt lIgllHlsr Ihe "'nl' 'e,~l!n~d Deed <br />J. ApplieildDa of P.~'mC!nls. l.:nk~, "pplK'<thk b", pn'\nde" \\lherw,~" all paymcm, flC\:e,ved by lender under Ihe <br />NOle ,lOll par:agrapl'" ! snd :! hereOf ,hall p,~ !"~ 1,' t1"1 '" r.wlnenl (If amml!'lb payable to tender hy Borrower <br />,:ndcr pllr,lllrllph 1 hl,rco!. lJlCn 1(; m!en",' lhe ;\I (\It', :ih'fJ w the pnncq'aj (\t !he Now, '"ld then tn inrcres! and <br />rnnclp<ll Of! 1lI1Y Future /\dvlIna:s <br />4, ("ha'lts: Lw.ns.. Bor.rrnAe-r Lt\!l:'''1 ',~"'.{(~'~~Hl'lt~nt\ ;Ind ,,!~h{;,;r ,~"harf;tcs. l~ncs :HHi ImrNYHtion~ :Hfriblltaoic to <br />lhl~ .Pmpel'tv 'winch m,w :<l!:llll rh" fk<!d d Trust, ,wI! ~"ilsehold pavments or ground rents. ,f Jny. in the <br />!nlumer prOVIded under p;'hl "''''' mMm,:, !Iv B"rww<'r m:lkmg paymt:m. when due, dircctly <br />hlthe payte lhe:mol 8orrm\'~r j"'01l'\!, i ,'mkt il"/>"--' ,)1 ,lIlH>llnl, due under th,s parallraph, ~nd in the <br /><,,,,'en I &l'r'ow'er d,"11 make paymeni ',h;dl j1H'fl'lprh ; ",,,,,h (" ! "",let n,,:c'pls LOVHkncltlg, s,'ch paymel1ls. <br />i~(H-rn.oef' ~h:aU ~'!in\ hr:n "^,,t'l.lfh t'iih pHc),nt\ r'\t;~' 1h~" {It."cd r ru\l, lHo\-'!(h..~J, fh;u Hotft)wcr shaH not bt~ <br />~'e<tlHr('{j 1f) an\" :&ucn HOHPUi,"cr ~.hai1 rayrnent t'tt the obij~Vl~'(m s~cun~d by <br />"tJ~:h ht~" In ~t U1iiUHlcr ~i>-ceplabie lp i ef'Hler. <h;lli ~.pod ((HU'I:;t"t q,h,,'t~ tv;;., I d~,tenti cntot...:cnwnt of ~llI,Jl hen 10, <br />ILOIll\lpr("..:edml.~ wiu"h '}p\~nl!C P""'I'n! me nli,'rl~mc'" . II'" Of any pall lhereol. <br />$. ' HOftrj\!>;(t,f 'ih:~\11 kc'C}" H1(' HnrHtn..,~fn~:"nh :h"Iy,. t..: '1,1\1 mt:: Pt' ht.."H"'.dtcr nn lhe. Prop-crt\' Insured <br />il'~~~ h'\, ItiT(:, h~tl4lrdi Hl<..; hajeti \\ ithm the [("un .' \",rCn(1c:d :Hld "w. h "VVn.:l h~tl~tt'l,h (J,,'\ l.end,,:r n1;;lV n:~qlltf'e <br />tn \.U":O 11Itll(UJtU;t ~Hld h.n ,""uJ.;_h pC,fH~h ~'h r ,<;~n,--k>f ~n~,\ tt~t~Hqt' :j1at j ,t~fj\h.;'f ~,hat! '-h\! lh4t the ~rnount (it <br />,u~:h ."",,'h-'e'r..~(~ ~".._ttd ~h~tt ~ltn1oU'rH \ I.Yv("r ''-Jlt~ p.H tired dij\;< I kt;'d ('~1 <br />rh~ Ul~urJtn\:(~ \',IHrM..~# pfP"h~tn~. {he O\'I;u! ',h~H IL\P'u',~~! !'_' <br />tbM $U\:h aP-P1fova{ sbail nn:' ~"iIt' H,ltea:\t,1.Lult'lly \"..~thhcid prCf'nlHnh ,.)n '~n,ur,lfh'C- r:\'011'l,l~S <br />ll'IlJvlded uodi:r fIllUOI,liP/:! .: h",r;:." r~IJ H.di 1:I'''h'w~1 'naldu,!: p'wm<,nl, <br />IWlunmce ,::arl'Hlf <br />"-h ifj:'\U\,uh,>(.." I}oij"'le~ :JlHil.l tt,~tf-e-"iah lr~e'(cuJ ,huH <br />dau:Se tn j~\i'i..H n-r' ~nd Ul !l\)J~u" ~-n i .A;'lh.h;;::J <br />ijotTJI,J'l*iet :o;.!rtll,U P1IOUlftily hl l.~ndt,"t <br />~h3H jV\e" p,t'lnnpl 1'10t1~J.;~ <br />!'!. 1i.'>lmWl::f <br />U"~(:',,, l,t~f]rdcr ~jlod n,'Hr\*W1f~f \lin:C~",i~' ~{~l'!;"\: 0.: l~}",..,,(.~,(~d?li 'th~tii h-t' <br />fh<<~ \,t"l4.:h r-e\-f(l( .Hh'l'( t,tt I .,dh. ,J!'1{.1 <br />tN,)'l "ui,;'h re,..h)L4tl'h,,:}U lC-fliH~ h'':I:\lt1Ie <br />n..t--: H'i~UI:in+.,:( pn,'~'ed5J '\!-ulH be 't.l;';uHcd t'lV dll~ <br />hl tt'the 4-h-ltB:Jom::d h, d U"-"U\>';"'1;f !.Hh, h~ <br />Wtlt(i tl(}U"(l (So IH~ded :b-\ to.) BoniJ'A<:'~' :l'b.:lt ~h(: d):\-(t1' ""H..:\;.' ;",.lH.e! ~}:h~::,> <br />l~ ~1,U,tht,,'ll,t(";d hot "t)nC'li;f~ rf\K~'..::J:", 1 :en-del's ,; pfh'n '~Jnit:':f i('! <br />01' to the S\lm, J""'>':lllCd hv Dee<l 0' 1'1"1 <br />{Jnrc:"S~ ;l1t'U,! Bor:r~J-wer o~hc.r\\';~ <br />"Ial;: the <br />under <br />in l\nd !(> ao] !!1i:>unUh:t' <br />(ll' $1l."H 1""'" <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />-1. Payment ofPriudpallImI Interest. BO!T(,wer shali promptly pay when due the priocipal of and interest on the <br />mdebtedness evidenced by thc Nole, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on aov Future Advances Sell ured bv this D>:l,d of T rug!. <br />:1. Fuud& for 'I'.eIl and JnsUnmce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sbail pay <br />10 Lender on tbe day monthI'y instll~lment'\ of principal and interest lire payable under the Note, unlil the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equlll to <me-twelfth of the yearly nIxes and asse~sOlents which may attain priority over this <br />a,ny. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for ha7-llrd insurance. <br />plus mnl"lgage insurance, if any, all as n:aronably estimated inilially and from <br />time to time bv Lend~r on the hasis of ass,.~mel1ls and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an mslirulK'}n the deposits or :u;t~Gunts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />!llale agen,,"}' (induding Lender if Lender i~ stich an institution!. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />in'Surllnc<; premiums ,lnd ground rents, tA'l,nder ma not ",harge f.~r so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />. onower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />ee, in wriling at the time of execwion of this <br />unlc:<,s such agreement is made or applicahle law <br />any ,Merest or carnings on the Funds, Lender <br />s!lowmg credits and debits to lhe Funds and the <br />pledged as"'lddilional security for the sums secured <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />i \"~n~jl,~f. pt dVlde~L <br />he pa,d ", 111,: manner <br />,<dl<~(j due. d.n:;; tly to the <br /> <br /> <br />1 J'."nd(~f .,tnd ,,<h,illl Il'H.'iudc ';" SLH\il.J~Hd <br />i ~gh~ tH.:dd 1he f1\'l.JJ":fe\ ,'IO-d rCfH:7v':'.-tI.. <br />~'HenlJllfn'" 1n HH;~ c.Vt;;nl of ,Io\~. <br />P1Ul,of llj 10,.\ d n(,l nt.~dc rfo~nplh <br /> <br /> <br />h} r(~',ll,)laU(1t'il 01 -of <br />uf 1 t'!l'\ l,><~ei.l 01 rust 1" <br />tht'" !.)t:t:d oj 'fH'ltt Vi'-~Hdd <br />J ru:\t >.1.'lth tht~ e1i,~.C"iS. 11 any, p;iuJ <br />", Lender ","hm .Ill day, from the <br />~I k, JaHH fnt JfH,UraiKC ht~nc~tlb4 I cndt~f <br />1\:SloralHH1 t)f tcpajf of th-e Pr()pcrty <br /> <br />to pnw';:tpal sh;~n n..H t::X tcnd <br />') hCfcot ~)r I.:h~nge rht: 1-1Hl(.)-unt {11 <br />flght~ hth~ and tnterC"it of .Borrower <br />HI the Pwpe:rty pl lor the s,,1e <br />rrus~ Hnrncdiat(,;ly pf'H.lf I,} ~uch ~~.dc ()f <br /> <br />P"*n liltiun lIDO <br />"h-~l H tht:: <br />4Jl.liJ ,,:omp-ly <br />('(~JnfU1l1 Of a <br /> <br />'" ,hi, <br /> <br />1 <br />,* <br />t <br />4 <br />l' <br />I <br />