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<br />83-003374,.. . . '. '. . " . . <br />l.l) month pnor to Its due aale the annual mortgage msurance premiUm in oraer to provlue sueo holner <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and lirban Development pursuant to the <br />National: Housing Act, as amended. and applkable Regulations thereunder; or <br /> <br /> <br />(In If and so long as :said Bote of even date and this instrument are held by .he Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Dt::velopment. a monthly charge fin lieu of a mortgage insurance premium) which shaH be in an <br />amount equal to one,twelfth (1/12) of one.half 0/::) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due (m the no.le computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments: <br />A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus thc. premiums that will next hecome due and payable on <br />l1ollci~s of fire ot,'ler hazard insurance ,he mortgagw .property, plu." tax(;$ andllssessments next due <br />lnll as tiU! Mortgagee) less aJ! sums already paid therdor divided by the <br />bdnr,l one prim w the date' wh<.'n >m:h ground rents, premiums, taxes llnd <br />slIch ,urns to be hdd by r-,hmgagce in trust to pay s,tkl j<roll1Jd re-Ilis. pre. <br /> <br />in the !WQ <br />sh:l11be ;Hid(~tl <br />slngle payment 1<1 (1\: <br /> <br />5ubse.::!il\ns of this paragra.pll and aU <br />lmd the :H!lOunt Ihef(~of <br />hy Ill", 1,) the <br /> <br />tn be made lmder <br />lhe Mortgagor <br />11,~ms in the Older set forth: <br /> <br /> <br />0) premill.m under. thc eemlu'aCI (11 insl.lnul\;." "';nh the 8<;,~rctar)i of Hnllsfn~ and Urban fkvdopmcnt, <br />Of monthly 1m lil.'t.l 01 mortga?f! iflSUfi!.ll('C rfemtum I, a, the ,:;.lse may be; <br />t'n'lU'lu renls. taxes, ;m,C,~SmCI1I,. nr(~ and ollt!?! hazard m~\I[ance l,rcmiums; <br />irHt"1rt~s,t ('tn the ~'h}te s<~cur~d h(':rehy: and <br />(IV) :amotl1ll!!.Inn or' thr pnllcljla.ll1f ~H.J !lOt<'. <br />"nv dcfincncv m the amHum <lnv >Udl ,1(,lg!0lt:'!C I1ltmltJlv I'aymi'r\l ~hJlI!. llnkss made good hy Ihe Mon. <br />!!al'~)r pn,,[ I'.' the aue J:ltt' tn.: lH:Xl ,ad, ..0'0,,"I1!Ule :1,; nelll ,h..f:\ult und<,r Ihls morlgage. The <br />mil)' <oUe"t " "!:i!C d14fjl.(''' ntH ,..('lH~ (411 c;J<.:h doHar ($1 } ;)( 'cad) payment more <br />~tHln {~ tp ~He3,n.; C(,VCf (he CXU~j expens.e lnv(},lv\~.J In handhng dt'tHh!Uent p~lyn}enlS~ <br /> <br />~t, Tbl\t If tilf_i tut.;-a{ H:F ttH~ pa~'m.:.nL'" nHuh.' h~ t.h~' '\1nrt.(,t:J#or unth"r J- of para.p:r'Hph l pf(~("~~din~' ,~haU (,\x('p(Hl <br />!.lw iU'll()tIfH of pll~'lIlf'jI\t,~ mild., hy Ilw \lon>!al,~'"1' I'll' "round r;'nl.~" t;tX\", llnd;v.:'f"~"lllf'nl,.; or Ill"urant'f' prt.. <br />IIllllnl", ll" lilt:, niti(' IIHly lit', 'lIdl exccs". d lhe loan I" nlffl.'rH, ,H tile. "plIon of tIle' Morq~agQr, shall be credited b} <br />lOP '~'lf!.l.;.~Il"'" on -ub""'lIWI1! pa\ ITlt.'nh I" hI' 1I11Hh. tn tlw \lMl"al.l'nr" m n'{und,'d tll Ill(' \lnrtinljSor If. hUwl'vl'r. tll,' <br />!'lnnlMy JllIYIIl('IIII:im;i<1<' lw 111" ~i<)fl~a~,)f undel ,.,1 !"lld"r;I!>!l .: prht'dl.flg shaJll101 be SUfftCll:ll! \i., pay ground <br />f"fllt, Ill\('.., itlHI a."',....h~fj\" {'I m-llnlllCt. -I.' Hli' I ;I'.' It"" I.... t>iWll tlw .."m., "lllllllwCOllW du.. fwd pay- <br />;ibl;r. tlwn Ih,!' "~fl.~;l.C\lf -!liIH IM.\ IH IIw am ;11lI'JllIIl IW""'..;U\ t.. ilia!..' lip 1111.' d,.fj,'i"IH'Y. on HI' Ill'rur',' <br />Ilw <law "hNII ~lll~Ill"11l of .oUdl I(fllllml r"nl-, Li\"~. "~~"',"m"nt- ..I '1l.-ur;\Ill" prpIl1HlIn,-",!iall 11,. .hH'o If ~t lllly <br />lInll" II", \lnflj!..~or ..hall !<'lIo,'r w tlll' \Infll(ili!"", !H .1(',Ord;UH'" "lilt lh., !H(l\ i-'ull- nf lit., lloll' '('('111'1,11 hN'ph!. <br />11l111l;t\1lI~'fi1 Itllll\' ";fIlln'<"llw--. n'!H"~"/lh'd tl".ft..r.\. (Ill' \lorllt:lJ:!'"..h;tlL In nl/lIpuillll.( till' .urwunlol :"lIdl <br />~nd~;:bt<"1(in!t.,...., ,""n:dH h. d~(' .'Ht:~ltHH f~i th(' \1f~n~M~(tr .di p,t\Jl'l:<:IH\oi Hkk;(>> under tru:: prO'd"'lOn~ of f'l/ uS pl.lra~rH,ph~: <br />ill'''"'''''! wnu.h Uw 'lor,!!:!!!..,. IHl' "..I IW""ID" ...,IIj!,ll,..d (" 1'''' I.' tl1l.' ~-"'I"';H'\ 01 IlllU~lnl.' 'lnd I rhall [)c,e!npmcfll <br />,m,j :111\ l.lClhm.',' r,'nl.llllllUlI III lilt, hmd- iI' nllllulalf'd lllHl"r Ilw pm' 1~1H11'" nl ' "I' jJ,ll'lI!!nph :! Ill.r,...L !f tt...t'l' <br />"Iih:iU h., '~1l th~Ludt and't"r ,:un qJ dH~ iH'O\P'iHH.~ of Hn:-< n'H.Hrg~l41.' n'-.uhnH~ ..4 puhtH,- ...df" !,t' !lu' pn'ml~f'''' 4'U\('H'fl <br />fwn'b~, "~I illh,,~ \IOr1lga~:..., "(,'lUIf"~ ~ll(, pWI.lI.rll "li".'fI'hl' ,.IIN d"j,mll, II.., ";"rl.~a(!,'" -hall ..pph ,lIll1\' tBIW "I <br />liw ....tlIftWfl"UllH'11I "I 'UI'h Im,,,."'dHtl<~, H{ ,.hI' 1111" It!!' I'f"I"'II', I ,,!JlPr"'~"J<qHlllod, tll!' b;d;lfln' ilwn n'm;!lI1' <br />HIli: HI Ill(' hmd., ;". '.ll'l'lUl,U.'d \Ind.,! ,.f \l.H.Il!,;'pll '1'",.'1'11111:.:0 ..,., , n..dll ,n:lIw-t 1l1l'Ii1WUlI! "I (.Htt1cqHli lIwl1 <br />n'''mi:UftHt~~ 1lJflp:1tU1 'Unt'h~r :<tHl t\uh', ...h,d1 ptHpu'rh .~dla,"~ ,l!H fl-,I.\nH'n!,,,,, \\hlCh "",h;,tll h,i\t, ~H'PH nl~Hh~ tHld~'r ., <br />"f 111;lf~t"'ph <br /> <br />l'h~;r <br /> <br /> <br />mUnlL:fp"li <br />iht'" \tj.n~l,,;l~Ct' n:,n <br /> <br />l~'" <br /> <br />HII I" ,,('..I <br /> <br />"'-'....tart: .Hh,j IlnJH{)\ C <br />~,Ih.:h ti... <br />L\'!\. S;~ttt' <br />f\no \ htla,tion of rh,,,, undct. <br />pnrHflf1 1 ht" af~)te <br />f.;\:\<;,',"", ~)r n' '!>iH.:h hi\.\. <br />mong;q;;e det,~. the i\,11:)n:U1~gel.~ ~h~tH hd\'i: <br />H~qUHH'l)l': 1he p;\1\im.;,~rH ot ~he f!h'ffgagc <br />the ('\fHr~j~hHl ;o,~dti I1Jnelv ..L!\ 4 <br />then th(~ at f.b ()p- <br />~i.Hn O\i.; tog on atHH"r,: qOk, <br /> <br /> <br />pt tht." nt.H-t dud Hn <br /> <br /> <br />j <br />.~ <br />i <br />I <br />j <br />