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<br /> <br /> <br />~~Di2G <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 6902 (Contd) <br /> <br />83- 003353 <br /> <br />ing slightly right and continuing North on the easterly <br />right-oC-way line of U.S. Highway No. 281 and the north- <br />erly prolongation of this last described course to the <br />North line of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of Section <br />1. Township 11 North, Range 10 tvest of the 6th P.M.; <br />thence running "lest On the North line of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SEt) of Section 1 to the easterly Line of <br />Bosselman Second Subdivision; thence running south"lest- <br />erly on the line of Bosselman Second Subdivis- <br />ion to the corner of Lot 42 in said subdivis- <br />ion; and: running southwesterly <br />along the East line of Lot 43 of sai.d a <br />distance of 112,29 fi?et to a point on a curved. line <br />having a radius 49'~ feet; thence ccmtinuinqi n a <br />souther 1:-i,rection on ;3 curvtng to th.e left, <br /> a radius of 494 feet, fCH:' an arc ::it stance of <br />775.96 feet, this last :tescrtb~;d cours;;: the <br />sidE~ of Lot .43 'in Bossel:nan Second Subdivision, i':md <br />the East r1. line of Diers Av.enue; thence con- <br />tinuing souther on a 1 ine to the r-iqht anli <br />havtng a radius of 500 feet for an arc distance of <br />544.. 54 feet, this last ;:lescribed course be on the <br />easterly 1 ine (:If Diers Avenue; thence rU!l- <br />nin~J southerly ,')n the P;i:lst ri -of line of Diers <br />Avenue a (Hstance of 603.',7 feet; thence deflecting <br />right 54' 20"'md running South along the easterly <br />-way Ilne of Diers Avenu,:~ i'lnd th"~ easterly 1 ine <br />o Elosselman Subdiv1.s.i.on ,;liistance of 552.27 feet; <br />(, <br />thence deflectH'lq rt 'SJ 1J9' 00" "mj nmnj.nq <br />a distance of 200 feet; thenceieflecting riqht <br />12' 00" and sout!H\lest<'!:rlY,3 .:l:l.stanc.::! of 95.5 <br />feet~ to the ~Iorth r t-of -WdY 1 tne of i tal Avenne; <br />t:henct'J! rUnn South a L;tanc~~ of 45. 0 f(~~?t to the <br />South Ii ne of th~? Sout.hlNe"t Qm'lrter of the Southeast <br />quar'ter ( nf S{}ction ,Townsh ip 11 r":orth, <br />10 "'lest of the ;;,th P. .; th,:ence rtmn \ll~~st on the <br />South line of sa rt Southwest Qu~rter of the Southeast <br />Quar'ter of S'-~ct:!")n ~:o the ';'Iest 1 ine of Ro::;selman <br />Secc,nd Subdi vis ion; th"mc:e rllrll'llnq t'Jorth on the I'Fest <br />line of Bosselman Secon,j Sub~iv sion to the souther <br />right-oi-way line of nebraska H 2; thence <br />runn northwestt:'%' th~? <br />line Nebraska Hi fe'2!t <br />ter-Iy of the <br />way line of <br />r'ight-of -way <br />running South <br />corner <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />- 2. >Ill> <br /> <br />