<br />83-- OU335q
<br />8W1D24
<br />
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 6900 (Contd)
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />of the East line of Section 13; thence running Noeth
<br />parallel to and 290 feet 'Nest of the East line of
<br />Section 13 to a point 300 feet South of the South
<br />right-of-way line of Faidley Avenue; thence running
<br />~![est parallel to and 300 feet South of the South line
<br />of Faidley Avenue to the East right-of-way line of U.S.
<br />Highway No. 281; thence running ~Jorth on the East
<br />right-of-way line of U.S. 281 a distance
<br />'Of 380 feet to the North line of Faidley
<br />Avenue. said 211so of the
<br />North 0 the Southeast ) of Section
<br />13; thence 'tit~st leI to and 80 feet North
<br />or the North line of the Southeast Quarter
<br />Section 13 a distanc,,~ of 500 feet; t.hence South
<br />parallel to the Illest ri Line of U. S.
<br />No. 281 a distanc\:! of BO feet to the North line of the
<br />Southeast Quarter c)f Section 13; thence running
<br />West on the l~orth 1 ne of the SOlJtheast Quarter ( )
<br />of Section 13 and on the ~,orth line of the';
<br />Quarter ) of Sect on 1.3 to ,,> 33 feet East
<br />of the '..Jest U.n'= of' S,,~ction 13; t;h~nce runn North
<br />parallel to and 33 feet East of the W~st lin~ of
<br />Section 13 to t;h!~ north 1 ine of the Southwe:5t Quarter
<br />of the Northwest Quarter ') of Section 13; thence
<br />f'unning :'~est on '::h:;;, r;ort,h 1 11e of the South~'lest Quarter
<br />of the ,:orth'A":!'s'C Ciunr!;(~r ( z) (if Sect ion 13 to the
<br />West li,ne of ection 13: thence contlnu West on the
<br />1 i,ne of the SCI\Jth Hi.'\l f f the ;,:ortheast Quarter
<br />of Section {~" T'(')~wnsl'lt.p 1.1 :'Jorth, 10 -West
<br />t.:h.e 6th P .~~ '. i 1J1:;31(;. b+~ nq ::h~;? north 11.n~? f l1'1~Stt~(J'ood
<br />Park Subdivislon and Westwood Park Secon~ g~bdivis-ion,
<br />to the Northwegt. corn~~r ~'l,",st~"o(.:;d P,"Irk SecmFl Sutvit v-
<br />i,s~l,on; t%:1ence r1~1'nrl nq SC)Llr;rl :::>n the ~lJest 1 n,~: of ijt~st",,,.
<br />\Iorood Park secon':! ~:;ubi v r)n, I':,:!, nq tiH:~ Ea-:> t 1 n.;-
<br />of t,h,e (-I('rt.h~te;st rt<:-r' 1,.'t]"1fJ';- ()f t;~(~::t' ort 1'.. to the
<br />SO\lthw~e$t c()rr1t:~:" F"i1;C'~{: Sr:?COr1;'l Stl.t...,(:i-1~'..Jr ;:S:l.C)rl;
<br />thence con!';lnuincl '~outit ';,,0 he SO'"H;h~~a3t rnt':f' of the
<br />Northwest Quarter! . ection 4, also being the
<br />NortheHst corner f 0918 ROllsn Secan:1 Subiiv ion,
<br />thence r :','e,,,t on ::h'c! 2!orth 1 n~:: ()f Dale Housh
<br />S.e'co-n'd Stlb<ltvis:iorl ~~O tht;? nCJr"th~~i"~5t corn1-~r f said 4$llh--
<br />division; thence r\Jnn ne; South on the ~est line of Dale
<br />Housh Secon'j SubdiviSiofl, 130 b"nnq tile 't~>[-:!5t 1 ne of
<br />th,e East Half of the SO\~thw!f:,,,t Ol:iu'ter ( of
<br />Se'ct:ion 14_: to tn,s :;outhwest c'o.rr'l.er" ('),i L,ot LS if) Da-J.e
<br />S-ub(1:iv,2s:i.on; t:hence conr.;,;t,ntl;ing :Sor.,;tt.;h on
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />S(~ct~t'Q't"i 23 ~
<br />of ::n
<br />33 feet South
<br />23 to the East line f
<br />T:;t~3~;1t:, 1.t.~I -"to 33
<br />line of Section 2'. :1
<br />6-tJ"~- ?~:;L~ J too ';fe-sJ:: lini~ <11
<br />Cif Section 24; ch",nce rUr"m-
<br />to the t cor-n':H"
<br />Cft' SliH:::t:"ion 11,
<br />P.M.; th(~nce cont
<br />Q\,larter of
<br />Section 1:3. i'11so J::H~'~
<br />Co,rnru:onW;(;;c'a 1 t~h
<br />1 'i~ r~e -{.:~ f C-(}r:rttmon-'t<'J-e;~_l t k,1 1:1 tJ :i' -i ~
<br />
<br />
<br />tJlt:~
<br />
<br />t.:. c-orrt(.~-t'~ of
<br />
<br />. Z ~
<br />
<br />
<br />